Bug Tracker Information for debbugs.gnu.org

This tracker keeps a record of its own bugs. Please note that this is only intended to be for bugs specific to this instance of Debbugs. General Debbugs problems should be reported to Debian.

To report a problem with the tracker, send a mail to submit at debbugs.gnu.org, with

Package: debbugs.gnu.org
in the first line of the message body.

Your report will be sent to the help-debbugs mailing list. If you want to discuss the tracker, or get help with it without creating a bug report, you can just send a mail to that list in the normal way.

Differences between this tracker and a standard debbugs installation

Last modified: <Monday 03 November 2014, 13:50:10 EST>

Debbugs bug tracking system
Copyright (C) 1999 Darren O. Benham, 1997 nCipher Corporation Ltd, 1994-97 Ian Jackson.