X-Loop: help-debbugs@HIDDEN Subject: bug#42448: Issue with Qemu Binfmt and CMake not detecting compiler. Resent-From: Brett Gilio <brettg@HIDDEN> Original-Sender: "Debbugs-submit" <debbugs-submit-bounces <at> debbugs.gnu.org> Resent-CC: bug-guix@HIDDEN Resent-Date: Mon, 20 Jul 2020 19:45:01 +0000 Resent-Message-ID: <handler.42448.B.1595274249456 <at> debbugs.gnu.org> Resent-Sender: help-debbugs@HIDDEN X-GNU-PR-Message: report 42448 X-GNU-PR-Package: guix X-GNU-PR-Keywords: To: 42448 <at> debbugs.gnu.org X-Debbugs-Original-To: bug-guix@HIDDEN Received: via spool by submit <at> debbugs.gnu.org id=B.1595274249456 (code B ref -1); Mon, 20 Jul 2020 19:45:01 +0000 Received: (at submit) by debbugs.gnu.org; 20 Jul 2020 19:44:09 +0000 Received: from localhost ([]:36292 helo=debbugs.gnu.org) by debbugs.gnu.org with esmtp (Exim 4.84_2) (envelope-from <debbugs-submit-bounces <at> debbugs.gnu.org>) id 1jxbho-00007H-Aq for submit <at> debbugs.gnu.org; Mon, 20 Jul 2020 15:44:08 -0400 Received: from lists.gnu.org ([]:40264) by debbugs.gnu.org with esmtp (Exim 4.84_2) (envelope-from <brettg@HIDDEN>) id 1jxbhm-000079-1c for submit <at> debbugs.gnu.org; Mon, 20 Jul 2020 15:44:07 -0400 Received: from eggs.gnu.org ([2001:470:142:3::10]:52224) by lists.gnu.org with esmtps (TLS1.2:ECDHE_RSA_AES_256_GCM_SHA384:256) (Exim 4.90_1) (envelope-from <brettg@HIDDEN>) id 1jxbhl-0000sL-QX for bug-guix@HIDDEN; Mon, 20 Jul 2020 15:44:05 -0400 Received: from fencepost.gnu.org ([2001:470:142:3::e]:40088) by eggs.gnu.org with esmtp (Exim 4.90_1) (envelope-from <brettg@HIDDEN>) id 1jxbhl-0006O9-IJ for bug-guix@HIDDEN; Mon, 20 Jul 2020 15:44:05 -0400 Received: from [2605:6000:1a0d:48fb::e9] (port=55422 helo=lenovo-t430) by fencepost.gnu.org with esmtpsa (TLS1.2:RSA_AES_256_CBC_SHA1:256) (Exim 4.82) (envelope-from <brettg@HIDDEN>) id 1jxbhl-0001rh-1F for bug-guix@HIDDEN; Mon, 20 Jul 2020 15:44:05 -0400 From: Brett Gilio <brettg@HIDDEN> Date: Mon, 20 Jul 2020 14:44:15 -0500 Message-ID: <87y2nej7jk.fsf@HIDDEN> MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain X-Spam-Score: -2.3 (--) X-BeenThere: debbugs-submit <at> debbugs.gnu.org X-Mailman-Version: 2.1.18 Precedence: list List-Id: <debbugs-submit.debbugs.gnu.org> List-Unsubscribe: <https://debbugs.gnu.org/cgi-bin/mailman/options/debbugs-submit>, <mailto:debbugs-submit-request <at> debbugs.gnu.org?subject=unsubscribe> List-Archive: <https://debbugs.gnu.org/cgi-bin/mailman/private/debbugs-submit/> List-Post: <mailto:debbugs-submit <at> debbugs.gnu.org> List-Help: <mailto:debbugs-submit-request <at> debbugs.gnu.org?subject=help> List-Subscribe: <https://debbugs.gnu.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/debbugs-submit>, <mailto:debbugs-submit-request <at> debbugs.gnu.org?subject=subscribe> Errors-To: debbugs-submit-bounces <at> debbugs.gnu.org Sender: "Debbugs-submit" <debbugs-submit-bounces <at> debbugs.gnu.org> X-Spam-Score: -3.3 (---) Hey all, Opening a bug report as per a request following this issue identified at: https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/guix-devel/2020-07/msg00124.html. To recap, when running --8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8--- ./pre-inst-env guix build --system=armhf-linux swi-prolog --8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8--- the configure phase is failing to identify the C/CXX compiler toolchains to compile a test CMake file. There is a variety of CMakeError.log and other object outputs that populate the build directory when ran with --keep-failed. This seems to be reported before, but subsequently patched at https://issues.guix.gnu.org/38454#3. This only occurs when using the Qemu method of compiling on a foreign architecture, and is not present when natively compiling on true hardware. Thanks, Brett Gilio
Content-Disposition: inline Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable MIME-Version: 1.0 X-Mailer: MIME-tools 5.505 (Entity 5.505) Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8 X-Loop: help-debbugs@HIDDEN From: help-debbugs@HIDDEN (GNU bug Tracking System) To: Brett Gilio <brettg@HIDDEN> Subject: bug#42448: Acknowledgement (Issue with Qemu Binfmt and CMake not detecting compiler.) Message-ID: <handler.42448.B.1595274249456.ack <at> debbugs.gnu.org> References: <87y2nej7jk.fsf@HIDDEN> X-Gnu-PR-Message: ack 42448 X-Gnu-PR-Package: guix Reply-To: 42448 <at> debbugs.gnu.org Date: Mon, 20 Jul 2020 19:45:02 +0000 Thank you for filing a new bug report with debbugs.gnu.org. This is an automatically generated reply to let you know your message has been received. Your message is being forwarded to the package maintainers and other interested parties for their attention; they will reply in due course. Your message has been sent to the package maintainer(s): bug-guix@HIDDEN If you wish to submit further information on this problem, please send it to 42448 <at> debbugs.gnu.org. Please do not send mail to help-debbugs@HIDDEN unless you wish to report a problem with the Bug-tracking system. --=20 42448: http://debbugs.gnu.org/cgi/bugreport.cgi?bug=3D42448 GNU Bug Tracking System Contact help-debbugs@HIDDEN with problems
X-Loop: help-debbugs@HIDDEN Subject: bug#42448: A possible solution References: <87y2nej7jk.fsf@HIDDEN> In-Reply-To: <87y2nej7jk.fsf@HIDDEN> Resent-From: Brett Gilio <brettg@HIDDEN> Original-Sender: "Debbugs-submit" <debbugs-submit-bounces <at> debbugs.gnu.org> Resent-CC: bug-guix@HIDDEN Resent-Date: Mon, 20 Jul 2020 23:05:02 +0000 Resent-Message-ID: <handler.42448.B42448.15952862563918 <at> debbugs.gnu.org> Resent-Sender: help-debbugs@HIDDEN X-GNU-PR-Message: followup 42448 X-GNU-PR-Package: guix X-GNU-PR-Keywords: To: 42448 <at> debbugs.gnu.org Received: via spool by 42448-submit <at> debbugs.gnu.org id=B42448.15952862563918 (code B ref 42448); Mon, 20 Jul 2020 23:05:02 +0000 Received: (at 42448) by debbugs.gnu.org; 20 Jul 2020 23:04:16 +0000 Received: from localhost ([]:36670 helo=debbugs.gnu.org) by debbugs.gnu.org with esmtp (Exim 4.84_2) (envelope-from <debbugs-submit-bounces <at> debbugs.gnu.org>) id 1jxepU-000118-06 for submit <at> debbugs.gnu.org; Mon, 20 Jul 2020 19:04:16 -0400 Received: from eggs.gnu.org ([]:57312) by debbugs.gnu.org with esmtp (Exim 4.84_2) (envelope-from <brettg@HIDDEN>) id 1jxepR-00010v-Ht for 42448 <at> debbugs.gnu.org; Mon, 20 Jul 2020 19:04:14 -0400 Received: from fencepost.gnu.org ([2001:470:142:3::e]:43021) by eggs.gnu.org with esmtp (Exim 4.90_1) (envelope-from <brettg@HIDDEN>) id 1jxepM-0007wd-BU for 42448 <at> debbugs.gnu.org; Mon, 20 Jul 2020 19:04:08 -0400 Received: from [2605:6000:1a0d:48fb::e9] (port=55578 helo=lenovo-t430) by fencepost.gnu.org with esmtpsa (TLS1.2:RSA_AES_256_CBC_SHA1:256) (Exim 4.82) (envelope-from <brettg@HIDDEN>) id 1jxepL-0003wG-3H for 42448 <at> debbugs.gnu.org; Mon, 20 Jul 2020 19:04:08 -0400 From: Brett Gilio <brettg@HIDDEN> Date: Mon, 20 Jul 2020 18:04:07 -0500 Message-ID: <87v9ihkcuw.fsf@HIDDEN> MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain X-Spam-Score: -2.3 (--) X-BeenThere: debbugs-submit <at> debbugs.gnu.org X-Mailman-Version: 2.1.18 Precedence: list List-Id: <debbugs-submit.debbugs.gnu.org> List-Unsubscribe: <https://debbugs.gnu.org/cgi-bin/mailman/options/debbugs-submit>, <mailto:debbugs-submit-request <at> debbugs.gnu.org?subject=unsubscribe> List-Archive: <https://debbugs.gnu.org/cgi-bin/mailman/private/debbugs-submit/> List-Post: <mailto:debbugs-submit <at> debbugs.gnu.org> List-Help: <mailto:debbugs-submit-request <at> debbugs.gnu.org?subject=help> List-Subscribe: <https://debbugs.gnu.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/debbugs-submit>, <mailto:debbugs-submit-request <at> debbugs.gnu.org?subject=subscribe> Errors-To: debbugs-submit-bounces <at> debbugs.gnu.org Sender: "Debbugs-submit" <debbugs-submit-bounces <at> debbugs.gnu.org> X-Spam-Score: -3.3 (---) As Marius Bakke pointed out on IRC, this issue is related to a change in CMake where after 3.15 they removed the explicit `#define _FILE_OFFSET_BITS 64`. The solution solution to this is to add --8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8--- CFLAGS="-D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64" CXXFLAGS="-D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64" --8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8--- to CMakes compilation procedure. This is a core-updates change. I will leave this issue open for now in case this needs more investigation. Since I am just coming off of a haitus I think there are changes to the core-updates and staging procedures so I dont think I am comfortable making this change myself. Brett Gilio
Received: (at control) by debbugs.gnu.org; 25 Sep 2020 09:57:33 +0000 From debbugs-submit-bounces <at> debbugs.gnu.org Fri Sep 25 05:57:33 2020 Received: from localhost ([]:42713 helo=debbugs.gnu.org) by debbugs.gnu.org with esmtp (Exim 4.84_2) (envelope-from <debbugs-submit-bounces <at> debbugs.gnu.org>) id 1kLkTt-0007QM-Fg for submit <at> debbugs.gnu.org; Fri, 25 Sep 2020 05:57:33 -0400 Received: from eggs.gnu.org ([]:59436) by debbugs.gnu.org with esmtp (Exim 4.84_2) (envelope-from <ludo@HIDDEN>) id 1kLkTr-0007Q9-Ei for control <at> debbugs.gnu.org; Fri, 25 Sep 2020 05:57:32 -0400 Received: from fencepost.gnu.org ([2001:470:142:3::e]:53889) by eggs.gnu.org with esmtp (Exim 4.90_1) (envelope-from <ludo@HIDDEN>) id 1kLkTm-0004xl-4f for control <at> debbugs.gnu.org; Fri, 25 Sep 2020 05:57:26 -0400 Received: from [2a01:e0a:1d:7270:af76:b9b:ca24:c465] (port=60794 helo=ribbon) by fencepost.gnu.org with esmtpsa (TLS1.2:RSA_AES_256_CBC_SHA1:256) (Exim 4.82) (envelope-from <ludo@HIDDEN>) id 1kLkTl-0005bf-9W for control <at> debbugs.gnu.org; Fri, 25 Sep 2020 05:57:25 -0400 Date: Fri, 25 Sep 2020 11:57:23 +0200 Message-Id: <87eemq2n7g.fsf@HIDDEN> To: control <at> debbugs.gnu.org From: =?utf-8?Q?Ludovic_Court=C3=A8s?= <ludo@HIDDEN> Subject: control message for bug #43513 MIME-version: 1.0 Content-type: text/plain; charset=utf-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit X-Spam-Score: -2.3 (--) X-Debbugs-Envelope-To: control X-BeenThere: debbugs-submit <at> debbugs.gnu.org X-Mailman-Version: 2.1.18 Precedence: list List-Id: <debbugs-submit.debbugs.gnu.org> List-Unsubscribe: <https://debbugs.gnu.org/cgi-bin/mailman/options/debbugs-submit>, <mailto:debbugs-submit-request <at> debbugs.gnu.org?subject=unsubscribe> List-Archive: <https://debbugs.gnu.org/cgi-bin/mailman/private/debbugs-submit/> List-Post: <mailto:debbugs-submit <at> debbugs.gnu.org> List-Help: <mailto:debbugs-submit-request <at> debbugs.gnu.org?subject=help> List-Subscribe: <https://debbugs.gnu.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/debbugs-submit>, <mailto:debbugs-submit-request <at> debbugs.gnu.org?subject=subscribe> Errors-To: debbugs-submit-bounces <at> debbugs.gnu.org Sender: "Debbugs-submit" <debbugs-submit-bounces <at> debbugs.gnu.org> X-Spam-Score: -3.3 (---) merge 43513 42448 quit
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Received: (at control) by debbugs.gnu.org; 25 Sep 2020 10:14:43 +0000 From debbugs-submit-bounces <at> debbugs.gnu.org Fri Sep 25 06:14:43 2020 Received: from localhost ([]:42754 helo=debbugs.gnu.org) by debbugs.gnu.org with esmtp (Exim 4.84_2) (envelope-from <debbugs-submit-bounces <at> debbugs.gnu.org>) id 1kLkkU-0001ag-Sg for submit <at> debbugs.gnu.org; Fri, 25 Sep 2020 06:14:43 -0400 Received: from eggs.gnu.org ([]:35204) by debbugs.gnu.org with esmtp (Exim 4.84_2) (envelope-from <ludo@HIDDEN>) id 1kLkkT-0001aN-PY for control <at> debbugs.gnu.org; Fri, 25 Sep 2020 06:14:42 -0400 Received: from fencepost.gnu.org ([2001:470:142:3::e]:55065) by eggs.gnu.org with esmtp (Exim 4.90_1) (envelope-from <ludo@HIDDEN>) id 1kLkkO-0006yX-JA for control <at> debbugs.gnu.org; Fri, 25 Sep 2020 06:14:36 -0400 Received: from [2a01:e0a:1d:7270:af76:b9b:ca24:c465] (port=60844 helo=ribbon) by fencepost.gnu.org with esmtpsa (TLS1.2:RSA_AES_256_CBC_SHA1:256) (Exim 4.82) (envelope-from <ludo@HIDDEN>) id 1kLkkO-0006bk-73 for control <at> debbugs.gnu.org; Fri, 25 Sep 2020 06:14:36 -0400 Date: Fri, 25 Sep 2020 12:14:32 +0200 Message-Id: <87tuvm17uf.fsf@HIDDEN> To: control <at> debbugs.gnu.org From: =?utf-8?Q?Ludovic_Court=C3=A8s?= <ludo@HIDDEN> Subject: control message for bug #43513 MIME-version: 1.0 Content-type: text/plain; charset=utf-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit X-Spam-Score: -2.3 (--) X-Debbugs-Envelope-To: control X-BeenThere: debbugs-submit <at> debbugs.gnu.org X-Mailman-Version: 2.1.18 Precedence: list List-Id: <debbugs-submit.debbugs.gnu.org> List-Unsubscribe: <https://debbugs.gnu.org/cgi-bin/mailman/options/debbugs-submit>, <mailto:debbugs-submit-request <at> debbugs.gnu.org?subject=unsubscribe> List-Archive: <https://debbugs.gnu.org/cgi-bin/mailman/private/debbugs-submit/> List-Post: <mailto:debbugs-submit <at> debbugs.gnu.org> List-Help: <mailto:debbugs-submit-request <at> debbugs.gnu.org?subject=help> List-Subscribe: <https://debbugs.gnu.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/debbugs-submit>, <mailto:debbugs-submit-request <at> debbugs.gnu.org?subject=subscribe> Errors-To: debbugs-submit-bounces <at> debbugs.gnu.org Sender: "Debbugs-submit" <debbugs-submit-bounces <at> debbugs.gnu.org> X-Spam-Score: -3.3 (---) severity 43513 important quit
Received: (at control) by debbugs.gnu.org; 29 Sep 2020 14:34:26 +0000 From debbugs-submit-bounces <at> debbugs.gnu.org Tue Sep 29 10:34:26 2020 Received: from localhost ([]:56823 helo=debbugs.gnu.org) by debbugs.gnu.org with esmtp (Exim 4.84_2) (envelope-from <debbugs-submit-bounces <at> debbugs.gnu.org>) id 1kNGi1-0005aQ-UK for submit <at> debbugs.gnu.org; Tue, 29 Sep 2020 10:34:26 -0400 Received: from dd26836.kasserver.com ([]:50898) by debbugs.gnu.org with esmtp (Exim 4.84_2) (envelope-from <dannym@HIDDEN>) id 1kNGhy-0005a3-TX for control <at> debbugs.gnu.org; Tue, 29 Sep 2020 10:34:23 -0400 Received: from localhost (80-110-126-103.cgn.dynamic.surfer.at []) by dd26836.kasserver.com (Postfix) with ESMTPSA id B344A336281E for <control <at> debbugs.gnu.org>; Tue, 29 Sep 2020 16:34:18 +0200 (CEST) Date: Tue, 29 Sep 2020 16:33:51 +0200 From: Danny Milosavljevic <dannym@HIDDEN> To: <control <at> debbugs.gnu.org> Message-ID: <20200929163351.5f4aaaef@HIDDEN> X-Mailer: Claws Mail 3.17.5 (GTK+ 2.24.32; x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu) MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: multipart/signed; boundary="Sig_/+Wg46w24/_Yn7V6Z2AvIe2s"; protocol="application/pgp-signature"; micalg=pgp-sha512 X-Spam-Score: 1.3 (+) X-Spam-Report: Spam detection software, running on the system "debbugs.gnu.org", has NOT identified this incoming email as spam. The original message has been attached to this so you can view it or label similar future email. If you have any questions, see the administrator of that system for details. Content preview: retitle 43513 Kernel/userspace interface mismatch between 32 bit user space and 64 bit kernel - readdir severity 43513 critical Content analysis details: (1.3 points, 10.0 required) pts rule name description ---- ---------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -0.7 RCVD_IN_DNSWL_LOW RBL: Sender listed at https://www.dnswl.org/, low trust [ listed in list.dnswl.org] 0.0 SPF_NONE SPF: sender does not publish an SPF Record 0.0 SPF_HELO_NONE SPF: HELO does not publish an SPF Record 1.8 MISSING_SUBJECT Missing Subject: header 0.2 NO_SUBJECT Extra score for no subject X-Debbugs-Envelope-To: control X-BeenThere: debbugs-submit <at> debbugs.gnu.org X-Mailman-Version: 2.1.18 Precedence: list List-Id: <debbugs-submit.debbugs.gnu.org> List-Unsubscribe: <https://debbugs.gnu.org/cgi-bin/mailman/options/debbugs-submit>, <mailto:debbugs-submit-request <at> debbugs.gnu.org?subject=unsubscribe> List-Archive: <https://debbugs.gnu.org/cgi-bin/mailman/private/debbugs-submit/> List-Post: <mailto:debbugs-submit <at> debbugs.gnu.org> List-Help: <mailto:debbugs-submit-request <at> debbugs.gnu.org?subject=help> List-Subscribe: <https://debbugs.gnu.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/debbugs-submit>, <mailto:debbugs-submit-request <at> debbugs.gnu.org?subject=subscribe> Errors-To: debbugs-submit-bounces <at> debbugs.gnu.org Sender: "Debbugs-submit" <debbugs-submit-bounces <at> debbugs.gnu.org> X-Spam-Score: 0.3 (/) --Sig_/+Wg46w24/_Yn7V6Z2AvIe2s Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable retitle 43513 Kernel/userspace interface mismatch between 32 bit user space= and 64 bit kernel - readdir severity 43513 critical --Sig_/+Wg46w24/_Yn7V6Z2AvIe2s Content-Type: application/pgp-signature Content-Description: OpenPGP digital signature -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- iQEzBAEBCgAdFiEEds7GsXJ0tGXALbPZ5xo1VCwwuqUFAl9zRc8ACgkQ5xo1VCww uqXoQwf9E71eEjVgRLRop9FEB21gtLzhbqDSDq3llhh1BTPgOezXvD4F0YcdxTCe ToecJ5KazcNeNa1TPTOMLGQpXiygARS6ChkHKdDBNwS9X0K6tLw1ISqdAauZywor nQcwlHPXB728388oYdueR3HMhqyOiEOaDeG4dBBQsvG90zbW2CtqeI4IV4BKzW0d m2MLF6D8cc686en5VQQJ9k/M5p5tIOF32zsiXJA87r26eUuJgJ35gNM6dDrtfpeQ 1w2Iq2fAkPJlC8EcsxeD6/wkLb/l9Yq8GjnZUoH/VS6qcHBtsFzjDH0OoqDHY81K 6PJSsoP1Chrods0rPMfkeBAIqom+Nw== =0ldn -----END PGP SIGNATURE----- --Sig_/+Wg46w24/_Yn7V6Z2AvIe2s--
Received: (at control) by debbugs.gnu.org; 29 Sep 2020 14:34:26 +0000 From debbugs-submit-bounces <at> debbugs.gnu.org Tue Sep 29 10:34:26 2020 Received: from localhost ([]:56823 helo=debbugs.gnu.org) by debbugs.gnu.org with esmtp (Exim 4.84_2) (envelope-from <debbugs-submit-bounces <at> debbugs.gnu.org>) id 1kNGi1-0005aQ-UK for submit <at> debbugs.gnu.org; Tue, 29 Sep 2020 10:34:26 -0400 Received: from dd26836.kasserver.com ([]:50898) by debbugs.gnu.org with esmtp (Exim 4.84_2) (envelope-from <dannym@HIDDEN>) id 1kNGhy-0005a3-TX for control <at> debbugs.gnu.org; Tue, 29 Sep 2020 10:34:23 -0400 Received: from localhost (80-110-126-103.cgn.dynamic.surfer.at []) by dd26836.kasserver.com (Postfix) with ESMTPSA id B344A336281E for <control <at> debbugs.gnu.org>; Tue, 29 Sep 2020 16:34:18 +0200 (CEST) Date: Tue, 29 Sep 2020 16:33:51 +0200 From: Danny Milosavljevic <dannym@HIDDEN> To: <control <at> debbugs.gnu.org> Message-ID: <20200929163351.5f4aaaef@HIDDEN> X-Mailer: Claws Mail 3.17.5 (GTK+ 2.24.32; x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu) MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: multipart/signed; boundary="Sig_/+Wg46w24/_Yn7V6Z2AvIe2s"; protocol="application/pgp-signature"; micalg=pgp-sha512 X-Spam-Score: 1.3 (+) X-Spam-Report: Spam detection software, running on the system "debbugs.gnu.org", has NOT identified this incoming email as spam. The original message has been attached to this so you can view it or label similar future email. If you have any questions, see the administrator of that system for details. Content preview: retitle 43513 Kernel/userspace interface mismatch between 32 bit user space and 64 bit kernel - readdir severity 43513 critical Content analysis details: (1.3 points, 10.0 required) pts rule name description ---- ---------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -0.7 RCVD_IN_DNSWL_LOW RBL: Sender listed at https://www.dnswl.org/, low trust [ listed in list.dnswl.org] 0.0 SPF_NONE SPF: sender does not publish an SPF Record 0.0 SPF_HELO_NONE SPF: HELO does not publish an SPF Record 1.8 MISSING_SUBJECT Missing Subject: header 0.2 NO_SUBJECT Extra score for no subject X-Debbugs-Envelope-To: control X-BeenThere: debbugs-submit <at> debbugs.gnu.org X-Mailman-Version: 2.1.18 Precedence: list List-Id: <debbugs-submit.debbugs.gnu.org> List-Unsubscribe: <https://debbugs.gnu.org/cgi-bin/mailman/options/debbugs-submit>, <mailto:debbugs-submit-request <at> debbugs.gnu.org?subject=unsubscribe> List-Archive: <https://debbugs.gnu.org/cgi-bin/mailman/private/debbugs-submit/> List-Post: <mailto:debbugs-submit <at> debbugs.gnu.org> List-Help: <mailto:debbugs-submit-request <at> debbugs.gnu.org?subject=help> List-Subscribe: <https://debbugs.gnu.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/debbugs-submit>, <mailto:debbugs-submit-request <at> debbugs.gnu.org?subject=subscribe> Errors-To: debbugs-submit-bounces <at> debbugs.gnu.org Sender: "Debbugs-submit" <debbugs-submit-bounces <at> debbugs.gnu.org> X-Spam-Score: 0.3 (/) --Sig_/+Wg46w24/_Yn7V6Z2AvIe2s Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable retitle 43513 Kernel/userspace interface mismatch between 32 bit user space= and 64 bit kernel - readdir severity 43513 critical --Sig_/+Wg46w24/_Yn7V6Z2AvIe2s Content-Type: application/pgp-signature Content-Description: OpenPGP digital signature -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- iQEzBAEBCgAdFiEEds7GsXJ0tGXALbPZ5xo1VCwwuqUFAl9zRc8ACgkQ5xo1VCww uqXoQwf9E71eEjVgRLRop9FEB21gtLzhbqDSDq3llhh1BTPgOezXvD4F0YcdxTCe ToecJ5KazcNeNa1TPTOMLGQpXiygARS6ChkHKdDBNwS9X0K6tLw1ISqdAauZywor nQcwlHPXB728388oYdueR3HMhqyOiEOaDeG4dBBQsvG90zbW2CtqeI4IV4BKzW0d m2MLF6D8cc686en5VQQJ9k/M5p5tIOF32zsiXJA87r26eUuJgJ35gNM6dDrtfpeQ 1w2Iq2fAkPJlC8EcsxeD6/wkLb/l9Yq8GjnZUoH/VS6qcHBtsFzjDH0OoqDHY81K 6PJSsoP1Chrods0rPMfkeBAIqom+Nw== =0ldn -----END PGP SIGNATURE----- --Sig_/+Wg46w24/_Yn7V6Z2AvIe2s--
Received: (at control) by debbugs.gnu.org; 29 Sep 2020 14:37:18 +0000 From debbugs-submit-bounces <at> debbugs.gnu.org Tue Sep 29 10:37:18 2020 Received: from localhost ([]:56833 helo=debbugs.gnu.org) by debbugs.gnu.org with esmtp (Exim 4.84_2) (envelope-from <debbugs-submit-bounces <at> debbugs.gnu.org>) id 1kNGkn-0005fU-Ol for submit <at> debbugs.gnu.org; Tue, 29 Sep 2020 10:37:17 -0400 Received: from dd26836.kasserver.com ([]:51234) by debbugs.gnu.org with esmtp (Exim 4.84_2) (envelope-from <dannym@HIDDEN>) id 1kNGkm-0005fM-Kd for control <at> debbugs.gnu.org; Tue, 29 Sep 2020 10:37:16 -0400 Received: from localhost (80-110-126-103.cgn.dynamic.surfer.at []) by dd26836.kasserver.com (Postfix) with ESMTPSA id D9E283363CE1 for <control <at> debbugs.gnu.org>; Tue, 29 Sep 2020 16:37:15 +0200 (CEST) Date: Tue, 29 Sep 2020 16:36:51 +0200 From: Danny Milosavljevic <dannym@HIDDEN> To: <control <at> debbugs.gnu.org> Message-ID: <20200929163651.7919a847@HIDDEN> X-Mailer: Claws Mail 3.17.5 (GTK+ 2.24.32; x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu) MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: multipart/signed; boundary="Sig_/Fe6Wfl/LIl.Fa2oOH5Sjhgz"; protocol="application/pgp-signature"; micalg=pgp-sha512 X-Spam-Score: 1.3 (+) X-Spam-Report: Spam detection software, running on the system "debbugs.gnu.org", has NOT identified this incoming email as spam. The original message has been attached to this so you can view it or label similar future email. If you have any questions, see the administrator of that system for details. Content preview: retitle 43513 readdir misbehaves when running 32-bit user space on a 64-bit-kernel - kernel/userspace interface mismatch in getdents Content analysis details: (1.3 points, 10.0 required) pts rule name description ---- ---------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -0.7 RCVD_IN_DNSWL_LOW RBL: Sender listed at https://www.dnswl.org/, low trust [ listed in list.dnswl.org] 0.0 SPF_NONE SPF: sender does not publish an SPF Record 0.0 SPF_HELO_NONE SPF: HELO does not publish an SPF Record 1.8 MISSING_SUBJECT Missing Subject: header 0.2 NO_SUBJECT Extra score for no subject X-Debbugs-Envelope-To: control X-BeenThere: debbugs-submit <at> debbugs.gnu.org X-Mailman-Version: 2.1.18 Precedence: list List-Id: <debbugs-submit.debbugs.gnu.org> List-Unsubscribe: <https://debbugs.gnu.org/cgi-bin/mailman/options/debbugs-submit>, <mailto:debbugs-submit-request <at> debbugs.gnu.org?subject=unsubscribe> List-Archive: <https://debbugs.gnu.org/cgi-bin/mailman/private/debbugs-submit/> List-Post: <mailto:debbugs-submit <at> debbugs.gnu.org> List-Help: <mailto:debbugs-submit-request <at> debbugs.gnu.org?subject=help> List-Subscribe: <https://debbugs.gnu.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/debbugs-submit>, <mailto:debbugs-submit-request <at> debbugs.gnu.org?subject=subscribe> Errors-To: debbugs-submit-bounces <at> debbugs.gnu.org Sender: "Debbugs-submit" <debbugs-submit-bounces <at> debbugs.gnu.org> X-Spam-Score: 0.3 (/) --Sig_/Fe6Wfl/LIl.Fa2oOH5Sjhgz Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable retitle 43513 readdir misbehaves when running 32-bit user space on a 64-bit= -kernel - kernel/userspace interface mismatch in getdents --Sig_/Fe6Wfl/LIl.Fa2oOH5Sjhgz Content-Type: application/pgp-signature Content-Description: OpenPGP digital signature -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- iQEzBAEBCgAdFiEEds7GsXJ0tGXALbPZ5xo1VCwwuqUFAl9zRoMACgkQ5xo1VCww uqVIngf/V/5uxj7DVEyvzqDiikzSoMTebV2zJF8h7PlFsGG7qPrd9tXodGJ5sMek oFVK5vZr5zcmOjrJ14ofj8jJrqzDwUzUVTwecacrGhJElhm7DAbZ9P6zaK2v9IQk RfR9A6snXsfkeoXtXwfFJOvTIi1jYJdw6UaXfdFRLPQfeMriworyLTFisNKlHa7i BdjdHLO2Yarozn0k0pYwKmGp/x08sUIeybJA2LcDXnKePftSjl8iKIiciswdecsF BM13psk+0UXmdspTNRBRLPacv4Bqcr+QZcXmVlmA9FvxsDlX+inF6zZa1zCO4d7G LGmMovzAKDllnIFUe7T5OnW/MQaD0w== =NHr1 -----END PGP SIGNATURE----- --Sig_/Fe6Wfl/LIl.Fa2oOH5Sjhgz--
Received: (at control) by debbugs.gnu.org; 29 Sep 2020 14:40:21 +0000 From debbugs-submit-bounces <at> debbugs.gnu.org Tue Sep 29 10:40:21 2020 Received: from localhost ([]:56846 helo=debbugs.gnu.org) by debbugs.gnu.org with esmtp (Exim 4.84_2) (envelope-from <debbugs-submit-bounces <at> debbugs.gnu.org>) id 1kNGnk-0005kv-TK for submit <at> debbugs.gnu.org; Tue, 29 Sep 2020 10:40:21 -0400 Received: from dd26836.kasserver.com ([]:51586) by debbugs.gnu.org with esmtp (Exim 4.84_2) (envelope-from <dannym@HIDDEN>) id 1kNGni-0005kl-Ot for control <at> debbugs.gnu.org; Tue, 29 Sep 2020 10:40:19 -0400 Received: from localhost (80-110-126-103.cgn.dynamic.surfer.at []) by dd26836.kasserver.com (Postfix) with ESMTPSA id 6FA8E3363CE1 for <control <at> debbugs.gnu.org>; Tue, 29 Sep 2020 16:40:17 +0200 (CEST) Date: Tue, 29 Sep 2020 16:39:53 +0200 From: Danny Milosavljevic <dannym@HIDDEN> To: <control <at> debbugs.gnu.org> Subject: Re: Message-ID: <20200929163953.184425f1@HIDDEN> In-Reply-To: <20200929163651.7919a847@HIDDEN> References: <20200929163651.7919a847@HIDDEN> X-Mailer: Claws Mail 3.17.5 (GTK+ 2.24.32; x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu) MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: multipart/signed; boundary="Sig_/Bj4X=+5XOy7_kBHrxnR8WTv"; protocol="application/pgp-signature"; micalg=pgp-sha512 X-Spam-Score: -0.7 (/) X-Debbugs-Envelope-To: control X-BeenThere: debbugs-submit <at> debbugs.gnu.org X-Mailman-Version: 2.1.18 Precedence: list List-Id: <debbugs-submit.debbugs.gnu.org> List-Unsubscribe: <https://debbugs.gnu.org/cgi-bin/mailman/options/debbugs-submit>, <mailto:debbugs-submit-request <at> debbugs.gnu.org?subject=unsubscribe> List-Archive: <https://debbugs.gnu.org/cgi-bin/mailman/private/debbugs-submit/> List-Post: <mailto:debbugs-submit <at> debbugs.gnu.org> List-Help: <mailto:debbugs-submit-request <at> debbugs.gnu.org?subject=help> List-Subscribe: <https://debbugs.gnu.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/debbugs-submit>, <mailto:debbugs-submit-request <at> debbugs.gnu.org?subject=subscribe> Errors-To: debbugs-submit-bounces <at> debbugs.gnu.org Sender: "Debbugs-submit" <debbugs-submit-bounces <at> debbugs.gnu.org> X-Spam-Score: -1.7 (-) --Sig_/Bj4X=+5XOy7_kBHrxnR8WTv Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable retitle 43513 readdir misbehaves when running 32-bit user space on a 64-bit= -kernel - kernel/userspace interface mismatch in getdents64 --Sig_/Bj4X=+5XOy7_kBHrxnR8WTv Content-Type: application/pgp-signature Content-Description: OpenPGP digital signature -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- iQEzBAEBCgAdFiEEds7GsXJ0tGXALbPZ5xo1VCwwuqUFAl9zRzkACgkQ5xo1VCww uqU5Zwf9Hhmuk712W2fHePU8CZxCbn6DbMvVRstCiCwY9D3c8ZhFZUlG8SgY4ana XpppykP6ORCteMqFQwGIN1e3PS2jet6J954t7MqmrrSYWjFkObdr2L/PNd6iH/8w NJtbgfA8oM56yYiguqh5CWD5XcG9AcYFunKPIqUnWTtl5i6+kUGK9coUAln1H1ny 9753eRTHXNQcobZWTsXHzPmm8Q0YYXEzeTkTy/3oFoMp3zdWnvV7Q22WugYwAqgE nlgTJdxheIYPz1z9wBE9ZnAvvCGYWu3eJ+hvn/UAluXKt1jC6MSy1htaCgoqG5zL WVj46zPEluPcDDg9EqNRLGwW+rTixw== =JleQ -----END PGP SIGNATURE----- --Sig_/Bj4X=+5XOy7_kBHrxnR8WTv--
GNU bug tracking system
Copyright (C) 1999 Darren O. Benham,
1997 nCipher Corporation Ltd,
1994-97 Ian Jackson.