X-Loop: help-debbugs@HIDDEN Subject: bug#35604: Is the top bootloader entry for previous generations the current one? Resent-From: "pelzflorian (Florian Pelz)" <pelzflorian@HIDDEN> Original-Sender: "Debbugs-submit" <debbugs-submit-bounces <at> debbugs.gnu.org> Resent-CC: bug-guix@HIDDEN Resent-Date: Mon, 06 May 2019 16:37:02 +0000 Resent-Message-ID: <handler.35604.B.155716057013468 <at> debbugs.gnu.org> Resent-Sender: help-debbugs@HIDDEN X-GNU-PR-Message: report 35604 X-GNU-PR-Package: guix X-GNU-PR-Keywords: To: 35604 <at> debbugs.gnu.org X-Debbugs-Original-To: bug-guix@HIDDEN Received: via spool by submit <at> debbugs.gnu.org id=B.155716057013468 (code B ref -1); Mon, 06 May 2019 16:37:02 +0000 Received: (at submit) by debbugs.gnu.org; 6 May 2019 16:36:10 +0000 Received: from localhost ([]:57300 helo=debbugs.gnu.org) by debbugs.gnu.org with esmtp (Exim 4.84_2) (envelope-from <debbugs-submit-bounces <at> debbugs.gnu.org>) id 1hNgb4-0003V8-9C for submit <at> debbugs.gnu.org; Mon, 06 May 2019 12:36:10 -0400 Received: from eggs.gnu.org ([]:36853) by debbugs.gnu.org with esmtp (Exim 4.84_2) (envelope-from <pelzflorian@HIDDEN>) id 1hNgaz-0003UZ-IS for submit <at> debbugs.gnu.org; Mon, 06 May 2019 12:36:08 -0400 Received: from lists.gnu.org ([]:41651) by eggs.gnu.org with esmtps (TLS1.0:RSA_AES_256_CBC_SHA1:32) (Exim 4.71) (envelope-from <pelzflorian@HIDDEN>) id 1hNgat-00027S-GJ for submit <at> debbugs.gnu.org; Mon, 06 May 2019 12:36:00 -0400 Received: from eggs.gnu.org ([]:51226) by lists.gnu.org with esmtp (Exim 4.71) (envelope-from <pelzflorian@HIDDEN>) id 1hNgas-0006LB-Ev for bug-guix@HIDDEN; Mon, 06 May 2019 12:35:59 -0400 X-Spam-Checker-Version: SpamAssassin 3.3.2 (2011-06-06) on eggs.gnu.org X-Spam-Level: X-Spam-Status: No, score=0.8 required=5.0 tests=BAYES_50,URIBL_BLOCKED autolearn=disabled version=3.3.2 Received: from Debian-exim by eggs.gnu.org with spam-scanned (Exim 4.71) (envelope-from <pelzflorian@HIDDEN>) id 1hNgaq-00020k-KN for bug-guix@HIDDEN; Mon, 06 May 2019 12:35:58 -0400 Received: from pelzflorian.de ([]:57904 helo=mail.pelzflorian.de) by eggs.gnu.org with esmtps (TLS1.0:DHE_RSA_AES_256_CBC_SHA1:32) (Exim 4.71) (envelope-from <pelzflorian@HIDDEN>) id 1hNgap-0001vo-1S for bug-guix@HIDDEN; Mon, 06 May 2019 12:35:55 -0400 Received: from pelzflorian.localdomain (unknown []) by mail.pelzflorian.de (Postfix) with ESMTPSA id A62C4360038 for <bug-guix@HIDDEN>; Mon, 6 May 2019 18:35:39 +0200 (CEST) DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=simple/simple; d=pelzflorian.de; s=mail; t=1557160539; bh=9hV0iR8HJZir3UtyUkHHGUrUZ12RXvRTiFYYkky5xyE=; h=Date:From:To:Subject; b=pNIU0aHVrtSC9CmN5zGVJVbwByA2MSBqOxHV9j+i7xoNc9cK5W5j3H7LOApe/VTCZ BUq1LF36xPFQ037xl4OaoPwhLSBe9gNsBTOSX9yHdrm9qNLBEJuVfe4D0VwI3ciml5 /EX2HXCjmEnvjrHjwNiNIXElYemDiiJbG7HQNZlg= Date: Mon, 6 May 2019 18:35:39 +0200 From: "pelzflorian (Florian Pelz)" <pelzflorian@HIDDEN> Message-ID: <20190506163539.6xykcq55wec2gon7@HIDDEN> MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8 Content-Disposition: inline User-Agent: NeoMutt/20180716 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable X-detected-operating-system: by eggs.gnu.org: GNU/Linux 2.2.x-3.x [generic] X-Received-From: X-detected-operating-system: by eggs.gnu.org: GNU/Linux 2.6.x X-Spam-Score: -1.4 (-) X-BeenThere: debbugs-submit <at> debbugs.gnu.org X-Mailman-Version: 2.1.18 Precedence: list List-Id: <debbugs-submit.debbugs.gnu.org> List-Unsubscribe: <https://debbugs.gnu.org/cgi-bin/mailman/options/debbugs-submit>, <mailto:debbugs-submit-request <at> debbugs.gnu.org?subject=unsubscribe> List-Archive: <https://debbugs.gnu.org/cgi-bin/mailman/private/debbugs-submit/> List-Post: <mailto:debbugs-submit <at> debbugs.gnu.org> List-Help: <mailto:debbugs-submit-request <at> debbugs.gnu.org?subject=help> List-Subscribe: <https://debbugs.gnu.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/debbugs-submit>, <mailto:debbugs-submit-request <at> debbugs.gnu.org?subject=subscribe> Errors-To: debbugs-submit-bounces <at> debbugs.gnu.org Sender: "Debbugs-submit" <debbugs-submit-bounces <at> debbugs.gnu.org> X-Spam-Score: -2.4 (--) GRUB=E2=80=99s boot menu displays a menuentry for booting the current generation and a submenu with entries for previous generations. However, it is not clear if the generation at the top of the submenu is the current generation or if it is one generation before. I would prefer to resolve this by displaying the current generation=E2=80= =99s generation number and date outside the submenu as is done for the previous generations in the submenu. Regards, Florian
Content-Disposition: inline Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable MIME-Version: 1.0 X-Mailer: MIME-tools 5.505 (Entity 5.505) Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8 X-Loop: help-debbugs@HIDDEN From: help-debbugs@HIDDEN (GNU bug Tracking System) To: "pelzflorian (Florian Pelz)" <pelzflorian@HIDDEN> Subject: bug#35604: Acknowledgement (Is the top bootloader entry for previous generations the current one?) Message-ID: <handler.35604.B.155716057013468.ack <at> debbugs.gnu.org> References: <20190506163539.6xykcq55wec2gon7@HIDDEN> X-Gnu-PR-Message: ack 35604 X-Gnu-PR-Package: guix Reply-To: 35604 <at> debbugs.gnu.org Date: Mon, 06 May 2019 16:37:02 +0000 Thank you for filing a new bug report with debbugs.gnu.org. This is an automatically generated reply to let you know your message has been received. Your message is being forwarded to the package maintainers and other interested parties for their attention; they will reply in due course. Your message has been sent to the package maintainer(s): bug-guix@HIDDEN If you wish to submit further information on this problem, please send it to 35604 <at> debbugs.gnu.org. Please do not send mail to help-debbugs@HIDDEN unless you wish to report a problem with the Bug-tracking system. --=20 35604: http://debbugs.gnu.org/cgi/bugreport.cgi?bug=3D35604 GNU Bug Tracking System Contact help-debbugs@HIDDEN with problems
X-Loop: help-debbugs@HIDDEN Subject: bug#35604: Is the top bootloader entry for previous generations the current one? Resent-From: Tobias Geerinckx-Rice <me@HIDDEN> Original-Sender: "Debbugs-submit" <debbugs-submit-bounces <at> debbugs.gnu.org> Resent-CC: bug-guix@HIDDEN Resent-Date: Mon, 06 May 2019 18:53:01 +0000 Resent-Message-ID: <handler.35604.B35604.155716875626696 <at> debbugs.gnu.org> Resent-Sender: help-debbugs@HIDDEN X-GNU-PR-Message: followup 35604 X-GNU-PR-Package: guix X-GNU-PR-Keywords: To: "pelzflorian \(Florian Pelz\)" <pelzflorian@HIDDEN> Cc: 35604 <at> debbugs.gnu.org Received: via spool by 35604-submit <at> debbugs.gnu.org id=B35604.155716875626696 (code B ref 35604); Mon, 06 May 2019 18:53:01 +0000 Received: (at 35604) by debbugs.gnu.org; 6 May 2019 18:52:36 +0000 Received: from localhost ([]:57407 helo=debbugs.gnu.org) by debbugs.gnu.org with esmtp (Exim 4.84_2) (envelope-from <debbugs-submit-bounces <at> debbugs.gnu.org>) id 1hNij5-0006wW-N2 for submit <at> debbugs.gnu.org; Mon, 06 May 2019 14:52:35 -0400 Received: from tobias.gr ([]:46162) by debbugs.gnu.org with esmtp (Exim 4.84_2) (envelope-from <me@HIDDEN>) id 1hNij1-0006wD-W6 for 35604 <at> debbugs.gnu.org; Mon, 06 May 2019 14:52:34 -0400 Received: by tobias.gr (OpenSMTPD) with ESMTP id e4ab2540; Mon, 6 May 2019 18:52:27 +0000 (UTC) DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed; d=tobias.gr; h=from:to:cc :subject:message-id:references:in-reply-to:date:mime-version :content-type; s=2018; i=me@HIDDEN; bh=cYokUKQ4RzA/ilxkX8G5bi RfzcTh8/smTZTe5lYNT8c=; b=BsxFpSJt+hepRSU1VMLExjV56UKYa/L3lBA6EM zIr7t/pIEMhRlznykRyB/Uy2BwweI31KdfpPzj3JqnptxeZ2VWoPsqCDdJf8jHyx GAOPfSVEqwgaEOQQxa3iTqG2orDqQMdlZK+lmguX8QRhFKcYJJPUZj/3xXNOAQMK N4+OdTbobq7doVCqMVsx1g+TUgReREOmDe3VlPo68AlxrlTAhXHn75ItCWtfxoKT vQCAwDCb/kGqMW2093iEaLX62ct0kOV2gQL5kkayP5C1oz6vMHCXtgrq8+va5JEa H+5kxBlrSO358cn3Kc0eiXmbRFpNOQeXeMuh6aAavYux63pg== Received: by submission.tobias.gr (OpenSMTPD) with ESMTPSA id 3acc53ba (TLSv1.2:ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384:256:NO); Mon, 6 May 2019 18:52:27 +0000 (UTC) From: Tobias Geerinckx-Rice <me@HIDDEN> Message-ID: <874l67h0v9.fsf@nckx> References: <20190506163539.6xykcq55wec2gon7@HIDDEN> In-reply-to: <20190506163539.6xykcq55wec2gon7@HIDDEN> Date: Mon, 06 May 2019 20:52:26 +0200 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: multipart/signed; boundary="=-=-="; micalg=pgp-sha512; protocol="application/pgp-signature" X-Spam-Score: -2.3 (--) X-BeenThere: debbugs-submit <at> debbugs.gnu.org X-Mailman-Version: 2.1.18 Precedence: list List-Id: <debbugs-submit.debbugs.gnu.org> List-Unsubscribe: <https://debbugs.gnu.org/cgi-bin/mailman/options/debbugs-submit>, <mailto:debbugs-submit-request <at> debbugs.gnu.org?subject=unsubscribe> List-Archive: <https://debbugs.gnu.org/cgi-bin/mailman/private/debbugs-submit/> List-Post: <mailto:debbugs-submit <at> debbugs.gnu.org> List-Help: <mailto:debbugs-submit-request <at> debbugs.gnu.org?subject=help> List-Subscribe: <https://debbugs.gnu.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/debbugs-submit>, <mailto:debbugs-submit-request <at> debbugs.gnu.org?subject=subscribe> Errors-To: debbugs-submit-bounces <at> debbugs.gnu.org Sender: "Debbugs-submit" <debbugs-submit-bounces <at> debbugs.gnu.org> X-Spam-Score: -3.3 (---) --=-=-= Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8; format=flowed Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Florian, pelzflorian (Florian Pelz) wrote: > GRUB=E2=80=99s boot menu displays a menuentry for booting the current > generation and a submenu with entries for previous generations. > However, it is not clear if the generation at the top of the=20 > submenu > is the current generation or if it is one generation before. The current generation is by definition not a previous one and=20 shouldn't appear in the =E2=80=98previous=E2=80=99 list, but I see how it c= ould be=20 confusing. Especially once possible language barriers and=20 translations are added to the mix. > I would prefer to resolve this by displaying the current=20 > generation=E2=80=99s > generation number and date outside the submenu as is done for=20 > the > previous generations in the submenu. It makes for an uglier boot menu, which sounds silly, but I've=20 noticed that the more numbers and symbols are on a screen, the=20 more likely =E2=80=98non-geeks=E2=80=99 are to ignore the whole thing as so= mething=20 not meant for them to understand. Especially a black one :-) I=20 see it as part of GNU's values to counter that attitude. How about changing =E2=80=98previous generations=E2=80=99 to =E2=80=98all g= enerations=E2=80=99,=20 and have it include the current generation at the top (now with #=20 and date, maybe =E2=80=98(current)=E2=80=99 appended)? That way we can keep the default nice and friendly and skimmable=20 in ~5s, and the overview is actually a complete overview. Kind regards, T G-R --=-=-= Content-Type: application/pgp-signature; name="signature.asc" -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- iHUEARYKAB0WIQT12iAyS4c9C3o4dnINsP+IT1VteQUCXNCCagAKCRANsP+IT1Vt eXR+AQCFLSAcxYX3qFApqVfyjdJukFn9gjNpbJ7lJtc9I1JZhgD8DAucN+4WsSEO iPj7Mf85hRaG+EeokBk0g/0qj42CwwI= =z5E1 -----END PGP SIGNATURE----- --=-=-=--
X-Loop: help-debbugs@HIDDEN Subject: bug#35604: Is the top bootloader entry for previous generations the current one? Resent-From: Tobias Geerinckx-Rice <me@HIDDEN> Original-Sender: "Debbugs-submit" <debbugs-submit-bounces <at> debbugs.gnu.org> Resent-CC: bug-guix@HIDDEN Resent-Date: Mon, 06 May 2019 19:00:02 +0000 Resent-Message-ID: <handler.35604.B35604.155716919427372 <at> debbugs.gnu.org> Resent-Sender: help-debbugs@HIDDEN X-GNU-PR-Message: followup 35604 X-GNU-PR-Package: guix X-GNU-PR-Keywords: To: 35604 <at> debbugs.gnu.org Received: via spool by 35604-submit <at> debbugs.gnu.org id=B35604.155716919427372 (code B ref 35604); Mon, 06 May 2019 19:00:02 +0000 Received: (at 35604) by debbugs.gnu.org; 6 May 2019 18:59:54 +0000 Received: from localhost ([]:57416 helo=debbugs.gnu.org) by debbugs.gnu.org with esmtp (Exim 4.84_2) (envelope-from <debbugs-submit-bounces <at> debbugs.gnu.org>) id 1hNiqA-00077Q-HN for submit <at> debbugs.gnu.org; Mon, 06 May 2019 14:59:54 -0400 Received: from tobias.gr ([]:46546) by debbugs.gnu.org with esmtp (Exim 4.84_2) (envelope-from <me@HIDDEN>) id 1hNiq8-00077G-Nx for 35604 <at> debbugs.gnu.org; Mon, 06 May 2019 14:59:53 -0400 Received: by tobias.gr (OpenSMTPD) with ESMTP id de51f4b4 for <35604 <at> debbugs.gnu.org>; Mon, 6 May 2019 18:59:49 +0000 (UTC) DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed; d=tobias.gr; h=from:to :subject:references:in-reply-to:date:message-id:mime-version :content-type; s=2018; i=me@HIDDEN; bh=pje+zTNm41qe5PAe7uSyPc zczFo9rIbZ+ixpUIpeuNE=; b=ETZ6RNFhL4b82N5Om490TahGWXVpylFmaZE0Cx q4OcYN0PTcHh+7ZvvQFIxuVzUlO5sr6Imcx6q+AuZFHSs4uwTNf5u6twuN9Y64Bx Rw8QaWVl7dPwCrlWuvkrqiZi7kbqYE+SZ4BsYiFfwMrtCRTOVsycokABmoKOEcLP XZFm0Odna9ELC7jDzPDBoseQjPjW076cYpNgHp7x3yyqX9JRIGItrKQTlJ4sJCFZ 1Cng4EKb4tkCIp5qKJV+NpicX4sCvBxHIYGc6daQYSGHBajjqr0thTF2BkOkK/vP SZhEOqA+JbqgLRv99nFIUN2zZmx4Oq9l9OySEm7uQX8HOJhw== Received: by submission.tobias.gr (OpenSMTPD) with ESMTPSA id 0eef47a9 (TLSv1.2:ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384:256:NO) for <35604 <at> debbugs.gnu.org>; Mon, 6 May 2019 18:59:49 +0000 (UTC) From: Tobias Geerinckx-Rice <me@HIDDEN> References: <20190506163539.6xykcq55wec2gon7@HIDDEN> <874l67h0v9.fsf@nckx> In-reply-to: <874l67h0v9.fsf@nckx> Date: Mon, 06 May 2019 20:59:48 +0200 Message-ID: <871s1bh0ij.fsf@nckx> MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: multipart/signed; boundary="=-=-="; micalg=pgp-sha512; protocol="application/pgp-signature" X-Spam-Score: -2.3 (--) X-BeenThere: debbugs-submit <at> debbugs.gnu.org X-Mailman-Version: 2.1.18 Precedence: list List-Id: <debbugs-submit.debbugs.gnu.org> List-Unsubscribe: <https://debbugs.gnu.org/cgi-bin/mailman/options/debbugs-submit>, <mailto:debbugs-submit-request <at> debbugs.gnu.org?subject=unsubscribe> List-Archive: <https://debbugs.gnu.org/cgi-bin/mailman/private/debbugs-submit/> List-Post: <mailto:debbugs-submit <at> debbugs.gnu.org> List-Help: <mailto:debbugs-submit-request <at> debbugs.gnu.org?subject=help> List-Subscribe: <https://debbugs.gnu.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/debbugs-submit>, <mailto:debbugs-submit-request <at> debbugs.gnu.org?subject=subscribe> Errors-To: debbugs-submit-bounces <at> debbugs.gnu.org Sender: "Debbugs-submit" <debbugs-submit-bounces <at> debbugs.gnu.org> X-Spam-Score: -3.3 (---) --=-=-= Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8; format=flowed Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Tobias Geerinckx-Rice wrote: > How about changing =E2=80=98previous generations=E2=80=99 to =E2=80=98all= generations=E2=80=99,=20 > and > have it include the current generation at the top (now with #=20 > and > date, maybe =E2=80=98(current)=E2=80=99 appended)? > > That way we can keep the default nice and friendly and skimmable=20 > in > ~5s, and the overview is actually a complete overview. I'd like to give this patch a try, by the way, if it's considered=20 acceptable. Good excuse to dive into Guix's grub code a tiny bit. Kind regards, T G-R --=-=-= Content-Type: application/pgp-signature; name="signature.asc" -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- iHUEARYKAB0WIQT12iAyS4c9C3o4dnINsP+IT1VteQUCXNCEJAAKCRANsP+IT1Vt eY6mAQDSxN6uFkUZMgbJc5FKyxS0JV9tP90NiMhfQzwxVQmeYgEA7eJkFdkkmFJL stG1IaW+AbJMbpnSwd409PEJGmvgsQw= =O3HX -----END PGP SIGNATURE----- --=-=-=--
X-Loop: help-debbugs@HIDDEN Subject: bug#35604: Is the top bootloader entry for previous generations the current one? Resent-From: "pelzflorian (Florian Pelz)" <pelzflorian@HIDDEN> Original-Sender: "Debbugs-submit" <debbugs-submit-bounces <at> debbugs.gnu.org> Resent-CC: bug-guix@HIDDEN Resent-Date: Mon, 06 May 2019 19:33:02 +0000 Resent-Message-ID: <handler.35604.B35604.155717114731018 <at> debbugs.gnu.org> Resent-Sender: help-debbugs@HIDDEN X-GNU-PR-Message: followup 35604 X-GNU-PR-Package: guix X-GNU-PR-Keywords: To: Tobias Geerinckx-Rice <me@HIDDEN> Cc: 35604 <at> debbugs.gnu.org Received: via spool by 35604-submit <at> debbugs.gnu.org id=B35604.155717114731018 (code B ref 35604); Mon, 06 May 2019 19:33:02 +0000 Received: (at 35604) by debbugs.gnu.org; 6 May 2019 19:32:27 +0000 Received: from localhost ([]:57463 helo=debbugs.gnu.org) by debbugs.gnu.org with esmtp (Exim 4.84_2) (envelope-from <debbugs-submit-bounces <at> debbugs.gnu.org>) id 1hNjLe-00084E-R0 for submit <at> debbugs.gnu.org; Mon, 06 May 2019 15:32:27 -0400 Received: from pelzflorian.de ([]:43944 helo=mail.pelzflorian.de) by debbugs.gnu.org with esmtp (Exim 4.84_2) (envelope-from <pelzflorian@HIDDEN>) id 1hNjLd-000846-5f for 35604 <at> debbugs.gnu.org; Mon, 06 May 2019 15:32:25 -0400 Received: from pelzflorian.localdomain (unknown []) by mail.pelzflorian.de (Postfix) with ESMTPSA id BB364360038; Mon, 6 May 2019 21:32:11 +0200 (CEST) DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=simple/simple; d=pelzflorian.de; s=mail; t=1557171131; bh=fqZBd2cwNU8UnYxNHGX38TazoNZf0j49KjGhsu3VuSE=; h=Date:From:To:Cc:Subject:References:In-Reply-To; b=0js8GnYrzufqc1ZeWGyIsIGv6XTZYWgbhDa83//Uimzc2TqTgmjO5ve1tI0ZBt99W HtRWyoTr42JH/ZhmpwQozfEz3P81Vde534I52EoJSplkh/aF5tV2DDUUUADa9yNtoo bEBU4CmP0OZwLeS2xQBXh6OQuV1YxaBeDVA7DEw0= Date: Mon, 6 May 2019 21:32:11 +0200 From: "pelzflorian (Florian Pelz)" <pelzflorian@HIDDEN> Message-ID: <20190506193211.ibrov7tvha3763zz@HIDDEN> References: <20190506163539.6xykcq55wec2gon7@HIDDEN> <874l67h0v9.fsf@nckx> MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8 Content-Disposition: inline Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit In-Reply-To: <874l67h0v9.fsf@nckx> User-Agent: NeoMutt/20180716 X-Spam-Score: 0.0 (/) X-BeenThere: debbugs-submit <at> debbugs.gnu.org X-Mailman-Version: 2.1.18 Precedence: list List-Id: <debbugs-submit.debbugs.gnu.org> List-Unsubscribe: <https://debbugs.gnu.org/cgi-bin/mailman/options/debbugs-submit>, <mailto:debbugs-submit-request <at> debbugs.gnu.org?subject=unsubscribe> List-Archive: <https://debbugs.gnu.org/cgi-bin/mailman/private/debbugs-submit/> List-Post: <mailto:debbugs-submit <at> debbugs.gnu.org> List-Help: <mailto:debbugs-submit-request <at> debbugs.gnu.org?subject=help> List-Subscribe: <https://debbugs.gnu.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/debbugs-submit>, <mailto:debbugs-submit-request <at> debbugs.gnu.org?subject=subscribe> Errors-To: debbugs-submit-bounces <at> debbugs.gnu.org Sender: "Debbugs-submit" <debbugs-submit-bounces <at> debbugs.gnu.org> X-Spam-Score: -1.0 (-) On Mon, May 06, 2019 at 08:52:26PM +0200, Tobias Geerinckx-Rice wrote: > How about changing ‘previous generations’ to ‘all generations’, and have it > include the current generation at the top (now with # and date, maybe > ‘(current)’ appended)? > > That way we can keep the default nice and friendly and skimmable in ~5s, and > the overview is actually a complete overview. > I agree. Your suggestion is better. Regards, Florian
X-Loop: help-debbugs@HIDDEN Subject: bug#35604: Is the top bootloader entry for previous generations the current one? Resent-From: Ludovic =?UTF-8?Q?Court=C3=A8s?= <ludo@HIDDEN> Original-Sender: "Debbugs-submit" <debbugs-submit-bounces <at> debbugs.gnu.org> Resent-CC: bug-guix@HIDDEN Resent-Date: Tue, 07 May 2019 09:54:01 +0000 Resent-Message-ID: <handler.35604.B35604.155722281016262 <at> debbugs.gnu.org> Resent-Sender: help-debbugs@HIDDEN X-GNU-PR-Message: followup 35604 X-GNU-PR-Package: guix X-GNU-PR-Keywords: To: Tobias Geerinckx-Rice <me@HIDDEN> Cc: 35604 <at> debbugs.gnu.org, "pelzflorian \(Florian Pelz\)" <pelzflorian@HIDDEN> Received: via spool by 35604-submit <at> debbugs.gnu.org id=B35604.155722281016262 (code B ref 35604); Tue, 07 May 2019 09:54:01 +0000 Received: (at 35604) by debbugs.gnu.org; 7 May 2019 09:53:30 +0000 Received: from localhost ([]:58220 helo=debbugs.gnu.org) by debbugs.gnu.org with esmtp (Exim 4.84_2) (envelope-from <debbugs-submit-bounces <at> debbugs.gnu.org>) id 1hNwmw-0004EE-Be for submit <at> debbugs.gnu.org; Tue, 07 May 2019 05:53:30 -0400 Received: from eggs.gnu.org ([]:36048) by debbugs.gnu.org with esmtp (Exim 4.84_2) (envelope-from <ludo@HIDDEN>) id 1hNwmt-0004Dx-0f for 35604 <at> debbugs.gnu.org; Tue, 07 May 2019 05:53:29 -0400 Received: from fencepost.gnu.org ([2001:470:142:3::e]:56437) by eggs.gnu.org with esmtp (Exim 4.71) (envelope-from <ludo@HIDDEN>) id 1hNwmk-0005sU-Jk; Tue, 07 May 2019 05:53:18 -0400 Received: from [2001:660:6102:320:e120:2c8f:8909:cdfe] (port=38926 helo=ribbon) by fencepost.gnu.org with esmtpsa (TLS1.2:RSA_AES_256_CBC_SHA1:256) (Exim 4.82) (envelope-from <ludo@HIDDEN>) id 1hNwmk-0002W0-1t; Tue, 07 May 2019 05:53:18 -0400 From: Ludovic =?UTF-8?Q?Court=C3=A8s?= <ludo@HIDDEN> References: <20190506163539.6xykcq55wec2gon7@HIDDEN> <874l67h0v9.fsf@nckx> Date: Tue, 07 May 2019 11:53:13 +0200 In-Reply-To: <874l67h0v9.fsf@nckx> (Tobias Geerinckx-Rice's message of "Mon, 06 May 2019 20:52:26 +0200") Message-ID: <87a7fy8uba.fsf@HIDDEN> User-Agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/26.2 (gnu/linux) MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable X-detected-operating-system: by eggs.gnu.org: GNU/Linux 2.2.x-3.x [generic] X-Spam-Score: -2.3 (--) X-BeenThere: debbugs-submit <at> debbugs.gnu.org X-Mailman-Version: 2.1.18 Precedence: list List-Id: <debbugs-submit.debbugs.gnu.org> List-Unsubscribe: <https://debbugs.gnu.org/cgi-bin/mailman/options/debbugs-submit>, <mailto:debbugs-submit-request <at> debbugs.gnu.org?subject=unsubscribe> List-Archive: <https://debbugs.gnu.org/cgi-bin/mailman/private/debbugs-submit/> List-Post: <mailto:debbugs-submit <at> debbugs.gnu.org> List-Help: <mailto:debbugs-submit-request <at> debbugs.gnu.org?subject=help> List-Subscribe: <https://debbugs.gnu.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/debbugs-submit>, <mailto:debbugs-submit-request <at> debbugs.gnu.org?subject=subscribe> Errors-To: debbugs-submit-bounces <at> debbugs.gnu.org Sender: "Debbugs-submit" <debbugs-submit-bounces <at> debbugs.gnu.org> X-Spam-Score: -3.3 (---) Hello, Tobias Geerinckx-Rice <me@HIDDEN> skribis: > How about changing =E2=80=98previous generations=E2=80=99 to =E2=80=98all= generations=E2=80=99, and > have it include the current generation at the top (now with # and > date, maybe =E2=80=98(current)=E2=80=99 appended)? Yes, I=E2=80=99m fine either way (I found that =E2=80=9Cprevious generation= s=E2=80=9D was clear enough, but apparently it isn=E2=80=99t all that clear). Thanks, Ludo=E2=80=99.
X-Loop: help-debbugs@HIDDEN Subject: bug#35604: Is the top bootloader entry for previous generations the current one? Resent-From: swedebugia <swedebugia@HIDDEN> Original-Sender: "Debbugs-submit" <debbugs-submit-bounces <at> debbugs.gnu.org> Resent-CC: bug-guix@HIDDEN Resent-Date: Tue, 07 May 2019 16:59:02 +0000 Resent-Message-ID: <handler.35604.B35604.15572483351693 <at> debbugs.gnu.org> Resent-Sender: help-debbugs@HIDDEN X-GNU-PR-Message: followup 35604 X-GNU-PR-Package: guix X-GNU-PR-Keywords: To: 35604 <at> debbugs.gnu.org Received: via spool by 35604-submit <at> debbugs.gnu.org id=B35604.15572483351693 (code B ref 35604); Tue, 07 May 2019 16:59:02 +0000 Received: (at 35604) by debbugs.gnu.org; 7 May 2019 16:58:55 +0000 Received: from localhost ([]:59453 helo=debbugs.gnu.org) by debbugs.gnu.org with esmtp (Exim 4.84_2) (envelope-from <debbugs-submit-bounces <at> debbugs.gnu.org>) id 1hO3Qd-0000RF-JM for submit <at> debbugs.gnu.org; Tue, 07 May 2019 12:58:55 -0400 Received: from mx1.riseup.net ([]:37162) by debbugs.gnu.org with esmtp (Exim 4.84_2) (envelope-from <swedebugia@HIDDEN>) id 1hO3Qb-0000R6-Dy for 35604 <at> debbugs.gnu.org; Tue, 07 May 2019 12:58:54 -0400 Received: from capuchin.riseup.net (capuchin-pn.riseup.net []) (using TLSv1 with cipher ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA (256/256 bits)) (Client CN "*.riseup.net", Issuer "COMODO RSA Domain Validation Secure Server CA" (verified OK)) by mx1.riseup.net (Postfix) with ESMTPS id A96571B9364 for <35604 <at> debbugs.gnu.org>; Tue, 7 May 2019 09:58:26 -0700 (PDT) DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/simple; d=riseup.net; s=squak; t=1557248332; bh=O9ea00ShWOeCiT9Y1dIeqwIGqXQXZeqaG9SgprYugJQ=; h=Subject:To:References:From:Date:In-Reply-To:From; b=EFRDVWn/DScpbiWTfjV8XaqDpfvyQFuvZDoCQ/TP43lhXsu7/IHal5ytBBeZOpvCj MEskx/Mk1Rov5c6fI3I3im6aRoj3B0aI5Es7aRRMfm6dw9MqQFoBlocNNCHb4HYKCO SWFyKxjIoVYFYNWboEdIpiYwnL1gp+uitaX9ogfg= X-Riseup-User-ID: 69E50F50100084576E7A247430B76FEEA1CCE6EAC3E1FA3069F2855E94227732 Received: from [] (localhost []) by capuchin.riseup.net (Postfix) with ESMTPSA id C48E6120ECE for <35604 <at> debbugs.gnu.org>; Tue, 7 May 2019 09:58:25 -0700 (PDT) References: <20190506163539.6xykcq55wec2gon7@HIDDEN> <874l67h0v9.fsf@nckx> From: swedebugia <swedebugia@HIDDEN> Message-ID: <4467891f-1d74-8cfd-61ca-53b3d2d1ddbf@HIDDEN> Date: Tue, 7 May 2019 18:58:21 +0200 MIME-Version: 1.0 In-Reply-To: <874l67h0v9.fsf@nckx> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8; format=flowed Content-Language: en-US Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit X-Spam-Score: -0.7 (/) X-BeenThere: debbugs-submit <at> debbugs.gnu.org X-Mailman-Version: 2.1.18 Precedence: list List-Id: <debbugs-submit.debbugs.gnu.org> List-Unsubscribe: <https://debbugs.gnu.org/cgi-bin/mailman/options/debbugs-submit>, <mailto:debbugs-submit-request <at> debbugs.gnu.org?subject=unsubscribe> List-Archive: <https://debbugs.gnu.org/cgi-bin/mailman/private/debbugs-submit/> List-Post: <mailto:debbugs-submit <at> debbugs.gnu.org> List-Help: <mailto:debbugs-submit-request <at> debbugs.gnu.org?subject=help> List-Subscribe: <https://debbugs.gnu.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/debbugs-submit>, <mailto:debbugs-submit-request <at> debbugs.gnu.org?subject=subscribe> Errors-To: debbugs-submit-bounces <at> debbugs.gnu.org Sender: "Debbugs-submit" <debbugs-submit-bounces <at> debbugs.gnu.org> X-Spam-Score: -1.7 (-) On 2019-05-06 20:52, Tobias Geerinckx-Rice wrote: ... > How about changing ‘previous generations’ to ‘all generations’, and have > it include the current generation at the top (now with # and date, maybe > ‘(current)’ appended)? > > That way we can keep the default nice and friendly and skimmable in ~5s, > and the overview is actually a complete overview. Sounds like a good idea to me. -- Cheers Swedebugia
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