GNU bug report logs -
25.0.93; `text-quoting-style' missing from manual and from customize
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Reported by: nljlistbox2 <at> (N. Jackson)
Date: Mon, 25 Apr 2016 13:00:03 UTC
Severity: normal
Tags: notabug, wontfix
Found in version 25.0.93
Done: Eli Zaretskii <eliz <at>>
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bug-gnu-emacs <at>
; Package
(Mon, 25 Apr 2016 13:00:03 GMT)
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nljlistbox2 <at> (N. Jackson)
New bug report received and forwarded. Copy sent to
bug-gnu-emacs <at>
(Mon, 25 Apr 2016 13:00:03 GMT)
Full text and
rfc822 format available.
Message #5 received at submit <at> (full text, mbox):
While reading the Emacs NEWS file I was happy to discover that the
variable `text-quoting-style' can be used to see the conventional
readable and unambiguous quoting style for symbols in help buffers etc..
However, when I tried to set it, I discovered that it is missing from
[Putting (setq text-quoting-style 'grave) in my init file works, but I
prefer to use custom-set-variables as a matter of course to benefit
from its advantages.]
Additionally, when I looked in the Emacs Manual, I couldn't find an
entry for `text-quoting-style'.
In GNU Emacs (x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu, GTK+ Version 3.18.9)
of 2016-04-23 built on moondust
Repository revision: 5c587fdff164e8b90beb47f6da64b4884290e40a
Windowing system distributor 'Fedora Project', version 11.0.11803000
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'CFLAGS=-O0 -g3 -gdwarf-4''
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value of $LC_MONETARY: en_DK.utf8
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value of $LANG: en_CA.UTF-8
value of $XMODIFIERS: @im=ibus
locale-coding-system: utf-8-unix
Major mode: Group
Minor modes in effect:
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gnus-undo-mode: t
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sb-image ezimage dframe flow-fill mm-archive pp url-http url-gw url-auth
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mm-encode mail-parse rfc2231 rfc2047 rfc2045 ietf-drums gmm-utils
mailheader gnus-win gnus gnus-ems nnheader mail-utils mm-util help-fns
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bbdb-loaddefs finder-inf tex-site info package epg-config seq byte-opt
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tree-widget wid-edit easymenu battery time wheatgrass-theme paren
savehist saveplace elec-pair desktop frameset cl-loaddefs pcase cl-lib
delsel cus-start cus-load time-date mule-util tooltip eldoc electric
uniquify ediff-hook vc-hooks lisp-float-type mwheel x-win
term/common-win x-dnd tool-bar dnd fontset image regexp-opt fringe
tabulated-list newcomment elisp-mode lisp-mode prog-mode register page
menu-bar rfn-eshadow timer select scroll-bar mouse jit-lock font-lock
syntax facemenu font-core frame cl-generic cham georgian utf-8-lang
misc-lang vietnamese tibetan thai tai-viet lao korean japanese eucjp-ms
cp51932 hebrew greek romanian slovak czech european ethiopic indian
cyrillic chinese charscript case-table epa-hook jka-cmpr-hook help
simple abbrev minibuffer cl-preloaded nadvice loaddefs button faces
cus-face macroexp files text-properties overlay sha1 md5 base64 format
env code-pages mule custom widget hashtable-print-readable backquote
dbusbind inotify dynamic-setting system-font-setting font-render-setting
move-toolbar gtk x-toolkit x multi-tty make-network-process emacs)
Memory information:
((conses 16 865634 151746)
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(vector-slots 8 1131629 48053)
(floats 8 652 1168)
(intervals 56 53328 1698)
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(heap 1024 141311 20814))
Information forwarded
bug-gnu-emacs <at>
; Package
(Mon, 25 Apr 2016 22:27:02 GMT)
Full text and
rfc822 format available.
Message #8 received at 23372 <at> (full text, mbox):
[Message part 1 (text/plain, inline)]
When text-quoting-style was introduced, Stefan Monnier (then the
maintainer) did not see the need the the variable at all, and wrote "At
the very least it should not be a Custom var." See:
Eventually I vaguely recall that Stefan was persuaded to put up with the
variable. Still, I think he's right that it's not suitable for a user
option. I installed the attached patch to try to document this better.
Since it's intended for experts, the variable is documented in the
reference manual, not the user manual.
[0001-Say-why-text-quoting-style-is-not-a-user-option.patch (application/x-patch, attachment)]
Added tag(s) notabug and wontfix.
Request was from
Paul Eggert <eggert <at>>
control <at>
(Mon, 25 Apr 2016 22:29:02 GMT)
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Information forwarded
bug-gnu-emacs <at>
; Package
(Tue, 26 Apr 2016 01:42:02 GMT)
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Message #13 received at 23372 <at> (full text, mbox):
It _should_ be a user option. You've radically changed the
default behavior of Emacs. Give individual users a simple
way to undo your choice. This is at least as important as
letting a user change the default appearance of a face.
And yes, it should be prominently documented.
Reply sent
Eli Zaretskii <eliz <at>>
You have taken responsibility.
(Tue, 26 Apr 2016 06:31:01 GMT)
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Notification sent
nljlistbox2 <at> (N. Jackson)
bug acknowledged by developer.
(Tue, 26 Apr 2016 06:31:02 GMT)
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Message #18 received at 23372-done <at> (full text, mbox):
> Date: Mon, 25 Apr 2016 18:41:23 -0700 (PDT)
> From: Drew Adams <drew.adams <at>>
> Cc: 23372 <at>
> It _should_ be a user option. You've radically changed the
> default behavior of Emacs. Give individual users a simple
> way to undo your choice. This is at least as important as
> letting a user change the default appearance of a face.
I don't think we know enough about the impact of this feature to make
that decision at this time. We will have to see how it is accepted by
the users out there first. It could be deemed by the majority as the
best invention since sliced bread. Having a variable to disable it is
a good fire escape for now.
> And yes, it should be prominently documented.
It is, just not in the user manual.
Information forwarded
bug-gnu-emacs <at>
; Package
(Wed, 27 Apr 2016 00:03:02 GMT)
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Message #21 received at 23372 <at> (full text, mbox):
[Message part 1 (text/plain, inline)]
>>>>> Eli Zaretskii <eliz <at>> writes:
>> It _should_ be a user option. You've radically changed the default behavior
>> of Emacs. Give individual users a simple way to undo your choice. This is
>> at least as important as letting a user change the default appearance of a
>> face.
> I don't think we know enough about the impact of this feature to make that
> decision at this time. We will have to see how it is accepted by the users
> out there first. It could be deemed by the majority as the best invention
> since sliced bread. Having a variable to disable it is a good fire escape
> for now.
I believe it should be a customizable option. Reason: I want to customize that
option and turn it off; and I'd much rather use customize-option to do it than
add Lisp code to my .emacs (which I almost never have to do for variables, so
I don't see why this should be a special case).
I don't think we need to wait to hear a ruckus before we offer people a way to
return to the Emacs-they-know-and-love. So, would someone please make this
variable into a customizable option? I can do so by the weekend if no one else
gets to it.
John Wiegley GPG fingerprint = 4710 CF98 AF9B 327B B80F 60E1 46C4 BD1A 7AC1 4BA2
[signature.asc (application/pgp-signature, inline)]
Information forwarded
bug-gnu-emacs <at>
; Package
(Wed, 27 Apr 2016 06:45:01 GMT)
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Message #24 received at 23372 <at> (full text, mbox):
> From: John Wiegley <jwiegley <at>>
> Cc: eliz <at>, nljlistbox2 <at>
> Date: Tue, 26 Apr 2016 20:02:16 -0400
> >> It _should_ be a user option. You've radically changed the default behavior
> >> of Emacs. Give individual users a simple way to undo your choice. This is
> >> at least as important as letting a user change the default appearance of a
> >> face.
> > I don't think we know enough about the impact of this feature to make that
> > decision at this time. We will have to see how it is accepted by the users
> > out there first. It could be deemed by the majority as the best invention
> > since sliced bread. Having a variable to disable it is a good fire escape
> > for now.
> I believe it should be a customizable option. Reason: I want to customize that
> option and turn it off; and I'd much rather use customize-option to do it than
> add Lisp code to my .emacs (which I almost never have to do for variables, so
> I don't see why this should be a special case).
I don't object too strongly to having this as a defcustom, but I still
want to point out that having 2 (or 3) people who want this as a
defcustom is not necessarily a large enough sample for us to change
past decisions before we release even a single Emacs version with the
feature. It is easy to make a variable into a defcustom; the inverse
is generally much harder.
> So, would someone please make this variable into a customizable
> option? I can do so by the weekend if no one else gets to it.
If it's going to be a defcustom, I guess we need suitable changes in
NEWS and in the user manual.
Information forwarded
bug-gnu-emacs <at>
; Package
(Thu, 28 Apr 2016 16:58:01 GMT)
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Message #27 received at 23372 <at> (full text, mbox):
>>>>> Eli Zaretskii <eliz <at>> writes:
> It is easy to make a variable into a defcustom; the inverse is generally
> much harder.
That _is_ a rather strong argument...
The main reason I'd like a customization option along with the introduction of
the feature, is that it's a departure from *very* long-standiing practice, so
unless you happen to like Unicode quotes, I'm predicting that several people
will want a way to get back the sort of display they've been used to seeing
since antiquity.
Do any others object to having a customization option along with release of
the feature? I'm cross-posting this to Emacs-devel to get more opinions.
The question is: Should `text-quoting-style' be customizable in 25.1, or
should it be a variable, thus requiring Lisp code to change it for now?
John Wiegley GPG fingerprint = 4710 CF98 AF9B 327B B80F 60E1 46C4 BD1A 7AC1 4BA2
Information forwarded
bug-gnu-emacs <at>
; Package
(Thu, 28 Apr 2016 21:46:02 GMT)
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Message #30 received at 23372 <at> (full text, mbox):
[Message part 1 (text/plain, inline)]
> Do any others object to having a customization option along with release of
> the feature? I'm cross-posting this to Emacs-devel to get more opinions.
> The question is: Should `text-quoting-style' be customizable in 25.1, or
> should it be a variable, thus requiring Lisp code to change it for now?
If a user's opinion counts, I now like the curved quotes (thanks Paul and
others!). The quotes look great! There was initial resistance from my side
as I saw a lot of inconsistencies. But by now, all the inconsistencies that
at least I saw are resolved. Earlier I wanted to switch back to quotes
being displayed as ` and ', but not anymore :).
So I do not mind the quotes being displayed curly by default and that
option still not being a defcustom.
If we see a lot of emacs users unhappy because of this, then may be this is
converted to defcustom in 25.2? Because as Eli said:
> It is easy to make a variable into a defcustom; the inverse is generally
> much harder.
Kaushal Modi
[Message part 2 (text/html, inline)]
Information forwarded
bug-gnu-emacs <at>
; Package
(Fri, 29 Apr 2016 12:55:02 GMT)
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Message #33 received at 23372 <at> (full text, mbox):
[Message part 1 (text/plain, inline)]
John Wiegley <jwiegley <at>> writes:
> The question is: Should `text-quoting-style' be customizable in 25.1, or
> should it be a variable, thus requiring Lisp code to change it for
> now?
I think I'd go for a defcustom.
[signature.asc (application/pgp-signature, inline)]
Information forwarded
bug-gnu-emacs <at>
; Package
(Fri, 29 Apr 2016 21:23:01 GMT)
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rfc822 format available.
Message #36 received at 23372 <at> (full text, mbox):
>>>>> Kaushal Modi <kaushal.modi <at>> writes:
> If we see a lot of emacs users unhappy because of this, then may be this is
> converted to defcustom in 25.2? Because as Eli said:
OK, I'm fine with that, as it seems the path of greatest caution.
John Wiegley GPG fingerprint = 4710 CF98 AF9B 327B B80F 60E1 46C4 BD1A 7AC1 4BA2
bug archived.
Request was from
Debbugs Internal Request <help-debbugs <at>>
internal_control <at>
(Sat, 28 May 2016 11:24:08 GMT)
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This bug report was last modified 8 years and 289 days ago.
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