GNU bug report logs - #35758
Build failure with Emacs master branch

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Package: auctex;

Reported by: Joseph Mingrone <jrm <at>>

Date: Thu, 16 May 2019 01:21:02 UTC

Severity: normal

Done: Tassilo Horn <tsdh <at>>

Bug is archived. No further changes may be made.

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Report forwarded to bug-auctex <at>
bug#35758; Package auctex. (Thu, 16 May 2019 01:21:02 GMT) Full text and rfc822 format available.

Acknowledgement sent to Joseph Mingrone <jrm <at>>:
New bug report received and forwarded. Copy sent to bug-auctex <at> (Thu, 16 May 2019 01:21:02 GMT) Full text and rfc822 format available.

Message #5 received at submit <at> (full text, mbox):

From: Joseph Mingrone <jrm <at>>
To: bug-auctex <at>
Subject: Build failure with Emacs master branch
Date: Wed, 15 May 2019 22:16:51 -0300
[Message part 1 (text/plain, inline)]

AUCTeX fails when building with recent commits from the Emacs' master
branch (but builds fine with Emacs 26.2).  I see this with both AUCTeX
12.1 and from the HEAD of the repository.

Here is a snippet of the error.
gmake[1]: Entering directory '/usr/home/jrm/scm/nm/auctex'
rm -f preview-latex.el
/usr/local/bin/emacs -batch -no-site-file -no-init-file --eval '(let ((generated-autoload-file (expand-file-name "preview-latex.el"))) (update-file-autoloads "preview.el")(save-buffers-kill-emacs t))' ; \
test -r preview-latex.el || { \
  echo ";; Auto-generated preview-latex.el" > preview-latex.el ; \
  echo "
        " >> preview-latex.el ; \
  /usr/local/bin/emacs -batch -no-site-file -no-init-file --eval '(let ((generated-autoload-file (expand-file-name "preview-latex.el"))) (update-file-autoloads "preview.el")(save-buffers-kill-emacs t))' ; \
preview.el:0:0: error: wrong-type-argument: (stringp nil)
preview.el:0:0: error: wrong-type-argument: (stringp nil)

Below is the full build log.



(cd latex ; gmake all)
gmake[1]: Entering directory '/usr/home/jrm/scm/nm/auctex/latex'
gmake[1]: Nothing to be done for 'all'.
gmake[1]: Leaving directory '/usr/home/jrm/scm/nm/auctex/latex'
/usr/local/bin/emacs -batch -q -no-site-file -no-init-file -l lpath.el -f batch-byte-compile tex.el tex-buf.el tex-style.el plain-tex.el latex.el tex-info.el texmathp.el multi-prompt.el tex-mik.el font-latex.el tex-font.el context.el context-en.el context-nl.el tex-fold.el tex-jp.el toolbar-x.el tex-bar.el bib-cite.el tex-ispell.el latex-flymake.el style/prosper.el style/slides.el    style/foils.el     style/amstex.el style/article.el   style/book.el      style/letter.el style/report.el    style/amsart.el    style/amsbook.el style/epsf.el      style/psfig.el     style/latexinfo.el style/dutch.el     style/german.el    style/dk.el style/j-article.el style/j-book.el    style/j-report.el style/jarticle.el  style/jbook.el     style/jreport.el style/tarticle.el  style/tbook.el     style/treport.el style/jsarticle.el style/jsbook.el    style/jsreport.el style/dinbrief.el  style/virtex.el    style/plfonts.el style/plhb.el      style/harvard.el	 style/swedish.el style/danish.el    style/slovak.el    style/czech.el style/amsmath.el   style/amstext.el   style/amsbsy.el style/amsopn.el    style/amsthm.el	 style/natbib.el style/index.el     style/makeidx.el   style/multind.el style/varioref.el  style/fancyref.el	 style/mdwlist.el style/ngerman.el   style/graphicx.el	 style/graphics.el style/verbatim.el  style/scrbase.el   style/scrartcl.el style/scrbook.el   style/scrreprt.el	 style/scrlttr2.el style/scrpage2.el  style/captcont.el  style/subfigure.el style/paralist.el  style/booktabs.el  style/emp.el style/jura.el      style/alphanum.el	 style/beamer.el style/alltt.el     style/italian.el   style/doc.el style/ltxdoc.el    style/ltx-base.el	 style/units.el style/nicefrac.el  style/url.el       style/listings.el style/inputenc.el  style/frenchb.el   style/francais.el style/MinionPro.el style/pdfsync.el   style/polish.el style/polski.el    style/icelandic.el style/comment.el style/flashcards.el style/pstricks.el style/nomencl.el style/hyperref.el  style/bulgarian.el style/CJK.el style/ruby.el      style/CJKutf8.el   style/tabularx.el style/multido.el   style/pst-grad.el  style/pst-node.el style/pst-plot.el  style/pst-slpe.el  style/shortvrb.el style/austrian.el  style/naustrian.el style/french.el style/lettrine.el  style/multicol.el  style/xspace.el style/setspace.el  style/biblatex.el  style/siunitx.el style/bm.el        style/footmisc.el  style/ulem.el style/bigdelim.el  style/bigstrut.el  style/everysel.el style/mathtools.el style/ragged2e.el  style/amssymb.el style/lscape.el    style/epigraph.el  style/mflogo.el style/multirow.el  style/imakeidx.el  style/afterpage.el style/longtable.el style/lipsum.el    style/kantlipsum.el style/memoir.el    style/placeins.el  style/nameref.el style/fancynum.el  style/fancyhdr.el	 style/filecontents.el style/array.el     style/kpfonts.el   style/acro.el style/acronym.el   style/xparse.el    style/fancyvrb.el style/tabulary.el  style/fontspec.el  style/unicode-math.el style/luacode.el   style/metalogo.el  style/english.el style/exercise.el  style/plext.el     style/cleveref.el style/eso-pic.el   style/fontaxes.el  style/AnonymousPro.el style/mdsymbol.el  style/MyriadPro.el style/textcomp.el style/XCharter.el  style/zlmtt.el     style/ifluatex.el style/luatextra.el style/erewhon.el   style/baskervaldx.el style/fbb.el       style/newtxmath.el style/newtxsf.el style/newtxtext.el style/newtxttt.el  style/minted.el style/wrapfig.el   style/relsize.el   style/currvita.el style/tcolorbox.el style/color.el	 style/expl3.el style/bidibeamer.el style/enumitem.el style/caption.el style/geometry.el  style/ltablex.el   style/ltxtable.el style/mn2e.el      style/colortbl.el  style/attachfile.el style/newpxtext.el style/newpxmath.el style/pdfpages.el style/mnras.el     style/environ.el   style/polyglossia.el style/vwcol.el     style/textpos.el   style/transparent.el style/fontenc.el   style/Alegreya.el  style/gloss-italian.el style/newfloat.el  style/subcaption.el style/AlegreyaSans.el style/hologo.el    style/theorem.el   style/ntheorem.el style/splitidx.el  style/tikz.el      style/xcolor.el style/pdflscape.el style/commath.el   style/empheq.el style/framed.el    style/paracol.el   style/menukeys.el style/bidi.el      style/FiraMono.el  style/FiraSans.el style/bicaption.el style/amsfonts.el  style/subfiles.el style/dcolumn.el   style/mdframed.el  style/tcolorboxlib-raster.el style/titleps.el   style/titlesec.el  style/titletoc.el style/exam.el      style/breqn.el     style/sourcecodepro.el style/preview.el   style/fvextra.el   style/jurabib.el style/csquotes.el  style/babel.el     style/dk-bib.el style/floatrow.el  style/moodle.el    style/canadian.el style/arabxetex.el style/australian.el style/newzealand.el style/xltabular.el style/marginnote.el style/thmtools.el style/ocg-p.el     style/ocgx.el      style/thm-restate.el style/pythontex.el style/dashundergaps.el style/beamerarticle.el style/beamerswitch.el prv-emacs.el preview.el

In toplevel form:
tex.el:671:41:Warning: reference to free variable ‘Info-file-list-for-emacs’
tex.el:671:41:Warning: assignment to free variable ‘Info-file-list-for-emacs’

In TeX-set-mode-name:
tex.el:917:69:Warning: reference to free variable ‘TeX-mode-p’
tex.el:923:22:Warning: reference to free variable ‘TeX-PDF-mode’
tex.el:924:22:Warning: reference to free variable ‘TeX-interactive-mode’
tex.el:925:22:Warning: reference to free variable ‘TeX-source-correlate-mode’
tex.el:931:57:Warning: reference to free variable ‘TeX-command-default’

In TeX-pdf-tools-sync-view:
tex.el:1158:11:Warning: reference to free variable ‘TeX-PDF-mode’
tex.el:1162:12:Warning: reference to free variable ‘TeX-source-correlate-mode’
tex.el:1164:38:Warning: reference to free variable
tex.el:1168:24:Warning: reference to free variable ‘file’

In TeX-evince-sync-view-1:
tex.el:1192:43:Warning: reference to free variable ‘file’
tex.el:1201:40:Warning: reference to free variable

In TeX-engine-set:
tex.el:1597:16:Warning: assignment to free variable ‘TeX-PDF-from-DVI’

In TeX-source-correlate-method-active:
tex.el:1721:9:Warning: reference to free variable ‘TeX-PDF-mode’

In TeX-source-correlate-expand-options:
tex.el:1731:7:Warning: reference to free variable ‘TeX-source-correlate-mode’
tex.el:1733:19:Warning: reference to free variable
tex.el:1734:23:Warning: reference to free variable
tex.el:1741:9:Warning: reference to free variable ‘TeX-synctex-tex-flags’

In TeX-source-correlate-handle-TeX-region:
tex.el:1752:23:Warning: reference to free variable ‘TeX-region’
tex.el:1762:55:Warning: reference to free variable ‘TeX-region-orig-buffer’

In TeX-source-correlate-mode:
tex.el:1851:22:Warning: reference to free variable ‘TeX-mode-map’

In TeX-PDF-mode:
tex.el:2021:9:Warning: assignment to free variable ‘TeX-PDF-mode-parsed’
tex.el:2023:9:Warning: assignment to free variable ‘TeX-output-extension’

In TeX-master-file-ask:
tex.el:2328:58:Warning: reference to free variable ‘TeX-default-extension’

In TeX-master-file:
tex.el:2384:38:Warning: reference to free variable ‘TeX-default-extension’

In TeX-add-local-master:
tex.el:2442:46:Warning: reference to free variable ‘TeX-default-extension’
tex.el:2453:34:Warning: reference to free variable ‘TeX-esc’

In TeX-parse-path:
tex.el:2539:45:Warning: reference to free variable ‘TeX-macro-global’

In TeX-parse-macro:
tex.el:3335:23:Warning: reference to free variable

In TeX-parse-arguments:
tex.el:3406:42:Warning: reference to free variable ‘LaTeX-optop’
tex.el:3407:42:Warning: reference to free variable ‘LaTeX-optcl’

In TeX-parse-argument:
tex.el:3458:26:Warning: reference to free variable ‘exit-mark’

In TeX-argument-insert:
tex.el:3482:13:Warning: assignment to free variable ‘last-optional-rejected’
tex.el:3487:37:Warning: reference to free variable ‘exit-mark’

In VirTeX-common-initialization:
tex.el:3647:9:Warning: assignment to free variable ‘TeX-output-extension’
tex.el:3651:46:Warning: assignment to free variable ‘ispell-parser’
tex.el:3697:61:Warning: assignment to free variable ‘ispell-tex-p’
tex.el:3698:30:Warning: assignment to free variable ‘TeX-auto-update’
tex.el:3700:15:Warning: reference to free variable ‘TeX-mode-map’
tex.el:3708:56:Warning: reference to free variable

In TeX-auto-write:
tex.el:3904:47:Warning: reference to free variable ‘TeX-all-extensions’

In TeX-auto-generate:
tex.el:3995:57:Warning: reference to free variable ‘TeX-all-extensions’

In TeX-auto-store:
tex.el:4019:45:Warning: reference to free variable ‘TeX-all-extensions’

In TeX-insert-dollar:
tex.el:5820:26:Warning: reference to free variable ‘texmathp-why’

In TeX-math-input-method-off:
tex.el:5904:11:Warning: ‘inactivate-input-method’ is an obsolete function (as
    of 24.3); use ‘deactivate-input-method’ instead.

In TeX-normal-mode:
tex.el:5915:13:Warning: assignment to free variable
tex.el:5916:13:Warning: assignment to free variable ‘BibTeX-global-files’
tex.el:5917:13:Warning: assignment to free variable
tex.el:5918:13:Warning: assignment to free variable ‘TeX-Biber-global-files’
tex.el:5919:13:Warning: assignment to free variable ‘TeX-global-input-files’
tex.el:5920:13:Warning: assignment to free variable ‘LaTeX-global-class-files’
tex.el:5921:13:Warning: assignment to free variable
tex.el:6377:7:Warning: assignment to free variable ‘ispell-enable-tex-parser’

In TeX-ispell-tex-arg-verb-end:
tex.el:6534:29:Warning: reference to free variable

In TeX-current-defun-name:
tex.el:6615:56:Warning: reference to free variable ‘LaTeX-section-label’

In end of data:
tex.el:6650:1:Warning: the following functions are not known to be defined:
    dbus-ignore-errors, dbus-get-unique-name, dbus-ping,
    dbus-introspect-get-method, TeX-output-extension, dbus-call-method,
    TeX-command-expand, dbus-register-signal, TeX-active-master,
    LaTeX-environment-list, texmathp, tex--prettify-symbols-compose-p,
    TeX-pop-to-buffer, spell-buffer

In TeX-region-create:
tex-buf.el:2157:11:Warning: ‘font-lock-maximum-size’ is an obsolete variable
    (as of 24.1).

In end of data:
plain-tex.el:338:1:Warning: the function ‘TeX-install-toolbar’ is not known to
    be defined.

In toplevel form:
latex.el:117:1:Warning: global/dynamic var ‘title’ lacks a prefix
latex.el:118:1:Warning: global/dynamic var ‘name’ lacks a prefix
latex.el:119:1:Warning: global/dynamic var ‘level’ lacks a prefix
latex.el:121:1:Warning: global/dynamic var ‘toc’ lacks a prefix

In LaTeX-largest-level-set:
latex.el:309:15:Warning: reference to free variable ‘outline-heading-alist’
latex.el:307:48:Warning: assignment to free variable ‘outline-heading-alist’

In LaTeX-auto-cleanup:
latex.el:1767:25:Warning: reference to free variable ‘TeX-auto-file’
latex.el:1804:30:Warning: assignment to free variable ‘TeX-auto-file’

In BibTeX-auto-store:
latex.el:1879:48:Warning: assignment to free variable ‘TeX-auto-update’

In LaTeX-section-menu-filter:
latex.el:5608:15:Warning: assignment to free variable

In end of data:
latex.el:6707:1:Warning: the following functions are not known to be defined:
    outline-level, multi-prompt, multi-prompt-key-value, texmathp,
    texmathp-match-switch, outline-mark-subtree, LaTeX-install-toolbar,

In Texinfo-reftex-hook:
tex-info.el:484:28:Warning: reference to free variable
tex-info.el:485:48:Warning: assignment to free variable

In TeX-texinfo-mode:
tex-info.el:684:30:Warning: assignment to free variable ‘TeX-auto-update’

In font-latex-update-sectioning-faces:
font-latex.el:173:37:Warning: reference to free variable

In end of data:
font-latex.el:2237:1:Warning: the following functions are not known to be
    defined: face-property-instance, set-face-property

In toplevel form:
tex-font.el:149:1:Warning: defface for ‘tex-math-face’ fails to specify
    containing group

In toplevel form:
context.el:75:1:Warning: global/dynamic var ‘reference’ lacks a prefix
context.el:77:1:Warning: global/dynamic var ‘title’ lacks a prefix
context.el:78:1:Warning: global/dynamic var ‘name’ lacks a prefix
context.el:79:1:Warning: global/dynamic var ‘level’ lacks a prefix

In ConTeXt-paragraph-commands-regexp:
context.el:1017:26:Warning: reference to free variable

In TeX-bar-TeX-buttons:
tex-bar.el:130:22:Warning: reference to free variable

In TeX-bar-LaTeX-buttons:
tex-bar.el:271:22:Warning: reference to free variable

In bib-find-next:
bib-cite.el:977:12:Warning: ‘find-tag’ is an obsolete function (as of 25.1);
    use ‘xref-find-definitions’ instead.
bib-cite.el:983:55:Warning: ‘find-tag’ is an obsolete function (as of 25.1);
    use ‘xref-find-definitions’ instead.

In end of data:
bib-cite.el:2435:1:Warning: the following functions are not known to be
    defined: reftex-view-crossref, extent-string, show-entry,
    dired-replace-in-string, dired-split

In LaTeX-env-recipient:
style/letter.el:151:6:Warning: ‘indent-relative-maybe’ is an obsolete function
    (as of 26.1); use ‘indent-relative-first-indent-point’ instead.
style/letter.el:157:17:Warning: ‘indent-relative-maybe’ is an obsolete
    function (as of 26.1); use ‘indent-relative-first-indent-point’ instead.

In LaTeX-dinbrief-style:
style/dinbrief.el:80:6:Warning: ‘indent-relative-maybe’ is an obsolete
    function (as of 26.1); use ‘indent-relative-first-indent-point’ instead.

In LaTeX-dinbrief-env-recipient:
style/dinbrief.el:198:6:Warning: ‘indent-relative-maybe’ is an obsolete
    function (as of 26.1); use ‘indent-relative-first-indent-point’ instead.
style/dinbrief.el:204:17:Warning: ‘indent-relative-maybe’ is an obsolete
    function (as of 26.1); use ‘indent-relative-first-indent-point’ instead.

In LaTeX-dinbrief-sender:
style/dinbrief.el:218:16:Warning: ‘previous-line’ is for interactive use only;
    use ‘forward-line’ with negative argument instead.

In end of data:
style/pstricks.el:875:1:Warning: the function ‘multi-prompt-key-value’ is not
    known to be defined.

In toplevel form:
style/pst-plot.el:59:1:Warning: Alias for ‘LaTeX-pst-ticks-list’ should be
    declared before its referent

In LaTeX-kpfonts-mode:
style/kpfonts.el:507:22:Warning: reference to free variable
style/kpfonts.el:507:46:Warning: reference to free variable

In LaTeX-ifluatex-set-exit-mark:
style/ifluatex.el:39:15:Warning: reference to free variable ‘exit-mark’

In TeX-TikZ-arg-bend:
style/tikz.el:198:37:Warning: reference to free variable

In LaTeX-exam-insert-item:
style/exam.el:55:20:Warning: reference to free variable ‘environment’

In preview-mode-setup:
prv-emacs.el:375:18:Warning: reference to free variable ‘preview-menu’
prv-emacs.el:389:41:Warning: reference to free variable ‘preview-dumped-alist’

In preview-move-point:
prv-emacs.el:451:16:Warning: reference to free variable ‘preview-auto-reveal’

In end of data:
prv-emacs.el:588:1:Warning: the following functions are not known to be
    defined: preview-inherited-face-attribute, preview-filter-specs-1,
    preview-format-kill, preview-delete, preview-relaxed-string=,
    preview-disable, preview-inactive-string,
    desktop-buffer-preview-misc-data, preview-filter-specs,
gmake preview-latex.el
gmake[1]: Entering directory '/usr/home/jrm/scm/nm/auctex'
gmake[1]: 'preview-latex.el' is up to date.
gmake[1]: Leaving directory '/usr/home/jrm/scm/nm/auctex'
cd doc ; gmake all
gmake[1]: Entering directory '/usr/home/jrm/scm/nm/auctex/doc'
: -D rawfile --no-headers install.texi --output ../INSTALL
: -D rawfile --no-headers wininstall.texi --output ../
: -D rawfile --no-headers changes.texi --output ../CHANGES
: -D rawfile --no-headers --number-sections preview-problems.texi --output ../PROBLEMS.preview
: preview-latex.texi
: auctex.texi
gmake[1]: Leaving directory '/usr/home/jrm/scm/nm/auctex/doc'
[signature.asc (application/pgp-signature, inline)]

Reply sent to Tassilo Horn <tsdh <at>>:
You have taken responsibility. (Fri, 17 May 2019 20:31:02 GMT) Full text and rfc822 format available.

Notification sent to Joseph Mingrone <jrm <at>>:
bug acknowledged by developer. (Fri, 17 May 2019 20:31:02 GMT) Full text and rfc822 format available.

Message #10 received at 35758-done <at> (full text, mbox):

From: Tassilo Horn <tsdh <at>>
To: Joseph Mingrone <jrm <at>>
Cc: 35758-done <at>
Subject: Re: bug#35758: Build failure with Emacs master branch
Date: Fri, 17 May 2019 22:30:32 +0200
[Message part 1 (text/plain, inline)]
Joseph Mingrone <jrm <at>> writes:

Hi Joseph,

> AUCTeX fails when building with recent commits from the Emacs' master
> branch (but builds fine with Emacs 26.2).  I see this with both AUCTeX
> 12.1 and from the HEAD of the repository.
> Here is a snippet of the error.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> gmake[1]: Entering directory '/usr/home/jrm/scm/nm/auctex'
> rm -f preview-latex.el
> /usr/local/bin/emacs -batch -no-site-file -no-init-file --eval '(let ((generated-autoload-file (expand-file-name "preview-latex.el"))) (update-file-autoloads "preview.el")(save-buffers-kill-emacs t))' ; \
> test -r preview-latex.el || { \
>   echo ";; Auto-generated preview-latex.el" > preview-latex.el ; \
>   echo "
>         " >> preview-latex.el ; \
>   /usr/local/bin/emacs -batch -no-site-file -no-init-file --eval '(let ((generated-autoload-file (expand-file-name "preview-latex.el"))) (update-file-autoloads "preview.el")(save-buffers-kill-emacs t))' ; \
> }
> preview.el:0:0: error: wrong-type-argument: (stringp nil)
> preview.el:0:0: error: wrong-type-argument: (stringp nil)
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------

I could reproduce that once with a newly started emacs with this recipe
in *scratch*:

--8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---
(let ((default-directory "~/Repos/el/auctex")
      (generated-autoload-file (expand-file-name "auto-loads.el")))
  (message "%S" command-line-args-left)
   (function update-file-autoloads)
   (list "tex.el")))
--8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8---

When trying to edebug `update-file-autoloads' and the functions called
from that, the bug magically disappeared until I started a new emacs...

I don't really know what exactly changed but I suspect it has something
to do with lexical binding `default-value'.  Normally,

(defvar y nil)
(defun dvy ()
  (default-value 'y))
(let ((y 17))
  (dvy)) ;; => 17

but in our case, the let-bound value of `generated-autoload-file' hasn't
been there in `autoload-file-load-name', and that's where the error came
from (I think!  As soon as I tried to edebug it, the error magically

Anyway, `update-file-autoloads' allows to specify the autoload file as
third argument instead of binding `generated-autoload-file', so I'm
using that now.  Pushed to master.  I'm closing this issue.

Thanks for the report,
[signature.asc (application/pgp-signature, inline)]

Information forwarded to bug-auctex <at>
bug#35758; Package auctex. (Fri, 17 May 2019 20:45:02 GMT) Full text and rfc822 format available.

Message #13 received at 35758 <at> (full text, mbox):

From: Arash Esbati <arash <at>>
To: tsdh <at>
Cc: jrm <at>, 35758 <at>, lomov.vl <at>
Subject: Re: bug#35758: Build failure with Emacs master branch
Date: Fri, 17 May 2019 22:43:20 +0200
Tassilo Horn <tsdh <at>> writes:

> Anyway, `update-file-autoloads' allows to specify the autoload file as
> third argument instead of binding `generated-autoload-file', so I'm
> using that now.  Pushed to master.  I'm closing this issue.

Hi Tassilo,

thanks for fixing this.  It was also reported by Vladimir[1] and I'm
CC'ing him to let him know that this issue is resolved.  I was also
thinking about a similar solution :-)

Best, Arash


Information forwarded to bug-auctex <at>
bug#35758; Package auctex. (Fri, 17 May 2019 21:05:01 GMT) Full text and rfc822 format available.

Message #16 received at 35758 <at> (full text, mbox):

From: Tassilo Horn <tsdh <at>>
To: Arash Esbati <arash <at>>
Cc: jrm <at>, 35758 <at>, lomov.vl <at>
Subject: Re: bug#35758: Build failure with Emacs master branch
Date: Fri, 17 May 2019 23:04:02 +0200
Arash Esbati <arash <at>> writes:

Hi Arash,

>> Anyway, `update-file-autoloads' allows to specify the autoload file
>> as third argument instead of binding `generated-autoload-file', so
>> I'm using that now.  Pushed to master.  I'm closing this issue.
> thanks for fixing this.  It was also reported by Vladimir[1] and I'm
> CC'ing him to let him know that this issue is resolved.  I was also
> thinking about a similar solution :-)

Ah, I haven't read that.  But now after reading that commit e08e0880f9's
message which Vladimir mentioned in his report, it all makes sense now.
Before I couldn't understand what's going on because autoload.el uses
lexical binding since 2012 according to its local variables prop line
(is lexical binding in Emacs really that old?).


Information forwarded to bug-auctex <at>
bug#35758; Package auctex. (Fri, 17 May 2019 21:12:01 GMT) Full text and rfc822 format available.

Message #19 received at 35758 <at> (full text, mbox):

From: David Kastrup <dak <at>>
To: Tassilo Horn <tsdh <at>>
Cc: jrm <at>, Arash Esbati <arash <at>>, 35758 <at>,
 lomov.vl <at>
Subject: Re: bug#35758: Build failure with Emacs master branch
Date: Fri, 17 May 2019 23:11:05 +0200
Tassilo Horn <tsdh <at>> writes:

> Arash Esbati <arash <at>> writes:
> Hi Arash,
>>> Anyway, `update-file-autoloads' allows to specify the autoload file
>>> as third argument instead of binding `generated-autoload-file', so
>>> I'm using that now.  Pushed to master.  I'm closing this issue.
>> thanks for fixing this.  It was also reported by Vladimir[1] and I'm
>> CC'ing him to let him know that this issue is resolved.  I was also
>> thinking about a similar solution :-)
> Ah, I haven't read that.  But now after reading that commit e08e0880f9's
> message which Vladimir mentioned in his report, it all makes sense now.
> Before I couldn't understand what's going on because autoload.el uses
> lexical binding since 2012 according to its local variables prop line
> (is lexical binding in Emacs really that old?).

The local variables prop line would have to have been added in the
lexical binding _branch_ already before getting folded into Emacs
proper.  But 7 years is short in Emacs development times.  I don't think
it's been much younger since it was all-in.

David Kastrup

bug archived. Request was from Debbugs Internal Request <help-debbugs <at>> to internal_control <at> (Sat, 15 Jun 2019 11:24:04 GMT) Full text and rfc822 format available.

This bug report was last modified 4 years and 310 days ago.

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