Stefan Kangas <stefankangas@HIDDEN>
to control <at>
Full text available.Noam Postavsky <npostavs@HIDDEN>
to control <at>
Full text available.Received: (at 40461) by; 6 Apr 2020 14:10:40 +0000 From debbugs-submit-bounces <at> Mon Apr 06 10:10:40 2020 Received: from localhost ([]:48979 by with esmtp (Exim 4.84_2) (envelope-from <debbugs-submit-bounces <at>>) id 1jLSSR-00006B-IZ for submit <at>; Mon, 06 Apr 2020 10:10:38 -0400 Received: from ([]:39107) by with esmtp (Exim 4.84_2) (envelope-from <npostavs@HIDDEN>) id 1jLSSM-00005Y-Bp for 40461 <at>; Mon, 06 Apr 2020 10:10:33 -0400 Received: by with SMTP id b62so16238046qkf.6 for <40461 <at>>; Mon, 06 Apr 2020 07:10:30 -0700 (PDT) DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=20161025; h=from:to:cc:subject:references:date:in-reply-to:message-id :user-agent:mime-version; bh=XxJg9yS57y+EVz4jofUTtfABk6KwtR6Y5ZtQSW95apc=; b=aFZ4FOzeyhQ8CLd1IcqeinWB/NchtaIb+kRO+8zBtZ+sM1eBFpuWssrEZeY+vOtE9b PniY74VuD6kKjfEqS0vXidqmrWVkRhE3VdQSWwmlhoH14JLXeXuaDaNYbxpwxfG0xqyA jo6xn/fwHM/fmgw3yUV8qU+G+E/XZj9BOCPM0LscJ+vQ1mo4Yj2XwirNxgUPPi3ZJG2z IoqncxEQjtXr1+0Uj4Rk0sdtLb0zOeok3Vg/nEt4Z5sZTstufG6CKGwDVmL8zY2mKtxu wk3PvLALH93Ph2o+EUxGh7pAhuJC5GUqAx0RwvR1PJwd6kvMKXtluGEk9Ir4M87fGbGX K2dw== X-Google-DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=20161025; h=x-gm-message-state:from:to:cc:subject:references:date:in-reply-to :message-id:user-agent:mime-version; bh=XxJg9yS57y+EVz4jofUTtfABk6KwtR6Y5ZtQSW95apc=; b=oDJgUe3CW+8XZE0yAfHSYB6eEysq9Cx0x4bh34P+Qk9XVn93LJs2WPOQiSgE/Kn97L bhTYiDyqMseTC6Ows8aHFeUYhJ76UsMHc3JdfJ0EwrGuOwYXYsISPrJcQwKsSUOVEFj1 R+2jFamHkW63YG/fvUwL4R/am1PceZOQLwGpnX7V7q68FS56zbH2sbVtrpkdu7iEFFEl cXEcQtgt8FbmrLJvBa8QISMQpZaTiRGWnv4NHhdWw1oysR08ol0vVEqj/ugQiBN2NkD8 +o0QHjRQ2esL4UM8esrIcBpHzS6vY/ECTE1maKVM/hUt2TXLtWAGEGVQc0rm4WJiFb4s JmRg== X-Gm-Message-State: AGi0PuZ9OgUilqv7SPYRVQCIuBxIP58+f4z1q24SMk0mhpSSg6RuJPKO KovhOxBmNdQ/vx1+TrZdGhJ0eZC+ksQ= X-Google-Smtp-Source: APiQypL0gpx4vBGjO6hySeCtezuoqBcsDlo8RTipxFDTGPl2nFqmrqhOv1zRho/j+YcOjoS75fsRfA== X-Received: by 2002:a37:a948:: with SMTP id s69mr817099qke.393.1586182223560; Mon, 06 Apr 2020 07:10:23 -0700 (PDT) Received: from vhost2 ( []) by with ESMTPSA id c6sm12763590qkg.88.2020. (version=TLS1_2 cipher=ECDHE-ECDSA-CHACHA20-POLY1305 bits=256/256); Mon, 06 Apr 2020 07:10:21 -0700 (PDT) From: Noam Postavsky <npostavs@HIDDEN> To: Liudvikas Akelis <liudvikas.akelis@HIDDEN> Subject: Re: bug#40461: 26.3; custom-set-faces doesn't work References: <CAMQC2ho81sd2OVB7NiZKS6hj61cqrySCGiPk12aZodiuGx5zug@HIDDEN> Date: Mon, 06 Apr 2020 10:10:19 -0400 In-Reply-To: <CAMQC2ho81sd2OVB7NiZKS6hj61cqrySCGiPk12aZodiuGx5zug@HIDDEN> (Liudvikas Akelis's message of "Mon, 6 Apr 2020 10:39:49 +0300") Message-ID: <85tv1wn1ro.fsf@HIDDEN> User-Agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/26.3 (windows-nt) MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain X-Spam-Score: 0.0 (/) X-Debbugs-Envelope-To: 40461 Cc: 40461 <at> X-BeenThere: debbugs-submit <at> X-Mailman-Version: 2.1.18 Precedence: list List-Id: <> List-Unsubscribe: <>, <mailto:debbugs-submit-request <at>> List-Archive: <> List-Post: <mailto:debbugs-submit <at>> List-Help: <mailto:debbugs-submit-request <at>> List-Subscribe: <>, <mailto:debbugs-submit-request <at>> Errors-To: debbugs-submit-bounces <at> Sender: "Debbugs-submit" <debbugs-submit-bounces <at>> X-Spam-Score: -1.0 (-) Liudvikas Akelis <liudvikas.akelis@HIDDEN> writes: > with no .emacs file, Menu bar -> Options -> Set default font; set any > font, then Options -> Save options, font settings are saved in the .emacs > file. Upon restarting emacs, the old (default) font is still used, and > font settings in the .emacs file are ignored. Other things I put in > .emacs still work, so it's just the font. > > > In GNU Emacs 26.3 (build 1, x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, GTK+ Version 3.24.10) Maybe this is Bug#25228 "custom-set-faces from init file ~/.emacs ignored"? Does adding (define-key special-event-map [config-changed-event] 'ignore) to .emacs help?
; Package emacs
Full text available.Received: (at submit) by; 6 Apr 2020 08:13:20 +0000 From debbugs-submit-bounces <at> Mon Apr 06 04:13:20 2020 Received: from localhost ([]:47126 by with esmtp (Exim 4.84_2) (envelope-from <debbugs-submit-bounces <at>>) id 1jLMsi-000271-Cu for submit <at>; Mon, 06 Apr 2020 04:13:20 -0400 Received: from ([]:49378) by with esmtp (Exim 4.84_2) (envelope-from <liudvikas.akelis@HIDDEN>) id 1jLMMY-0000Cj-2Y for submit <at>; Mon, 06 Apr 2020 03:40:06 -0400 Received: from ([2001:470:142:3::10]:57754) by with esmtp (Exim 4.90_1) (envelope-from <liudvikas.akelis@HIDDEN>) id 1jLMMW-0000pn-J8 for bug-gnu-emacs@HIDDEN; Mon, 06 Apr 2020 03:40:05 -0400 X-Spam-Checker-Version: SpamAssassin 3.3.2 (2011-06-06) on X-Spam-Level: X-Spam-Status: No, score=0.8 required=5.0 tests=BAYES_50,FREEMAIL_FROM, URIBL_BLOCKED autolearn=disabled version=3.3.2 Received: from Debian-exim by with spam-scanned (Exim 4.71) (envelope-from <liudvikas.akelis@HIDDEN>) id 1jLMMV-0001To-5U for bug-gnu-emacs@HIDDEN; Mon, 06 Apr 2020 03:40:04 -0400 Received: from ([2607:f8b0:4864:20::b29]:36135) by with esmtps (TLS1.0:RSA_AES_128_CBC_SHA1:16) (Exim 4.71) (envelope-from <liudvikas.akelis@HIDDEN>) id 1jLMMV-0001T3-1I for bug-gnu-emacs@HIDDEN; Mon, 06 Apr 2020 03:40:03 -0400 Received: by with SMTP id i4so8265038ybl.3 for <bug-gnu-emacs@HIDDEN>; Mon, 06 Apr 2020 00:40:02 -0700 (PDT) DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=20161025; h=mime-version:from:date:message-id:subject:to; bh=bY4ZnuJNd3WErJ46i6Zpspm8cDauBARvQE6FvoE2ceQ=; b=qF9szWt89Ck8sX5XkCvALX4KNS9xl6S7u84kkhem23zR8RQfPTmAkeJEolIaIjMPL2 h+Ynts3VUN3/Y3+5QRg483ItmGtw4YMkz9wjXsi50gl+mfcRbApchO+2y2fomDdgC/oK ov1Xt3M2+j3RItYCazqyZlU43ugZD02rb1K8PzXMLZ/c1oUIVQ3T0aRWAt+CgvBn2sMs k2eKgsAcqkKwJHEls8R4hjZy+E16/a0Wj/nBaAm6MiGMNVoxy3t1Q3dDaDtELZehZULa FMwvQwY8VY4r90PM5P0GFhyQjj/22xQe/5/SVMBvY9KOsOa0PG9bKxXCnBG3az6InSdK Gwew== X-Google-DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=20161025; h=x-gm-message-state:mime-version:from:date:message-id:subject:to; bh=bY4ZnuJNd3WErJ46i6Zpspm8cDauBARvQE6FvoE2ceQ=; b=RcqDatDBASkN+laFuBpPbCjExlum1sFADJV+xdvPzcNqL67iI1uUBTNctWqY4ZIGrS Hf1Wv6L9pZdebfj45+vuo76VU10DdlbuBUPQH3sXfmQ7QowyzVyEwvDm9U0EzYEBgFQ5 cB98r7dJvbnDbfxdd3PT63H/0joOHExnVGKIsTkWDbhr+cBy6JnXwNpEbOIQ7N28SxqG k9IghgaHAYXhOxXoIa2rnwE9/B/yDF2S2yhgulGpS3rCex5n5+eXskAyWts/5bPt0rwV +83DZScn4PC0a1ZDoVZ5QhoPU+R5I3XP36yQGUzAiNHxRzb4ljT8b0YumeZUIPouhGLa qFKg== X-Gm-Message-State: AGi0PuYEDto6WyUBtfDSNEp7RJ1FC3YTiplGQGgTHis05ppuCUHYdCKM VPsRjbJifuCeaJ4T6HNn1odQiw73y0oRBWOn2Fc8rmrl X-Google-Smtp-Source: APiQypIRPRn09i4EPxbhpDce21fnc90MOuxa3eSbnLlJDXFUA1u0hSejfozVhMawxV0Afd3a7tO0Qnt/MYFjHexX+7w= X-Received: by 2002:a25:ce8b:: with SMTP id x133mr32229986ybe.241.1586158801727; Mon, 06 Apr 2020 00:40:01 -0700 (PDT) MIME-Version: 1.0 From: Liudvikas Akelis <liudvikas.akelis@HIDDEN> Date: Mon, 6 Apr 2020 10:39:49 +0300 Message-ID: <CAMQC2ho81sd2OVB7NiZKS6hj61cqrySCGiPk12aZodiuGx5zug@HIDDEN> Subject: 26.3; custom-set-faces doesn't work To: bug-gnu-emacs@HIDDEN Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8" X-detected-operating-system: by Genre and OS details not recognized. X-Received-From: 2607:f8b0:4864:20::b29 X-Spam-Score: 2.3 (++) X-Spam-Report: Spam detection software, running on the system "", has NOT identified this incoming email as spam. The original message has been attached to this so you can view it or label similar future email. If you have any questions, see the administrator of that system for details. Content preview: Subject: --text follows this line-- (arch linux emacs 26.3-1) with no .emacs file, Menu bar -> Options -> Set default font; set any font, then Options -> Save options, font settings are saved in the .emacs file. Upon restarting emacs, t [...] Content analysis details: (2.3 points, 10.0 required) pts rule name description ---- ---------------------- -------------------------------------------------- 0.0 URIBL_BLOCKED ADMINISTRATOR NOTICE: The query to URIBL was blocked. See for more information. [URIs:] 1.0 SPF_SOFTFAIL SPF: sender does not match SPF record (softfail) 0.0 FREEMAIL_FROM Sender email is commonly abused enduser mail provider (liudvikas.akelis[at] 0.0 SPF_HELO_NONE SPF: HELO does not publish an SPF Record -0.7 RCVD_IN_DNSWL_LOW RBL: Sender listed at, low trust [ listed in] 2.0 SPOOFED_FREEMAIL No description available. X-Debbugs-Envelope-To: submit X-Mailman-Approved-At: Mon, 06 Apr 2020 04:13:19 -0400 X-BeenThere: debbugs-submit <at> X-Mailman-Version: 2.1.18 Precedence: list List-Id: <> List-Unsubscribe: <>, <mailto:debbugs-submit-request <at>> List-Archive: <> List-Post: <mailto:debbugs-submit <at>> List-Help: <mailto:debbugs-submit-request <at>> List-Subscribe: <>, <mailto:debbugs-submit-request <at>> Errors-To: debbugs-submit-bounces <at> Sender: "Debbugs-submit" <debbugs-submit-bounces <at>> X-Spam-Score: -0.7 (/) Subject: --text follows this line-- (arch linux emacs 26.3-1) with no .emacs file, Menu bar -> Options -> Set default font; set any font, then Options -> Save options, font settings are saved in the .emacs file. Upon restarting emacs, the old (default) font is still used, and font settings in the .emacs file are ignored. Other things I put in .emacs still work, so it's just the font. In GNU Emacs 26.3 (build 1, x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, GTK+ Version 3.24.10) of 2019-08-29 built on juergen Windowing system distributor 'The X.Org Foundation', version 11.0.12007000 System Description: Arch Linux Recent messages: Loading paren...done Failed to enable theme: zenburn For information about GNU Emacs and the GNU system, type C-h C-a. Configured using: 'configure --prefix=/usr --sysconfdir=/etc --libexecdir=/usr/lib --localstatedir=/var --with-x-toolkit=gtk3 --with-xft --with-modules 'CFLAGS=-march=x86-64 -mtune=generic -O2 -pipe -fno-plt' CPPFLAGS=-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 LDFLAGS=-Wl,-O1,--sort-common,--as-needed,-z,relro,-z,now' Configured features: XPM JPEG TIFF GIF PNG RSVG IMAGEMAGICK SOUND GPM DBUS GSETTINGS GLIB NOTIFY ACL GNUTLS LIBXML2 FREETYPE M17N_FLT LIBOTF XFT ZLIB TOOLKIT_SCROLL_BARS GTK3 X11 XDBE XIM MODULES THREADS LIBSYSTEMD LCMS2 Important settings: value of $LANG: en_GB.utf8 locale-coding-system: utf-8-unix Major mode: Lisp Interaction Minor modes in effect: override-global-mode: t shell-dirtrack-mode: t show-paren-mode: t tooltip-mode: t global-eldoc-mode: t eldoc-mode: t electric-indent-mode: t mouse-wheel-mode: t menu-bar-mode: t file-name-shadow-mode: t global-font-lock-mode: t font-lock-mode: t blink-cursor-mode: t auto-composition-mode: t auto-encryption-mode: t auto-compression-mode: t column-number-mode: t line-number-mode: t transient-mark-mode: t Load-path shadows: None found. Features: (shadow sort mail-extr emacsbug message rmc puny dired dired-loaddefs rfc822 mml mml-sec epa epg gnus-util rmail rmail-loaddefs mm-decode mm-bodies mm-encode mail-parse rfc2231 mailabbrev gmm-utils mailheader sendmail rfc2047 rfc2045 ietf-drums mm-util mail-prsvr mail-utils elec-pair bind-key local-shortcuts local-sql polymode derived poly-lock polymode-base polymode-weave polymode-export polymode-compat polymode-methods rx polymode-core polymode-classes eieio-custom wid-edit eieio-base color cl-extra help-mode use-package-ensure use-package-core edmacro kmacro local-ess ess-site ess-toolbar ess-mouse mouseme browse-url ess-swv ess-noweb ess-noweb-font-lock-mode ess-jags-d ess-bugs-l essd-els ess-xls-d ess-vst-d ess-stata-mode ess-stata-lang cc-vars cc-defs make-regexp ess-sp6w-d ess-sp5-d ess-sp4-d ess-sas-d ess-sas-l ess-sas-a ess-s4-d ess-s3-d ess-omg-d ess-omg-l ess-arc-d ess-lsp-l ess-sp6-d ess-dde ess-sp3-d ess-julia julia-mode cl ess-r-mode ess-r-flymake flymake-proc flymake warnings thingatpt ess-r-xref xref project subr-x ess-trns ess-r-package shell pcomplete ess-r-syntax ess-r-completion ess-roxy ess-rd essddr noutline outline easy-mmode hideshow ess-s-lang ess-help ess-mode ess ess-noweb-mode ess-inf ess-tracebug advice format-spec ess-generics compile ess-utils ido ess-custom executable comint ansi-color ring finder-inf info package easymenu epg-config url-handlers url-parse auth-source cl-seq eieio eieio-core cl-macs eieio-loaddefs password-cache url-vars seq byte-opt gv bytecomp byte-compile cconv cl-loaddefs cl-lib paren cus-start cus-load time-date mule-util tooltip eldoc electric uniquify ediff-hook vc-hooks lisp-float-type mwheel term/x-win x-win term/common-win x-dnd tool-bar dnd fontset image regexp-opt fringe tabulated-list replace newcomment text-mode elisp-mode lisp-mode prog-mode register page menu-bar rfn-eshadow isearch timer select scroll-bar mouse jit-lock font-lock syntax facemenu font-core term/tty-colors frame cl-generic cham georgian utf-8-lang misc-lang vietnamese tibetan thai tai-viet lao korean japanese eucjp-ms cp51932 hebrew greek romanian slovak czech european ethiopic indian cyrillic chinese composite charscript charprop case-table epa-hook jka-cmpr-hook help simple abbrev obarray minibuffer cl-preloaded nadvice loaddefs button faces cus-face macroexp files text-properties overlay sha1 md5 base64 format env code-pages mule custom widget hashtable-print-readable backquote threads dbusbind inotify lcms2 dynamic-setting system-font-setting font-render-setting move-toolbar gtk x-toolkit x multi-tty make-network-process emacs) Memory information: ((conses 16 251721 13215) (symbols 48 33150 2) (miscs 40 79 130) (strings 32 84151 2494) (string-bytes 1 2131587) (vectors 16 28633) (vector-slots 8 710489 13182) (floats 8 247 51) (intervals 56 283 0) (buffers 992 12)) -- Liudvikas Akelis
Liudvikas Akelis <liudvikas.akelis@HIDDEN>
Full text available.bug-gnu-emacs@HIDDEN
; Package emacs
Full text available.
GNU bug tracking system
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1997 nCipher Corporation Ltd,
1994-97 Ian Jackson.