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electric-quote-mode in bibtex-mode
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(Wed, 16 Jun 2021 14:01:02 GMT)
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Gustavo Barros <gusbrs.2016 <at>>
New bug report received and forwarded. Copy sent to
bug-gnu-emacs <at>
(Wed, 16 Jun 2021 14:01:02 GMT)
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rfc822 format available.
Message #5 received at submit <at> (full text, mbox):
Hi All,
I'm trying to get `electric-quote-mode' to work in `bibtex-mode', but
I'm having some trouble with it.
The problem stems from the fact that `electric-quote-mode' makes a basic
distinction between `text-mode' and "all other modes" (it seems
implicitly to address `prog-mode' in this case). However, `bibtex-mode'
does not set a "parent mode" when it is defined. So,
`electric-quote-mode' will provide functionality similar to that of
`prog-mode' for `bibtex-mode'. In doing so it checks for comments or
strings with `(nth 8 (syntax-ppss))' (this is done in
`electric-quote-post-self-insert-function'), however a regular bibtex
field will (or may) fail to have either comment or string syntax. It
actually depends on `bibtex-field-delimiters', if it is `double-quotes'
a field will be within string syntax, but the normal case, and the
default one is `braces', in which case the string syntax check fails.
It does work for comments, of course, but not for a regular field
In practical terms, the effect of this is that we don't get curved
quotes in a regular bibtex field if it is enclosed by braces, which is
where we might need those quotes in this case.
I'm not sure what the best solution to this would be. Changing the
syntax of `{}' in `bibtex-mode' does not seem like a good idea.
However, just assuming `bibtex-mode' should work "as `text-mode'" from
`electric-quote-mode's side may also be problematic (assume, for
example, that a user sets `bibtex-field-delimiters' to `double-quotes').
Still, this is something that is not working particularly well, and I
thought it worth reporting.
Best regards,
PS: The state of things this report refers to is that of "GNU Emacs 27.2
(build 1, x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, GTK+ Version 3.24.20, cairo version
1.16.0) of 2021-03-25".
This bug report was last modified 3 years and 271 days ago.
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