GNU bug report logs - #42701
28.0.50; Duplicate Edebug instrumentation of lambda form in some cases

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Package: emacs;

Reported by: Philipp Stephani <p.stephani2 <at>>

Date: Mon, 3 Aug 2020 16:48:02 UTC

Severity: normal

Found in version 28.0.50

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Report forwarded to bug-gnu-emacs <at>
bug#42701; Package emacs. (Mon, 03 Aug 2020 16:48:02 GMT) Full text and rfc822 format available.

Acknowledgement sent to Philipp Stephani <p.stephani2 <at>>:
New bug report received and forwarded. Copy sent to bug-gnu-emacs <at> (Mon, 03 Aug 2020 16:48:02 GMT) Full text and rfc822 format available.

Message #5 received at submit <at> (full text, mbox):

From: Philipp Stephani <p.stephani2 <at>>
To: bug-gnu-emacs <at>
Subject: 28.0.50; Duplicate Edebug instrumentation of lambda form in some cases
Date: Mon, 03 Aug 2020 18:47:28 +0200
Create a file /tmp/edebug.el:

$ cat /tmp/edebug.el 
(defun f () (if-let (x (funcall (lambda (y) 1) 2)) 3 4))

Visit the file:

$ emacs -Q -l subr-x -l edebug /tmp/edebug.el

Now instrument the function `f' using C-u C-M-x.  The *Messages* buffer
will now contain

Edebug: edebug-anon0 [2 times]
Edebug: f

The [2 times] indicates the problem: Edebug has instrumented two
definitions with the same (generated) symbol.  This is a problem when
using Edebug for e.g. coverage instrumentation, as the coverage
information is attached to the symbol itself (as a symbol property), and
duplicate symbols when instrumenting code lead to subtle errors such as
mismatching vector lengths for the position of the breakpoints and the
hit counts.

I'd speculate that this issue is similar to Bug#41988 in that Edebug
defines instrumented symbols even when backtracking later.  In this
case, Edebug backtracks to the legacy (SYM VAL) form, but has already
partially matched the ((SYM VAL)) form, including instrumenting the
lambda form therein.  I guess Edebug should perform some kind of
two-phase instrumentation and instrument subforms only when a form has
been chosen after backtracking.  Since this is somewhat difficult to
implement without rewriting larger parts of Edebug, it might be more
feasible to regenerate anonymous symbols after a failed match.

In GNU Emacs 28.0.50 (build 72, x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, GTK+ Version 3.24.18, cairo version 1.16.0)
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Information forwarded to bug-gnu-emacs <at>
bug#42701; Package emacs. (Tue, 04 Aug 2020 20:14:02 GMT) Full text and rfc822 format available.

Message #8 received at 42701 <at> (full text, mbox):

From: Alan Mackenzie <acm <at>>
To: Philipp Stephani <p.stephani2 <at>>
Cc: acm <at>, 42701 <at>
Subject: Re: bug#42701: 28.0.50;
 Duplicate Edebug instrumentation of lambda form in some cases
Date: 4 Aug 2020 20:12:58 -0000
Hello, Philipp.

In article <mailman.680.1596473284.2739.bug-gnu-emacs <at>> you wrote:

> Create a file /tmp/edebug.el:

> $ cat /tmp/edebug.el 
> (defun f () (if-let (x (funcall (lambda (y) 1) 2)) 3 4))

> Visit the file:

> $ emacs -Q -l subr-x -l edebug /tmp/edebug.el

> Now instrument the function `f' using C-u C-M-x.  The *Messages* buffer
> will now contain

> Edebug: edebug-anon0 [2 times]
> Edebug: f

> The [2 times] indicates the problem: Edebug has instrumented two
> definitions with the same (generated) symbol.

I don't think you're correct, here.  I think it's instrumented the
lambda form twice, once for each arm of the edebug spec.  It discards
the first attempt, then succeeds at the second.

The pertinent edebug spec (from the if-let definition in subr-x.el)
looks like:

    ([&or (&rest [&or symbolp (symbolp form) (form)])
          (symbolp form)]
     form body)

.  In the outer &or sub-spec, the (&rest ....) bit doesn't match, but
the failure to match only happens after the "Edebug: edebug-anon0"
message has been output the first time.  Edebug then tries the (symbolp
form) alternative, which does match and outputs the "...-anon0" message
a second time.

> This is a problem when using Edebug for e.g. coverage instrumentation,
> as the coverage information is attached to the symbol itself (as a
> symbol property), and duplicate symbols when instrumenting code lead
> to subtle errors such as mismatching vector lengths for the position
> of the breakpoints and the hit counts.

I don't think this is happening (see above), but I admit not having
looked into it all that closely.  Do you have any further evidence of
two distinct functions being mapped onto the same generated symbol?

> I'd speculate that this issue is similar to Bug#41988 in that Edebug
> defines instrumented symbols even when backtracking later.  In this
> case, Edebug backtracks to the legacy (SYM VAL) form, but has already
> partially matched the ((SYM VAL)) form, including instrumenting the
> lambda form therein.  I guess Edebug should perform some kind of
> two-phase instrumentation and instrument subforms only when a form has
> been chosen after backtracking.  Since this is somewhat difficult to
> implement without rewriting larger parts of Edebug, it might be more
> feasible to regenerate anonymous symbols after a failed match.

I don't know why Edebug re-uses the symbol.  But beyond the misleading
double message in *Messages*, is there any harm done?  Would it be less
confusing if two distinct messages "Edebug: edebug-anon0" and "Edebug:
edebug-anon1" were to be output?

> In GNU Emacs 28.0.50 (build 72, x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, GTK+ Version 3.24.18, cairo version 1.16.0)
>  of 2020-08-03
> Repository revision: 16b7f413a9ff819c374e07ee927c1fd2b4138109
> Repository branch: master
> Windowing system distributor 'The X.Org Foundation', version 11.0.12008000
> System Description: Debian GNU/Linux rodete

[ .... ]

Alan Mackenzie (Nuremberg, Germany).

Information forwarded to bug-gnu-emacs <at>
bug#42701; Package emacs. (Sun, 09 Aug 2020 15:01:01 GMT) Full text and rfc822 format available.

Message #11 received at 42701 <at> (full text, mbox):

From: Philipp Stephani <p.stephani2 <at>>
To: Alan Mackenzie <acm <at>>
Cc: 42701 <at>
Subject: Re: bug#42701: 28.0.50; Duplicate Edebug instrumentation of lambda
 form in some cases
Date: Sun, 9 Aug 2020 16:59:57 +0200

Am Di., 4. Aug. 2020 um 22:12 Uhr schrieb Alan Mackenzie <acm <at>>:
> Hello, Philipp.
> In article <mailman.680.1596473284.2739.bug-gnu-emacs <at>> you wrote:
> > Create a file /tmp/edebug.el:
> > $ cat /tmp/edebug.el
> > (defun f () (if-let (x (funcall (lambda (y) 1) 2)) 3 4))
> > Visit the file:
> > $ emacs -Q -l subr-x -l edebug /tmp/edebug.el
> > Now instrument the function `f' using C-u C-M-x.  The *Messages* buffer
> > will now contain
> > Edebug: edebug-anon0 [2 times]
> > Edebug: f
> > The [2 times] indicates the problem: Edebug has instrumented two
> > definitions with the same (generated) symbol.
> I don't think you're correct, here.  I think it's instrumented the
> lambda form twice, once for each arm of the edebug spec.  It discards
> the first attempt, then succeeds at the second.
> The pertinent edebug spec (from the if-let definition in subr-x.el)
> looks like:
>     ([&or (&rest [&or symbolp (symbolp form) (form)])
>           (symbolp form)]
>      form body)
> .  In the outer &or sub-spec, the (&rest ....) bit doesn't match, but
> the failure to match only happens after the "Edebug: edebug-anon0"
> message has been output the first time.  Edebug then tries the (symbolp
> form) alternative, which does match and outputs the "...-anon0" message
> a second time.

That is correct, but when the match fails, it's already too late:
Edebug (in `edebug-make-form-wrapper') has already performed some
global mutations such as modifying `edebug-form-data' of the `edebug'
property of the newly-generated symbol. These mutations aren't unwound
after the first failed match.

> > This is a problem when using Edebug for e.g. coverage instrumentation,
> > as the coverage information is attached to the symbol itself (as a
> > symbol property), and duplicate symbols when instrumenting code lead
> > to subtle errors such as mismatching vector lengths for the position
> > of the breakpoints and the hit counts.
> I don't think this is happening (see above), but I admit not having
> looked into it all that closely.  Do you have any further evidence of
> two distinct functions being mapped onto the same generated symbol?

I've tried to provide some context in
The most common symptom of such duplicate definitions (as defined by
"calling `edebug-make-form-wrapper' twice with the same
`edebug-def-name'") is

> > I'd speculate that this issue is similar to Bug#41988 in that Edebug
> > defines instrumented symbols even when backtracking later.  In this
> > case, Edebug backtracks to the legacy (SYM VAL) form, but has already
> > partially matched the ((SYM VAL)) form, including instrumenting the
> > lambda form therein.  I guess Edebug should perform some kind of
> > two-phase instrumentation and instrument subforms only when a form has
> > been chosen after backtracking.  Since this is somewhat difficult to
> > implement without rewriting larger parts of Edebug, it might be more
> > feasible to regenerate anonymous symbols after a failed match.
> I don't know why Edebug re-uses the symbol.
My guess is that `edebug-old-def-name' becomes non-nil because the
form has already been instrumented
It's then reused in

>  But beyond the misleading
> double message in *Messages*, is there any harm done?  Would it be less
> confusing if two distinct messages "Edebug: edebug-anon0" and "Edebug:
> edebug-anon1" were to be output?

The duplicate message is just a symptom of calling
`edebug-make-form-wrapper' twice with the same `edebug-def-name'
symbol, and attaching various instrumentation data to the symbol.
Depending on whether the two definitions are compatible, this can be
harmless or lead to subtle issues like Therefore in my
coverage instrumentation driver I'm rejecting such duplicate
since it doesn't seem to be possible to predict whether the
redefinition would indeed be harmless or trigger

This bug report was last modified 4 years and 207 days ago.

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