GNU bug report logs - #46810
Protonvpn may break /etc/resolv.conf

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Package: guix;

Reported by: znavko <at>

Date: Sat, 27 Feb 2021 10:27:01 UTC

Severity: normal

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bug#46810; Package guix. (Sat, 27 Feb 2021 10:27:02 GMT) Full text and rfc822 format available.

Acknowledgement sent to znavko <at>
New bug report received and forwarded. Copy sent to bug-guix <at> (Sat, 27 Feb 2021 10:27:02 GMT) Full text and rfc822 format available.

Message #5 received at submit <at> (full text, mbox):

From: znavko <at>
To: "bug-guix" <bug-guix <at>>
Subject: Protonvpn may break /etc/resolv.conf
Date: Sat, 27 Feb 2021 10:25:56 +0000
[Message part 1 (text/plain, inline)]
Once I booted into my Guix OS, authorized into root in terminal and ran
# protonvpn c

This usual string gave the error something like connection can not be established.
I rebooted and tried to visit some website without any vpn.
But Icecat could not reach any site. I reconnected with this:

# herd stop networking
# herd stop netwotking-wlp5s0
# herd stop wpa-supplicant
# herd start netwotking-wlp5s0
# herd start wpa-supplicant

But all the same, and 'ping' gave: unknown host.
i rebooted and all the same.

Finally I tried to ping some ip
So I checked '/etc/resolv.conf' and there was a comment from Protonvpn
and ip from 10 something like:

I deleted it and dns started to work fine!

I think Protonvpn can leave artifacts that cause the errors in system.
Can you check it?
[Message part 2 (text/html, inline)]

This bug report was last modified 4 years and 15 days ago.

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