GNU bug report logs - #43139
24.5; Strange gdb behavior

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Package: emacs;

Reported by: Onyebuchi Ekenta <oekenta <at>>

Date: Mon, 31 Aug 2020 17:09:02 UTC

Severity: normal

Found in version 24.5

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Report forwarded to bug-gnu-emacs <at>
bug#43139; Package emacs. (Mon, 31 Aug 2020 17:09:02 GMT) Full text and rfc822 format available.

Acknowledgement sent to Onyebuchi Ekenta <oekenta <at>>:
New bug report received and forwarded. Copy sent to bug-gnu-emacs <at> (Mon, 31 Aug 2020 17:09:02 GMT) Full text and rfc822 format available.

Message #5 received at submit <at> (full text, mbox):

From: Onyebuchi Ekenta <oekenta <at>>
To: bug-gnu-emacs <at>
Subject: 24.5; Strange gdb behavior
Date: Mon, 31 Aug 2020 10:03:13 -0700
I've been using gdb in emacs for a bit now and I mostly love it, but
there are some minor quirks about its behavior that I find bothersome
and I wanted to know how to go about tweaking them. I also want to say I
know almost nothing about modifying emacs in general.

I've been using gdb-many-windows when I debug. The thing I want to
change is the behavior around breakpoints. After a breakpoint is hit,
the source window moves to the line I placed the breakpoint on. This is
good, I like that. But after that, if I move to a different part of the
source file myself and then run any gdb command, the source window will
automatically move back to the line containing the breakpoint. So if I
want to, say, set a breakpoint at a different line of the source file,
the moment I do so the source window snaps back to the first
breakpoint. This has me constantly moving up and down the source file.

To be specific, I'm debugging the MATLAB library LUSOL, found at . I modified the makefile to add the
debug (-g) flag to the fortran compiler so I could step through the


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 of 2017-09-12 on hullmann, modified by Debian
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 --mandir=/usr/share/man --with-pop=yes
 --without-gnutls --build x86_64-linux-gnu --prefix=/usr
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 --mandir=/usr/share/man --with-pop=yes
 --without-gnutls --with-x=yes --with-x-toolkit=gtk3
 --with-toolkit-scroll-bars 'CFLAGS=-g -O2
 -fdebug-prefix-map=/build/emacs24-24.5+1=. -fstack-protector-strong
 -Wformat -Werror=format-security -Wall -fno-PIE' 'CPPFLAGS=-Wdate-time
 -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2' 'LDFLAGS=-Wl,-z,relro -no-pie''

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  value of $LANG: en_US.UTF-8
  locale-coding-system: utf-8-unix

Major mode: Fundamental

Minor modes in effect:
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Recent messages:
Loading /etc/emacs/site-start.d/50cmake-data.el (source)...done
Loading /etc/emacs/site-start.d/50dictionaries-common.el (source)...
Loading debian-ispell...
Loading /var/cache/dictionaries-common/emacsen-ispell-default.el (source)...done
Loading debian-ispell...done
Loading /var/cache/dictionaries-common/emacsen-ispell-dicts.el (source)...done
Loading /etc/emacs/site-start.d/50dictionaries-common.el (source)...done
Loading /etc/emacs/site-start.d/50python-docutils.el (source)...done
Loading /etc/emacs/site-start.d/50tcsh.el (source)...done
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Load-path shadows:
/usr/share/emacs/24.5/site-lisp/debian-startup hides /usr/share/emacs/site-lisp/debian-startup
/usr/share/emacs24/site-lisp/cmake-data/cmake-mode hides /usr/share/emacs/site-lisp/cmake-mode
/usr/share/emacs/site-lisp/rst hides /usr/share/emacs/24.5/lisp/textmodes/rst

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vc-hooks lisp-float-type mwheel x-win x-dnd tool-bar dnd fontset image
regexp-opt fringe tabulated-list newcomment lisp-mode prog-mode register
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gfilenotify dynamic-setting system-font-setting font-render-setting
move-toolbar gtk x-toolkit x multi-tty emacs)

Memory information:
((conses 16 87423 8190)
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 (vectors 16 7591)
 (vector-slots 8 345006 30036)
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 (intervals 56 220 0)
 (buffers 960 12))

This bug report was last modified 4 years and 195 days ago.

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