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[PATCH] guix: records: Improve error reporting.
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(Tue, 20 Jul 2021 23:42:02 GMT)
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Julien Lepiller <julien <at>>
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guix-patches <at>
(Tue, 20 Jul 2021 23:42:02 GMT)
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Message #5 received at submit <at> (full text, mbox):
[Message part 1 (text/plain, inline)]
Hi Guix!
This patch improves error reporting a bit when making mistakes in guix
records. This is motivated by a user getting "invalid field specifier"
for their whole services field in their os record. With this patches,
they would have seen:
multiple values in field specifier. Got 2 values associated with key
services. Values are:
(append (list (service ...) ...))
(modify-services %desktop-services ...)
Which would have hinted them at fixing the parenthesis. Or at least, it
would have saved us some time trying to count them :)
Here are the cases that are handled and the associated message:
guix system: error: services: invalid field specifier. The format of a
field is `(services value)'
test.scm:2:2: error: (services): Value missing in field specifier. The
format of a field is `(services value)'.
(services 1 2 3))
test.scm:2:2: error: (services 1 2 3): multiple values in field
specifier. Got 3 values associated with key services. Values are:
guix system: error: (): invalid field specifier. The format of a field
is `(field value)'
((services %desktop-services)))
test.scm:2:2: error: ((services %desktop-services)): invalid field
specifier. (services %desktop-services) is not a valid field name.
Of course, we can improve these error messages, and internationalize
[0001-guix-records-Improve-error-reporting.patch (text/x-patch, attachment)]
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guix-patches <at>
; Package
(Wed, 21 Jul 2021 19:22:01 GMT)
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Message #8 received at 49671 <at> (full text, mbox):
Hi Julien,
Julien Lepiller <julien <at>> writes:
> Hi Guix!
> This patch improves error reporting a bit when making mistakes in guix
> records. This is motivated by a user getting "invalid field specifier"
> for their whole services field in their os record. With this patches,
> they would have seen:
After applying your patch, I get:
--8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---
guix/records.scm:108:19: warning: "multiple values in field specifier. Got ~a values associated with key ~a. Values are:~%~{~a~%~}": unsupported format option ~{, use (ice-9 format) instead
--8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8---
After adding `(ice-9 format)` to imports it works as expected. I see
this also applies to package records! This will be great for those
starting to package in Guix.
> multiple values in field specifier. Got 2 values associated with key
> services. Values are:
> (append (list (service ...) ...))
> (modify-services %desktop-services ...)
> Which would have hinted them at fixing the parenthesis. Or at least, it
> would have saved us some time trying to count them :)
> Here are the cases that are handled and the associated message:
> (operating-system
> services)
> guix system: error: services: invalid field specifier. The format of a
> field is `(services value)'
> (operating-system
> (services))
> test.scm:2:2: error: (services): Value missing in field specifier. The
> format of a field is `(services value)'.
> (operating-system
> (services 1 2 3))
> test.scm:2:2: error: (services 1 2 3): multiple values in field
> specifier. Got 3 values associated with key services. Values are:
^ Wrap in `'?
> 1
> 2
> 3
> (operating-system
> ())
> guix system: error: (): invalid field specifier. The format of a field
> is `(field value)'
> (operating-system
> ((services %desktop-services)))
> test.scm:2:2: error: ((services %desktop-services)): invalid field
> specifier. (services %desktop-services) is not a valid field name.
^ Should this also be wrapped in `'?
Why do some of these messages lose their context and come from `guix
system` instead?
> Of course, we can improve these error messages, and internationalize
> them.
> - (apply syntax-violation name "invalid field specifier"
> - (if parent-form
> + (syntax-case #'weird ()
> + (() ;the empty list
> + (apply syntax-violation name
> + "invalid field specifier. The format of a field is `(field value)'"
> (list parent-form #'weird)
> - (list #'weird)))))))
> + (list #'weird)))
Why the extra `(list #'weird')`? AFAICT right now this is providing
`(list parent-form #:'weird)` as the parent form. And since parent-form
is optional, shouldn't this be
--8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---
(apply syntax-violation name
"invalid field specifier. The format of a field is `(field value)'"
(if parent-form (list parent-form #:'weird) (list weird)))
--8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8---
(and similar for the others)?
Information forwarded
guix-patches <at>
; Package
(Wed, 04 Aug 2021 15:20:01 GMT)
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Message #11 received at 49671 <at> (full text, mbox):
Julien Lepiller <julien <at>> skribis:
> Here are the cases that are handled and the associated message:
> (operating-system
> services)
> guix system: error: services: invalid field specifier. The format of a
> field is `(services value)'
> (operating-system
> (services))
> test.scm:2:2: error: (services): Value missing in field specifier. The
> format of a field is `(services value)'.
> (operating-system
> (services 1 2 3))
> test.scm:2:2: error: (services 1 2 3): multiple values in field
> specifier. Got 3 values associated with key services. Values are:
> 1
> 2
> 3
> (operating-system
> ())
> guix system: error: (): invalid field specifier. The format of a field
> is `(field value)'
> (operating-system
> ((services %desktop-services)))
> test.scm:2:2: error: ((services %desktop-services)): invalid field
> specifier. (services %desktop-services) is not a valid field name.
> Of course, we can improve these error messages, and internationalize
> them.
I like the idea!
I would prefer for error messages to be plain errors, without hints, so:
test.scm:2:2: error: (services 1 2 3): multiple values in field specifier
(Not a sentence, no period.)
But I’d also like to have hints, and ideally all hints should be
reported consistently, via ‘&fix-hint’ or similar.
Thankfully, we can do that via (guix diagnostics) + SRFI-35/34:
(raise (condition
(&syntax (form 'x) (subform 'y))
(&fix-hint (hint "Consider fixing this."))))
‘call-with-error-handling’ in (guix ui) might need to be adjusted.
The only downside is that (guix records) would now depend on another
Guix modules, which I tried to avoid so far so it could be more easily
reused elsewhere. But that’s the price to pay to get consistent error
reports, and I think it’s okay.
Note that ‘tests/’ and a couple of other files test exact
error reports, so we’ll have to make sure it still works and possibly
augment the tests.
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guix-patches <at>
; Package
(Mon, 04 Oct 2021 14:27:02 GMT)
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Message #14 received at 49671 <at> (full text, mbox):
Maxime Devos <maximedevos <at>> skribis:
> * guix/records.scm (report-invalid-field-specifier): If
> 'weird' is something like (field (record ...) extra ...), hint that 'extra
> ...' should probably be moved inside (record ...).
Please see also <>.
> + (condition
> + (&origin (origin name))
> + (&message (message
> + (format #f "field ‘~a’ should only have one \
> +value, but an extra value ‘~a’ was passed as well. Perhaps this extra \
> +value was supposed to be a field specifier, and needs to be moved inside \
> +the record ‘~a’?"
We’ll need i18n here and straight quotes.
> + (&syntax (form (car forms))
> + (subform (and (not (null? (cdr forms)))
> + (cadr forms))))
No cadrcdr please. :-)
> + (&fix-hint (hint (object->string
> + (syntax->datum
> + #'(field
> + (record-name fields ... extra-value
> + extra-value* ...)))))))))
The ‘hint’ field must be a string, typically the message you had above;
see other examples in the code.
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guix-patches <at>
; Package
(Sun, 31 Oct 2021 02:07:02 GMT)
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Message #17 received at 49671 <at> (full text, mbox):
[Message part 1 (text/plain, inline)]
Hi Guix!
Here is a new patch that attempts to better catch various causes of
syntax errors in records. I think I fixed all the concerns Ludo had,
and I draw some inspiration from for
using conditions.
Here are examples of what you get:
test.scm:1:0: error: invalid field specifier: ()
hint: The format of a field is `(field value)'
((services %base-services)))
test.scm:1:0: error: invalid field specifier: (services %base-services)
is not a valid field name
test.scm:1:0: error: missing value in field specifier
hint: The field is missing a value: `(services <value>)'.
(services (service tor-service-type) %base-services))
test.scm:1:0: error: multiple values in field specifier
hint: 2 values were associated with field `services'. We got the
following values:
(service tor-service-type)
Perhaps the additional values were intended to be other field
specifiers. This usually indicates missing or misplaced parenthesis.
services %base-services)
test.scm:1:0: error: invalid field specifier: #<syntax services>
hint: The format of a field is `(field value)'
(not sure why the last one is wrapped in syntax...)
[0001-guix-records-Improve-error-reporting.patch (text/x-patch, attachment)]
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guix-patches <at>
; Package
(Mon, 22 Nov 2021 02:41:01 GMT)
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Message #20 received at 49671 <at> (full text, mbox):
[Message part 1 (text/plain, inline)]
Here is another improvement compared to v2. This time there are two
patches: the first adds support for &syntax in (guix ui), and will
print something like
in form: <pretty-printed-form>
where "in form" is in green.
The second patch is very similar to v2, but will now also raise a
&syntax condition, so it can be pretty-printed. The previous issue
where I printed #<syntax ...> is fixed, I simply forgot a syntax->datum.
[0001-guix-ui-Print-syntax-errors.patch (text/x-patch, attachment)]
[0002-guix-records-Improve-error-reporting.patch (text/x-patch, attachment)]
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guix-patches <at>
; Package
(Sun, 17 Jul 2022 06:24:02 GMT)
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Message #23 received at 49671 <at> (full text, mbox):
Hi Guix!
A few months have passed without comment. I don't feel confident enough
to change Guix internals without comments.
What are your thoughts on this?
Le Mon, 22 Nov 2021 03:40:22 +0100,
Julien Lepiller <julien <at>> a écrit :
> Here is another improvement compared to v2. This time there are two
> patches: the first adds support for &syntax in (guix ui), and will
> print something like
> in form: <pretty-printed-form>
> where "in form" is in green.
> The second patch is very similar to v2, but will now also raise a
> &syntax condition, so it can be pretty-printed. The previous issue
> where I printed #<syntax ...> is fixed, I simply forgot a
> syntax->datum.
This bug report was last modified 2 years and 240 days ago.
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