X-Loop: help-debbugs@HIDDEN Subject: bug#34635: colord not reproducable Resent-From: Efraim Flashner <efraim@HIDDEN> Original-Sender: "Debbugs-submit" <debbugs-submit-bounces <at> debbugs.gnu.org> Resent-CC: bug-guix@HIDDEN Resent-Date: Sat, 23 Feb 2019 20:53:01 +0000 Resent-Message-ID: <handler.34635.B.155095513627493 <at> debbugs.gnu.org> Resent-Sender: help-debbugs@HIDDEN X-GNU-PR-Message: report 34635 X-GNU-PR-Package: guix X-GNU-PR-Keywords: To: 34635 <at> debbugs.gnu.org X-Debbugs-Original-To: bug-guix@HIDDEN Received: via spool by submit <at> debbugs.gnu.org id=B.155095513627493 (code B ref -1); Sat, 23 Feb 2019 20:53:01 +0000 Received: (at submit) by debbugs.gnu.org; 23 Feb 2019 20:52:16 +0000 Received: from localhost ([]:49610 helo=debbugs.gnu.org) by debbugs.gnu.org with esmtp (Exim 4.84_2) (envelope-from <debbugs-submit-bounces <at> debbugs.gnu.org>) id 1gxeHP-00079M-NR for submit <at> debbugs.gnu.org; Sat, 23 Feb 2019 15:52:16 -0500 Received: from eggs.gnu.org ([]:56082) by debbugs.gnu.org with esmtp (Exim 4.84_2) (envelope-from <efraim@HIDDEN>) id 1gxeHN-000797-6N for submit <at> debbugs.gnu.org; Sat, 23 Feb 2019 15:52:14 -0500 Received: from lists.gnu.org ([]:60427) by eggs.gnu.org with esmtps (TLS1.0:RSA_AES_256_CBC_SHA1:32) (Exim 4.71) (envelope-from <efraim@HIDDEN>) id 1gxeHH-0005GC-Ok for submit <at> debbugs.gnu.org; Sat, 23 Feb 2019 15:52:07 -0500 Received: from eggs.gnu.org ([]:42222) by lists.gnu.org with esmtp (Exim 4.71) (envelope-from <efraim@HIDDEN>) id 1gxeHF-0001Gl-0C for bug-guix@HIDDEN; Sat, 23 Feb 2019 15:52:07 -0500 X-Spam-Checker-Version: SpamAssassin 3.3.2 (2011-06-06) on eggs.gnu.org X-Spam-Level: X-Spam-Status: No, score=0.8 required=5.0 tests=BAYES_50,URIBL_BLOCKED autolearn=disabled version=3.3.2 Received: from Debian-exim by eggs.gnu.org with spam-scanned (Exim 4.71) (envelope-from <efraim@HIDDEN>) id 1gxeHC-0005Ca-6H for bug-guix@HIDDEN; Sat, 23 Feb 2019 15:52:04 -0500 Received: from flashner.co.il ([]:58574) by eggs.gnu.org with esmtp (Exim 4.71) (envelope-from <efraim@HIDDEN>) id 1gxeH9-000586-TS for bug-guix@HIDDEN; Sat, 23 Feb 2019 15:52:02 -0500 Received: from localhost (unknown []) by flashner.co.il (Postfix) with ESMTPSA id AE5F940436 for <bug-guix@HIDDEN>; Sat, 23 Feb 2019 20:51:49 +0000 (UTC) Date: Sat, 23 Feb 2019 22:51:48 +0200 From: Efraim Flashner <efraim@HIDDEN> Message-ID: <20190223205148.GC18280@macbook41> MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: multipart/signed; micalg=pgp-sha512; protocol="application/pgp-signature"; boundary="RE3pQJLXZi4fr8Xo" Content-Disposition: inline X-PGP-Key-ID: 0x41AAE7DCCA3D8351 X-PGP-Key: https://flashner.co.il/~efraim/efraim_flashner.asc X-PGP-Fingerprint: A28B F40C 3E55 1372 662D 14F7 41AA E7DC CA3D 8351 User-Agent: Mutt/1.11.2 (2019-01-07) X-detected-operating-system: by eggs.gnu.org: GNU/Linux 2.2.x-3.x [generic] X-Received-From: X-detected-operating-system: by eggs.gnu.org: GNU/Linux 2.6.x X-Spam-Score: 1.0 (+) X-BeenThere: debbugs-submit <at> debbugs.gnu.org X-Mailman-Version: 2.1.18 Precedence: list List-Id: <debbugs-submit.debbugs.gnu.org> List-Unsubscribe: <https://debbugs.gnu.org/cgi-bin/mailman/options/debbugs-submit>, <mailto:debbugs-submit-request <at> debbugs.gnu.org?subject=unsubscribe> List-Archive: <https://debbugs.gnu.org/cgi-bin/mailman/private/debbugs-submit/> List-Post: <mailto:debbugs-submit <at> debbugs.gnu.org> List-Help: <mailto:debbugs-submit-request <at> debbugs.gnu.org?subject=help> List-Subscribe: <https://debbugs.gnu.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/debbugs-submit>, <mailto:debbugs-submit-request <at> debbugs.gnu.org?subject=subscribe> Errors-To: debbugs-submit-bounces <at> debbugs.gnu.org Sender: "Debbugs-submit" <debbugs-submit-bounces <at> debbugs.gnu.org> X-Spam-Score: -0.0 (/) --RE3pQJLXZi4fr8Xo Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="tMbDGjvJuJijemkf" Content-Disposition: inline --tMbDGjvJuJijemkf Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8 Content-Disposition: inline Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable it appears that colord isn't reproducable. diffoscope output attached --=20 Efraim Flashner <efraim@HIDDEN> =D7=90=D7=A4=D7=A8=D7=99=D7=9D = =D7=A4=D7=9C=D7=A9=D7=A0=D7=A8 GPG key =3D A28B F40C 3E55 1372 662D 14F7 41AA E7DC CA3D 8351 Confidentiality cannot be guaranteed on emails sent or received unencrypted --tMbDGjvJuJijemkf Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8 Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=colord-diffoscope Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable --- /gnu/store/fklwkj1hksiq0hslpihimf68n4srz9m3-colord-1.1.8 +++ /gnu/store/fklwkj1hksiq0hslpihimf68n4srz9m3-colord-1.1.8-check =E2=94=9C=E2=94=80=E2=94=80 share =E2=94=82 =E2=94=9C=E2=94=80=E2=94=80 color =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=9C=E2=94=80=E2=94=80 icc =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=9C=E2=94=80=E2=94=80 colord =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=9C=E2=94=80=E2=94=80 AdobeRG= B1998.icc =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=9C=E2=94=80=E2=94= =80 cd-iccdump {} =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 @@ -1,20 +1,20 = @@ =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 icc: =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Header: =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Size =3D 73= 16 bytes =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Version =3D = 4.3 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Profile Kind= =3D display-device =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Colorspace = =3D rgb =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Conn. Space = =3D xyz =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 - Date, Time = =3D 2019-01-20, 22:05:06 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 + Date, Time = =3D 2019-02-23, 20:33:25 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Flags =3D N= ot embedded profile, Use anywhere =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Dev. Attrbts= =3D reflective, glossy =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Rndrng Intnt= =3D perceptual =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Creator =3D = lcms =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 - Profile ID = =3D 0x8770ea18 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 + Profile ID = =3D 0xd2aac687 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =20 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 tag 00: =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 sig 'desc' [= 0x64657363] =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 size 778 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 type 'mluc' = [0x6d6c7563] =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Text: =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 en_US: Compa= tible with Adobe RGB (1998) [132 bytes] =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=9C=E2=94=80=E2=94=80 AppleRG= B.icc =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=9C=E2=94=80=E2=94= =80 cd-iccdump {} =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 @@ -1,20 +1,20 = @@ =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 icc: =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Header: =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Size =3D 66= 68 bytes =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Version =3D = 4.3 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Profile Kind= =3D display-device =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Colorspace = =3D rgb =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Conn. Space = =3D xyz =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 - Date, Time = =3D 2019-01-20, 22:05:07 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 + Date, Time = =3D 2019-02-23, 20:33:27 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Flags =3D N= ot embedded profile, Use anywhere =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Dev. Attrbts= =3D reflective, glossy =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Rndrng Intnt= =3D perceptual =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Creator =3D = lcms =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 - Profile ID = =3D 0x8b27e2fb =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 + Profile ID = =3D 0xde0b3701 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =20 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 tag 00: =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 sig 'desc' [= 0x64657363] =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 size 46 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 type 'mluc' = [0x6d6c7563] =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Text: =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 en_US: Apple= RGB [40 bytes] =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=9C=E2=94=80=E2=94=80 BestRGB= =2Eicc =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=9C=E2=94=80=E2=94= =80 cd-iccdump {} =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 @@ -1,20 +1,20 = @@ =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 icc: =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Header: =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Size =3D 71= 92 bytes =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Version =3D = 4.3 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Profile Kind= =3D display-device =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Colorspace = =3D rgb =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Conn. Space = =3D xyz =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 - Date, Time = =3D 2019-01-20, 22:05:08 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 + Date, Time = =3D 2019-02-23, 20:33:28 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Flags =3D N= ot embedded profile, Use anywhere =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Dev. Attrbts= =3D reflective, glossy =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Rndrng Intnt= =3D perceptual =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Creator =3D = lcms =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 - Profile ID = =3D 0x92f56a5e =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 + Profile ID = =3D 0x893940a8 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =20 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 tag 00: =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 sig 'desc' [= 0x64657363] =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 size 44 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 type 'mluc' = [0x6d6c7563] =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Text: =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 en_US: Best = RGB [36 bytes] =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=9C=E2=94=80=E2=94=80 BetaRGB= =2Eicc =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=9C=E2=94=80=E2=94= =80 cd-iccdump {} =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 @@ -1,20 +1,20 = @@ =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 icc: =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Header: =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Size =3D 67= 36 bytes =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Version =3D = 4.3 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Profile Kind= =3D display-device =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Colorspace = =3D rgb =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Conn. Space = =3D xyz =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 - Date, Time = =3D 2019-01-20, 22:05:09 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 + Date, Time = =3D 2019-02-23, 20:33:30 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Flags =3D N= ot embedded profile, Use anywhere =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Dev. Attrbts= =3D reflective, glossy =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Rndrng Intnt= =3D perceptual =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Creator =3D = lcms =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 - Profile ID = =3D 0xb45c7691 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 + Profile ID = =3D 0x721b9311 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =20 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 tag 00: =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 sig 'desc' [= 0x64657363] =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 size 44 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 type 'mluc' = [0x6d6c7563] =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Text: =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 en_US: Beta = RGB [36 bytes] =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=9C=E2=94=80=E2=94=80 Bluish.= icc =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=9C=E2=94=80=E2=94= =80 cd-iccdump {} =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 @@ -1,20 +1,20 = @@ =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 icc: =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Header: =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Size =3D 75= 52 bytes =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Version =3D = 4.3 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Profile Kind= =3D display-device =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Colorspace = =3D rgb =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Conn. Space = =3D xyz =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 - Date, Time = =3D 2019-01-20, 22:05:22 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 + Date, Time = =3D 2019-02-23, 20:33:48 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Flags =3D N= ot embedded profile, Use anywhere =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Dev. Attrbts= =3D reflective, glossy =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Rndrng Intnt= =3D perceptual =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Creator =3D = lcms =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 - Profile ID = =3D 0x61d4ac9f =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 + Profile ID = =3D 0x3f9fae0c =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =20 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 tag 00: =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 sig 'desc' [= 0x64657363] =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 size 298 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 type 'mluc' = [0x6d6c7563] =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Text: =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 en_US: Blue = [20 bytes] =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=9C=E2=94=80=E2=94=80 BruceRG= B.icc =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=9C=E2=94=80=E2=94= =80 cd-iccdump {} =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 @@ -1,20 +1,20 = @@ =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 icc: =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Header: =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Size =3D 64= 84 bytes =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Version =3D = 4.3 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Profile Kind= =3D display-device =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Colorspace = =3D rgb =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Conn. Space = =3D xyz =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 - Date, Time = =3D 2019-01-20, 22:05:10 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 + Date, Time = =3D 2019-02-23, 20:33:31 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Flags =3D N= ot embedded profile, Use anywhere =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Dev. Attrbts= =3D reflective, glossy =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Rndrng Intnt= =3D perceptual =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Creator =3D = lcms =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 - Profile ID = =3D 0x8dae51f2 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 + Profile ID = =3D 0x9d3e3034 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =20 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 tag 00: =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 sig 'desc' [= 0x64657363] =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 size 46 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 type 'mluc' = [0x6d6c7563] =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Text: =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 en_US: Bruce= RGB [40 bytes] =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=9C=E2=94=80=E2=94=80 CIE-RGB= =2Eicc =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=9C=E2=94=80=E2=94= =80 cd-iccdump {} =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 @@ -1,20 +1,20 = @@ =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 icc: =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Header: =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Size =3D 51= 08 bytes =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Version =3D = 4.3 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Profile Kind= =3D display-device =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Colorspace = =3D rgb =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Conn. Space = =3D xyz =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 - Date, Time = =3D 2019-01-20, 22:05:11 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 + Date, Time = =3D 2019-02-23, 20:33:33 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Flags =3D N= ot embedded profile, Use anywhere =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Dev. Attrbts= =3D reflective, glossy =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Rndrng Intnt= =3D perceptual =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Creator =3D = lcms =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 - Profile ID = =3D 0xedbfa23c =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 + Profile ID = =3D 0x9b35fb8d =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =20 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 tag 00: =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 sig 'desc' [= 0x64657363] =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 size 42 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 type 'mluc' = [0x6d6c7563] =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Text: =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 en_US: CIE R= GB [32 bytes] =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=9C=E2=94=80=E2=94=80 ColorMa= tchRGB.icc =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=9C=E2=94=80=E2=94= =80 cd-iccdump {} =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 @@ -1,20 +1,20 = @@ =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 icc: =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Header: =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Size =3D 67= 24 bytes =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Version =3D = 4.3 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Profile Kind= =3D display-device =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Colorspace = =3D rgb =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Conn. Space = =3D xyz =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 - Date, Time = =3D 2019-01-20, 22:05:12 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 + Date, Time = =3D 2019-02-23, 20:33:34 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Flags =3D N= ot embedded profile, Use anywhere =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Dev. Attrbts= =3D reflective, glossy =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Rndrng Intnt= =3D perceptual =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Creator =3D = lcms =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 - Profile ID = =3D 0xf8b317fd =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 + Profile ID = =3D 0x9e282508 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =20 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 tag 00: =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 sig 'desc' [= 0x64657363] =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 size 56 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 type 'mluc' = [0x6d6c7563] =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Text: =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 en_US: Color= Match RGB [60 bytes] =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=9C=E2=94=80=E2=94=80 Crayons= =2Eicc =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=9C=E2=94=80=E2=94= =80 cd-iccdump {} =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 @@ -1,20 +1,20 = @@ =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 icc: =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Header: =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Size =3D 64= 32 bytes =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Version =3D = 4.3 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Profile Kind= =3D named-color =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Colorspace = =3D lab =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Conn. Space = =3D lab =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 - Date, Time = =3D 2019-01-20, 22:05:22 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 + Date, Time = =3D 2019-02-23, 20:33:48 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Flags =3D N= ot embedded profile, Use anywhere =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Dev. Attrbts= =3D reflective, glossy =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Rndrng Intnt= =3D perceptual =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Creator =3D = lcms =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 - Profile ID = =3D 0xa2bff819 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 + Profile ID = =3D 0xed250a5f =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =20 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 tag 00: =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 sig 'desc' [= 0x64657363] =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 size 422 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 type 'mluc' = [0x6d6c7563] =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Text: =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 en_US: Crayo= n Colors [56 bytes] =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=9C=E2=94=80=E2=94=80 DonRGB4= =2Eicc =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=9C=E2=94=80=E2=94= =80 cd-iccdump {} =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 @@ -1,20 +1,20 = @@ =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 icc: =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Header: =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Size =3D 51= 00 bytes =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Version =3D = 4.3 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Profile Kind= =3D display-device =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Colorspace = =3D rgb =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Conn. Space = =3D xyz =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 - Date, Time = =3D 2019-01-20, 22:05:13 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 + Date, Time = =3D 2019-02-23, 20:33:35 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Flags =3D N= ot embedded profile, Use anywhere =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Dev. Attrbts= =3D reflective, glossy =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Rndrng Intnt= =3D perceptual =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Creator =3D = lcms =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 - Profile ID = =3D 0x86f05474 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 + Profile ID = =3D 0xe32962b9 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =20 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 tag 00: =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 sig 'desc' [= 0x64657363] =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 size 46 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 type 'mluc' = [0x6d6c7563] =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Text: =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 en_US: Don R= GB 4 [40 bytes] =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=9C=E2=94=80=E2=94=80 ECI-RGB= v1.icc =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=9C=E2=94=80=E2=94= =80 cd-iccdump {} =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 @@ -1,20 +1,20 = @@ =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 icc: =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Header: =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Size =3D 72= 12 bytes =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Version =3D = 4.3 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Profile Kind= =3D display-device =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Colorspace = =3D rgb =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Conn. Space = =3D xyz =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 - Date, Time = =3D 2019-01-20, 22:05:14 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 + Date, Time = =3D 2019-02-23, 20:33:37 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Flags =3D N= ot embedded profile, Use anywhere =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Dev. Attrbts= =3D reflective, glossy =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Rndrng Intnt= =3D perceptual =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Creator =3D = lcms =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 - Profile ID = =3D 0xd5b34ba3 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 + Profile ID = =3D 0x78c91ae2 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =20 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 tag 00: =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 sig 'desc' [= 0x64657363] =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 size 46 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 type 'mluc' = [0x6d6c7563] =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Text: =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 en_US: eciRG= B v1 [40 bytes] =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=9C=E2=94=80=E2=94=80 ECI-RGB= v2.icc =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=9C=E2=94=80=E2=94= =80 cd-iccdump {} =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 @@ -1,20 +1,20 = @@ =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 icc: =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Header: =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Size =3D 53= 12 bytes =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Version =3D = 4.3 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Profile Kind= =3D display-device =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Colorspace = =3D rgb =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Conn. Space = =3D xyz =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 - Date, Time = =3D 2019-01-20, 22:05:14 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 + Date, Time = =3D 2019-02-23, 20:33:38 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Flags =3D N= ot embedded profile, Use anywhere =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Dev. Attrbts= =3D reflective, glossy =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Rndrng Intnt= =3D perceptual =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Creator =3D = lcms =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 - Profile ID = =3D 0x718b9523 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 + Profile ID = =3D 0xa22053a2 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =20 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 tag 00: =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 sig 'desc' [= 0x64657363] =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 size 46 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 type 'mluc' = [0x6d6c7563] =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Text: =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 en_US: eciRG= B v2 [40 bytes] =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=9C=E2=94=80=E2=94=80 EktaSpa= cePS5.icc =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=9C=E2=94=80=E2=94= =80 cd-iccdump {} =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 @@ -1,20 +1,20 = @@ =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 icc: =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Header: =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Size =3D 58= 48 bytes =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Version =3D = 4.3 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Profile Kind= =3D display-device =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Colorspace = =3D rgb =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Conn. Space = =3D xyz =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 - Date, Time = =3D 2019-01-20, 22:05:15 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 + Date, Time = =3D 2019-02-23, 20:33:39 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Flags =3D N= ot embedded profile, Use anywhere =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Dev. Attrbts= =3D reflective, glossy =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Rndrng Intnt= =3D perceptual =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Creator =3D = lcms =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 - Profile ID = =3D 0x32fc7ec0 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 + Profile ID = =3D 0x46e0b3d4 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =20 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 tag 00: =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 sig 'desc' [= 0x64657363] =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 size 56 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 type 'mluc' = [0x6d6c7563] =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Text: =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 en_US: Ekta = Space PS5 [60 bytes] =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=9C=E2=94=80=E2=94=80 Gamma50= 00K.icc =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=9C=E2=94=80=E2=94= =80 cd-iccdump {} =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 @@ -1,20 +1,20 = @@ =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 icc: =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Header: =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Size =3D 36= 48 bytes =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Version =3D = 4.3 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Profile Kind= =3D display-device =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Colorspace = =3D rgb =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Conn. Space = =3D xyz =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 - Date, Time = =3D 2019-01-20, 22:05:22 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 + Date, Time = =3D 2019-02-23, 20:33:48 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Flags =3D N= ot embedded profile, Use anywhere =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Dev. Attrbts= =3D reflective, glossy =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Rndrng Intnt= =3D perceptual =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Creator =3D = lcms =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 - Profile ID = =3D 0x62ade99c =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 + Profile ID = =3D 0x9229e357 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =20 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 tag 00: =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 sig 'desc' [= 0x64657363] =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 size 34 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 type 'mluc' = [0x6d6c7563] =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Text: =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 en_US: D50 [= 16 bytes] =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=9C=E2=94=80=E2=94=80 Gamma55= 00K.icc =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=9C=E2=94=80=E2=94= =80 cd-iccdump {} =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 @@ -1,20 +1,20 = @@ =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 icc: =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Header: =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Size =3D 36= 48 bytes =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Version =3D = 4.3 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Profile Kind= =3D display-device =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Colorspace = =3D rgb =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Conn. Space = =3D xyz =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 - Date, Time = =3D 2019-01-20, 22:05:22 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 + Date, Time = =3D 2019-02-23, 20:33:48 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Flags =3D N= ot embedded profile, Use anywhere =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Dev. Attrbts= =3D reflective, glossy =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Rndrng Intnt= =3D perceptual =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Creator =3D = lcms =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 - Profile ID = =3D 0x63179302 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 + Profile ID = =3D 0x314569e2 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =20 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 tag 00: =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 sig 'desc' [= 0x64657363] =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 size 34 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 type 'mluc' = [0x6d6c7563] =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Text: =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 en_US: D55 [= 16 bytes] =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=9C=E2=94=80=E2=94=80 Gamma65= 00K.icc =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=9C=E2=94=80=E2=94= =80 cd-iccdump {} =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 @@ -1,20 +1,20 = @@ =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 icc: =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Header: =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Size =3D 36= 48 bytes =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Version =3D = 4.3 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Profile Kind= =3D display-device =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Colorspace = =3D rgb =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Conn. Space = =3D xyz =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 - Date, Time = =3D 2019-01-20, 22:05:22 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 + Date, Time = =3D 2019-02-23, 20:33:48 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Flags =3D N= ot embedded profile, Use anywhere =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Dev. Attrbts= =3D reflective, glossy =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Rndrng Intnt= =3D perceptual =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Creator =3D = lcms =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 - Profile ID = =3D 0x0071e4f2 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 + Profile ID = =3D 0xc69c3693 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =20 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 tag 00: =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 sig 'desc' [= 0x64657363] =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 size 34 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 type 'mluc' = [0x6d6c7563] =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Text: =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 en_US: D65 [= 16 bytes] =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=9C=E2=94=80=E2=94=80 NTSC-RG= B.icc =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=9C=E2=94=80=E2=94= =80 cd-iccdump {} =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 @@ -1,20 +1,20 = @@ =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 icc: =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Header: =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Size =3D 56= 28 bytes =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Version =3D = 4.3 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Profile Kind= =3D display-device =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Colorspace = =3D rgb =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Conn. Space = =3D xyz =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 - Date, Time = =3D 2019-01-20, 22:05:16 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 + Date, Time = =3D 2019-02-23, 20:33:41 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Flags =3D N= ot embedded profile, Use anywhere =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Dev. Attrbts= =3D reflective, glossy =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Rndrng Intnt= =3D perceptual =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Creator =3D = lcms =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 - Profile ID = =3D 0x867ab8b9 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 + Profile ID = =3D 0x77aef0f8 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =20 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 tag 00: =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 sig 'desc' [= 0x64657363] =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 size 44 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 type 'mluc' = [0x6d6c7563] =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Text: =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 en_US: NTSC = RGB [36 bytes] =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=9C=E2=94=80=E2=94=80 PAL-RGB= =2Eicc =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=9C=E2=94=80=E2=94= =80 cd-iccdump {} =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 @@ -1,20 +1,20 = @@ =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 icc: =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Header: =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Size =3D 54= 44 bytes =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Version =3D = 4.3 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Profile Kind= =3D display-device =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Colorspace = =3D rgb =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Conn. Space = =3D xyz =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 - Date, Time = =3D 2019-01-20, 22:05:17 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 + Date, Time = =3D 2019-02-23, 20:33:42 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Flags =3D N= ot embedded profile, Use anywhere =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Dev. Attrbts= =3D reflective, glossy =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Rndrng Intnt= =3D perceptual =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Creator =3D = lcms =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 - Profile ID = =3D 0x7374f9b4 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 + Profile ID = =3D 0x705d0e34 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =20 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 tag 00: =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 sig 'desc' [= 0x64657363] =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 size 54 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 type 'mluc' = [0x6d6c7563] =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Text: =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 en_US: PAL/S= ECAM RGB [56 bytes] =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=9C=E2=94=80=E2=94=80 ProPhot= oRGB.icc =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=9C=E2=94=80=E2=94= =80 cd-iccdump {} =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 @@ -1,20 +1,20 = @@ =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 icc: =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Header: =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Size =3D 80= 56 bytes =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Version =3D = 4.3 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Profile Kind= =3D display-device =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Colorspace = =3D rgb =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Conn. Space = =3D xyz =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 - Date, Time = =3D 2019-01-20, 22:05:18 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 + Date, Time = =3D 2019-02-23, 20:33:43 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Flags =3D N= ot embedded profile, Use anywhere =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Dev. Attrbts= =3D reflective, glossy =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Rndrng Intnt= =3D perceptual =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Creator =3D = lcms =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 - Profile ID = =3D 0xce90e3e7 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 + Profile ID = =3D 0x8e43e948 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =20 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 tag 00: =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 sig 'desc' [= 0x64657363] =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 size 52 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 type 'mluc' = [0x6d6c7563] =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Text: =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 en_US: ProPh= oto RGB [52 bytes] =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=9C=E2=94=80=E2=94=80 SMPTE-C= -RGB.icc =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=9C=E2=94=80=E2=94= =80 cd-iccdump {} =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 @@ -1,20 +1,20 = @@ =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 icc: =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Header: =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Size =3D 50= 72 bytes =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Version =3D = 4.3 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Profile Kind= =3D display-device =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Colorspace = =3D rgb =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Conn. Space = =3D xyz =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 - Date, Time = =3D 2019-01-20, 22:05:19 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 + Date, Time = =3D 2019-02-23, 20:33:45 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Flags =3D N= ot embedded profile, Use anywhere =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Dev. Attrbts= =3D reflective, glossy =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Rndrng Intnt= =3D perceptual =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Creator =3D = lcms =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 - Profile ID = =3D 0xcac5fb8f =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 + Profile ID = =3D 0x5ca4dd82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =20 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 tag 00: =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 sig 'desc' [= 0x64657363] =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 size 50 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 type 'mluc' = [0x6d6c7563] =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Text: =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 en_US: SMPTE= -C RGB [48 bytes] =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=9C=E2=94=80=E2=94=80 Swapped= RedAndGreen.icc =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=9C=E2=94=80=E2=94= =80 cd-iccdump {} =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 @@ -1,20 +1,20 = @@ =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 icc: =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Header: =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Size =3D 62= 92 bytes =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Version =3D = 4.3 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Profile Kind= =3D display-device =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Colorspace = =3D rgb =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Conn. Space = =3D xyz =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 - Date, Time = =3D 2019-01-20, 22:05:22 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 + Date, Time = =3D 2019-02-23, 20:33:48 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Flags =3D N= ot embedded profile, Use anywhere =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Dev. Attrbts= =3D reflective, glossy =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Rndrng Intnt= =3D perceptual =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Creator =3D = lcms =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 - Profile ID = =3D 0xfc9e68b4 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 + Profile ID = =3D 0x328d2253 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =20 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 tag 00: =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 sig 'desc' [= 0x64657363] =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 size 630 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 type 'mluc' = [0x6d6c7563] =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Text: =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 en_US: Swapp= ed Red and Green [88 bytes] =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=9C=E2=94=80=E2=94=80 WideGam= utRGB.icc =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=9C=E2=94=80=E2=94= =80 cd-iccdump {} =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 @@ -1,20 +1,20 = @@ =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 icc: =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Header: =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Size =3D 92= 16 bytes =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Version =3D = 4.3 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Profile Kind= =3D display-device =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Colorspace = =3D rgb =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Conn. Space = =3D xyz =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 - Date, Time = =3D 2019-01-20, 22:05:20 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 + Date, Time = =3D 2019-02-23, 20:33:46 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Flags =3D N= ot embedded profile, Use anywhere =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Dev. Attrbts= =3D reflective, glossy =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Rndrng Intnt= =3D perceptual =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Creator =3D = lcms =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 - Profile ID = =3D 0xbe2a2858 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 + Profile ID = =3D 0x19d78f02 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =20 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 tag 00: =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 sig 'desc' [= 0x64657363] =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 size 432 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 type 'mluc' = [0x6d6c7563] =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Text: =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 en_US: Wide = Gamut RGB [60 bytes] =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=9C=E2=94=80=E2=94=80 sRGB.icc =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=9C=E2=94=80=E2=94= =80 cd-iccdump {} =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 @@ -1,20 +1,20 = @@ =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 icc: =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Header: =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Size =3D 83= 20 bytes =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Version =3D = 4.3 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Profile Kind= =3D display-device =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Colorspace = =3D rgb =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Conn. Space = =3D xyz =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 - Date, Time = =3D 2019-01-20, 22:05:20 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 + Date, Time = =3D 2019-02-23, 20:33:46 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Flags =3D N= ot embedded profile, Use anywhere =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Dev. Attrbts= =3D reflective, glossy =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Rndrng Intnt= =3D perceptual =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Creator =3D = lcms =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 - Profile ID = =3D 0x27c85169 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 + Profile ID = =3D 0xa15af727 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =20 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 tag 00: =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 sig 'desc' [= 0x64657363] =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 size 36 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 type 'mluc' = [0x6d6c7563] =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Text: =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 en_US: sRGB = [20 bytes] =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=9C=E2=94=80=E2=94=80 x11-col= ors.icc =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=9C=E2=94=80=E2=94= =80 cd-iccdump {} =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 @@ -1,20 +1,20 = @@ =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 icc: =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Header: =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Size =3D 10= 664 bytes =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Version =3D = 4.3 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Profile Kind= =3D named-color =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Colorspace = =3D lab =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Conn. Space = =3D lab =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 - Date, Time = =3D 2019-01-20, 22:05:22 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 + Date, Time = =3D 2019-02-23, 20:33:48 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Flags =3D N= ot embedded profile, Use anywhere =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 =E2=94=82 Dev. 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Content-Disposition: inline Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable MIME-Version: 1.0 X-Mailer: MIME-tools 5.505 (Entity 5.505) Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8 X-Loop: help-debbugs@HIDDEN From: help-debbugs@HIDDEN (GNU bug Tracking System) To: Efraim Flashner <efraim@HIDDEN> Subject: bug#34635: Acknowledgement (colord not reproducable) Message-ID: <handler.34635.B.155095513627493.ack <at> debbugs.gnu.org> References: <20190223205148.GC18280@macbook41> X-Gnu-PR-Message: ack 34635 X-Gnu-PR-Package: guix Reply-To: 34635 <at> debbugs.gnu.org Date: Sat, 23 Feb 2019 20:53:02 +0000 Thank you for filing a new bug report with debbugs.gnu.org. This is an automatically generated reply to let you know your message has been received. Your message is being forwarded to the package maintainers and other interested parties for their attention; they will reply in due course. Your message has been sent to the package maintainer(s): bug-guix@HIDDEN If you wish to submit further information on this problem, please send it to 34635 <at> debbugs.gnu.org. Please do not send mail to help-debbugs@HIDDEN unless you wish to report a problem with the Bug-tracking system. --=20 34635: http://debbugs.gnu.org/cgi/bugreport.cgi?bug=3D34635 GNU Bug Tracking System Contact help-debbugs@HIDDEN with problems
X-Loop: help-debbugs@HIDDEN Subject: bug#34635: colord not reproducable Resent-From: Danny Milosavljevic <dannym@HIDDEN> Original-Sender: "Debbugs-submit" <debbugs-submit-bounces <at> debbugs.gnu.org> Resent-CC: bug-guix@HIDDEN Resent-Date: Sun, 24 Feb 2019 18:45:02 +0000 Resent-Message-ID: <handler.34635.B34635.155103387226378 <at> debbugs.gnu.org> Resent-Sender: help-debbugs@HIDDEN X-GNU-PR-Message: followup 34635 X-GNU-PR-Package: guix X-GNU-PR-Keywords: To: Efraim Flashner <efraim@HIDDEN> Cc: 34635 <at> debbugs.gnu.org Received: via spool by 34635-submit <at> debbugs.gnu.org id=B34635.155103387226378 (code B ref 34635); Sun, 24 Feb 2019 18:45:02 +0000 Received: (at 34635) by debbugs.gnu.org; 24 Feb 2019 18:44:32 +0000 Received: from localhost ([]:50484 helo=debbugs.gnu.org) by debbugs.gnu.org with esmtp (Exim 4.84_2) (envelope-from <debbugs-submit-bounces <at> debbugs.gnu.org>) id 1gxylL-0006rO-Nc for submit <at> debbugs.gnu.org; Sun, 24 Feb 2019 13:44:31 -0500 Received: from dd26836.kasserver.com ([]:44362) by debbugs.gnu.org with esmtp (Exim 4.84_2) (envelope-from <dannym@HIDDEN>) id 1gxylJ-0006rF-B8 for 34635 <at> debbugs.gnu.org; Sun, 24 Feb 2019 13:44:30 -0500 Received: from localhost ( []) by dd26836.kasserver.com (Postfix) with ESMTPSA id 6CF0A3360166; Sun, 24 Feb 2019 19:44:27 +0100 (CET) Date: Sun, 24 Feb 2019 19:44:19 +0100 From: Danny Milosavljevic <dannym@HIDDEN> Message-ID: <20190224194419.733e497a@HIDDEN> In-Reply-To: <20190223205148.GC18280@macbook41> References: <20190223205148.GC18280@macbook41> X-Mailer: Claws Mail 3.17.3 (GTK+ 2.24.32; x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu) MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: multipart/signed; micalg=pgp-sha256; boundary="Sig_/gpx50RKYaGgfJzZ01UG3AUC"; protocol="application/pgp-signature" X-Spam-Score: -0.7 (/) X-BeenThere: debbugs-submit <at> debbugs.gnu.org X-Mailman-Version: 2.1.18 Precedence: list List-Id: <debbugs-submit.debbugs.gnu.org> List-Unsubscribe: <https://debbugs.gnu.org/cgi-bin/mailman/options/debbugs-submit>, <mailto:debbugs-submit-request <at> debbugs.gnu.org?subject=unsubscribe> List-Archive: <https://debbugs.gnu.org/cgi-bin/mailman/private/debbugs-submit/> List-Post: <mailto:debbugs-submit <at> debbugs.gnu.org> List-Help: <mailto:debbugs-submit-request <at> debbugs.gnu.org?subject=help> List-Subscribe: <https://debbugs.gnu.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/debbugs-submit>, <mailto:debbugs-submit-request <at> debbugs.gnu.org?subject=subscribe> Errors-To: debbugs-submit-bounces <at> debbugs.gnu.org Sender: "Debbugs-submit" <debbugs-submit-bounces <at> debbugs.gnu.org> X-Spam-Score: -1.7 (-) --Sig_/gpx50RKYaGgfJzZ01UG3AUC Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable On Sat, 23 Feb 2019 22:51:48 +0200 Efraim Flashner <efraim@HIDDEN> wrote: > it appears that colord isn't reproducable. diffoscope output attached icc files are generated by client/cd-create-profile.c . It uses GFile in order to write the file. Since GFile doesn't have a way to call utime, we would have to patch main () in client/cd-create-profile.c in order to call utime right before freeing the filename (to set mtime to either SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH or, maybe better, to the mtime of the file argv[1]). --Sig_/gpx50RKYaGgfJzZ01UG3AUC Content-Type: application/pgp-signature Content-Description: OpenPGP digital signature -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- iQEzBAEBCAAdFiEEds7GsXJ0tGXALbPZ5xo1VCwwuqUFAlxy5gMACgkQ5xo1VCww uqW6Twf9EI8h23SA/z1x9oXPPlVGkof3vgyc+0W0CRjZv4ElHQnegORTlwQOsSmC tK13t6Gnsfkz5Zu+JrgXqnvCVMqAKPlGRuqf1a7nmwxWPfsIv1eot24fJbRXNY6r 755AS/hVAc0ekjVFkgMERtHVlSerHiyFfu9y8379v1AQXtErmcjbq1KcJnkj8oAw hu6mmwyPszFDUD9SpDXxrlSzIZdTgSjmQ/OLpKu6KbR7fkWLUS5pQ5Mq3sG91MdR EvS2z/mUrnL7R0y1dSsu5NdHSLmo3ldvIKlptzF2ZtrfBOnorVU0iC10gRtz0F9/ joh7GMZ9hhCbXCxkoSzcs0Nor9HJGA== =ix9k -----END PGP SIGNATURE----- --Sig_/gpx50RKYaGgfJzZ01UG3AUC--
GNU bug tracking system
Copyright (C) 1999 Darren O. Benham,
1997 nCipher Corporation Ltd,
1994-97 Ian Jackson.