GNU bug report logs - #40173 browser extension

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Package: gnuzilla;

Reported by: Johannes Marbach <johannesmarbach <at>>

Date: Sat, 21 Mar 2020 19:58:01 UTC

Severity: normal

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Report forwarded to bug-gnuzilla <at>
bug#40173; Package gnuzilla. (Sat, 21 Mar 2020 19:58:01 GMT) Full text and rfc822 format available.

Acknowledgement sent to Johannes Marbach <johannesmarbach <at>>:
New bug report received and forwarded. Copy sent to bug-gnuzilla <at> (Sat, 21 Mar 2020 19:58:01 GMT) Full text and rfc822 format available.

Message #5 received at submit <at> (full text, mbox):

From: Johannes Marbach <johannesmarbach <at>>
To: bug-gnuzilla <at>
Subject: Re: browser extension
Date: Sat, 21 Mar 2020 20:51:45 +0100
Unfortunately, Mozilla has recently disabled the extension based on
alleged copyright infringements against LibGen itself (full message at
the bottom). Can someone please remove the extension from the 68 branch
of IceCat as well?


Original message from Mozilla:

Dear contributor,

We received a notification under Mozilla’s Digital Millennium Copyright
Act (“DMCA”) and Trademark policy
( complaining
of allegedly infringing activity by you on our service at We
have removed or disabled access to your add-on identified by the
claimant as infringing the claimant's copyright.

The notice included the following report:

From DeVore & DeMarco LLP:

We are litigation counsel for Elsevier Inc., a leading publisher of
scientific, engineering, and medical books and journals. Elsevier
provides , among other things, the ScienceDirect platform, through which
it distributes scientific journal articles in which it holds the
copyright. In order to protect its copyright interest in those articles,
Elsevier brought a civil action against a number of websites commonly
known as "Sci-Hub" and "LibGen" or "Library Genesis" and their
respective mirrors which engage in the large-scale infringement of those
copyrights. On June 21, 2017, Elsevier obtained a judgement against
those websites which, among other things, enjoined the websites, their
operators, and anyone acting in concert with them, from infringing
Elsevier' s copyrighted works or assisting others in doing so.

We write to inform you of the presence of a number of add-ons for the
Firefox web browser which are designed specifically to assist their
users in infringing Elsevier 's (and other publisher') copyrights
through the websites operated by the defendants in the above-mentioned
civil action. We request that these extensions be removed from the
Firefox Browser Add-Ons website ( because they (1)
violate the DMCA, including Section 1201 (circumvention of copyright
protection systems); (2) operate in concert with the defendants in the
above-mentioned civil action to violate Elsevier's copyrights in
violation of the court 's order enjoining such conduct; and (3) are
manifestly in violation of Mozilla's Conditions of Use
( /acceptable-useD which
expressly prohibit, among other things, illegal content and content
which violates the copyright or other intellectual property rights of
others. We therefore request that the following add-ons be promptly removed.


• LibrifyJS:
o https :// addons.mozi l la.erg/ en-US/firefox/addon/li brifvj s-libgen-me
o Published by "h3nn3s"
o Last updated Nov. 7, 2019
o Javascript fix for the site


If you believe your content was removed or disabled as a result of a
mistake or misidentification of the material to be removed or disabled
(e.g., you have permission to post it or you believe it is a fair use),
you may submit a counter notification to us at dmcanotice <at>
We refer you to our DMCA and Trademark policy page at for the
requirements for a valid counter notification and more information.

We remind you of our repeat infringer termination policy. Under our
policy, we may terminate, at our discretion, a user’s account if under
appropriate circumstances they are determined to be a repeat infringer.


Mozilla Legal Team

On 11/8/19 8:03 PM, Johannes Marbach wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> This might not be the best place to post this but in lack of awareness
> of other options: I recently put together a browser extension for making
> the website work in IceCat with LibreJS enabled. I didn't
> spend much time on polishing the UI but functionally search, item
> details and item link list work - at least in my testing.
> If anyone is interested in using or contributing to this, you can find
> the extension on AMO:
> and the code on GitLab:
> Best,
> Johannes

Information forwarded to bug-gnuzilla <at>
bug#40173; Package gnuzilla. (Sat, 28 Mar 2020 11:48:02 GMT) Full text and rfc822 format available.

Message #8 received at 40173 <at> (full text, mbox):

From: Antonio Trande <anto.trande <at>>
To: 40173 <at>
Cc: Johannes Marbach <johannesmarbach <at>>
Subject: Re: bug#40173: browser extension
Date: Sat, 28 Mar 2020 12:47:08 +0100
[Message part 1 (text/plain, inline)]
Thank you Johannes.

I'm updating my gitlab project.

On 21/03/20 20:51, Johannes Marbach wrote:
> Unfortunately, Mozilla has recently disabled the extension based on
> alleged copyright infringements against LibGen itself (full message at
> the bottom). Can someone please remove the extension from the 68 branch
> of IceCat as well?
> Thanks
> Johannes
> Original message from Mozilla:
> Dear contributor,

> We received a notification under Mozilla’s Digital Millennium Copyright
> Act (“DMCA”) and Trademark policy
> ( complaining
> of allegedly infringing activity by you on our service at
> We
> have removed or disabled access to your add-on identified by the
> claimant as infringing the claimant's copyright.
> The notice included the following report:
> From DeVore & DeMarco LLP:
> We are litigation counsel for Elsevier Inc., a leading publisher of
> scientific, engineering, and medical books and journals. Elsevier
> provides , among other things, the ScienceDirect platform, through which
> it distributes scientific journal articles in which it holds the
> copyright. In order to protect its copyright interest in those articles,
> Elsevier brought a civil action against a number of websites commonly
> known as "Sci-Hub" and "LibGen" or "Library Genesis" and their
> respective mirrors which engage in the large-scale infringement of those
> copyrights. On June 21, 2017, Elsevier obtained a judgement against
> those websites which, among other things, enjoined the websites, their
> operators, and anyone acting in concert with them, from infringing
> Elsevier' s copyrighted works or assisting others in doing so.
> We write to inform you of the presence of a number of add-ons for the
> Firefox web browser which are designed specifically to assist their
> users in infringing Elsevier 's (and other publisher') copyrights
> through the websites operated by the defendants in the above-mentioned
> civil action. We request that these extensions be removed from the
> Firefox Browser Add-Ons website ( because they (1)
> violate the DMCA, including Section 1201 (circumvention of copyright
> protection systems); (2) operate in concert with the defendants in the
> above-mentioned civil action to violate Elsevier's copyrights in
> violation of the court 's order enjoining such conduct; and (3) are
> manifestly in violation of Mozilla's Conditions of Use
> ( /acceptable-useD which
> expressly prohibit, among other things, illegal content and content
> which violates the copyright or other intellectual property rights of
> others. We therefore request that the following add-ons be promptly removed.
> ...
> • LibrifyJS:
> o https :// addons.mozi l la.erg/ en-US/firefox/addon/li brifvj s-libgen-me
> o Published by "h3nn3s"
> o Last updated Nov. 7, 2019
> o Javascript fix for the site
> ....

If you believe your content was removed or disabled as a result of a
> mistake or misidentification of the material to be removed or disabled
> (e.g., you have permission to post it or you believe it is a fair use),
> you may submit a counter notification to us at dmcanotice <at>
> We refer you to our DMCA and Trademark policy page at
> for the
> requirements for a valid counter notification and more information.
We remind you of our repeat infringer termination policy. Under our
> policy, we may terminate, at our discretion, a user’s account if under
> appropriate circumstances they are determined to be a repeat infringer.

> Sincerely,
Mozilla Legal Team

> On 11/8/19 8:03 PM, Johannes Marbach wrote:
>> Hello everyone,
>> This might not be the best place to post this but in lack of awareness
>> of other options: I recently put together a browser extension for making
>> the website work in IceCat with LibreJS enabled. I didn't
>> spend much time on polishing the UI but functionally search, item
>> details and item link list work - at least in my testing.
>> If anyone is interested in using or contributing to this, you can find
>> the extension on AMO:
>> and the code on GitLab:
>> Best,
>> Johannes

Antonio Trande
Fedora Project
mailto 'sagitter at fedoraproject dot org'
GPG key: 0x7B30EE04E576AA84
GPG key server:

[signature.asc (application/pgp-signature, attachment)]

Information forwarded to bug-gnuzilla <at>
bug#40173; Package gnuzilla. (Tue, 21 Apr 2020 19:37:02 GMT) Full text and rfc822 format available.

Message #11 received at 40173 <at> (full text, mbox):

From: Johannes Marbach <johannesmarbach <at>>
To: 40173 <at>
Subject: Update
Date: Tue, 21 Apr 2020 21:29:33 +0200
I was able to acquire a signed version of the extension for distribution
outside of after changing the add-on ID. I moved the
source code here:

You can find the signed binaries in the releases folder, e.g.  for the
currently latest release:

It should be possible to download the file from here and include it in
the IceCat build. Let me know if there are any issues or if I can do
anything else to help.

This bug report was last modified 4 years and 317 days ago.

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