GNU bug report logs - #53187
emacs-shroud propagates the wrong gnupg

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Package: guix;

Reported by: Efraim Flashner <efraim <at>>

Date: Tue, 11 Jan 2022 13:47:02 UTC

Severity: normal

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Report forwarded to bug-guix <at>
bug#53187; Package guix. (Tue, 11 Jan 2022 13:47:02 GMT) Full text and rfc822 format available.

Acknowledgement sent to Efraim Flashner <efraim <at>>:
New bug report received and forwarded. Copy sent to bug-guix <at> (Tue, 11 Jan 2022 13:47:02 GMT) Full text and rfc822 format available.

Message #5 received at submit <at> (full text, mbox):

From: Efraim Flashner <efraim <at>>
To: bug-guix <at>
Subject: emacs-shroud propagates the wrong gnupg
Date: Tue, 11 Jan 2022 15:46:09 +0200
[Message part 1 (text/plain, inline)]
Efraim Flashner   <efraim <at>>   רנשלפ םירפא
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[Message part 2 (message/rfc822, inline)]
From: Gary Johnson <lambdatronic <at>>
To: help-guix <at>
Subject: emacs-shroud package appears to be out of date
Date: Thu, 06 Jan 2022 11:46:02 -0500
Hi Guix,

During my recent `guix pull` + `guix package -u` adventure, the
emacs-shroud package barfed due to what looks like a hard-coded
reference to an older version of gnupg. I uninstalled it in order to
complete my upgrade. Of course, when I try to reinstall it now, I
continue to get the same version conflict error due to gnupg.

gjohnson <at> euclid ~ $ guix package -i emacs-shroud
The following package will be installed:
   emacs-shroud 1.105

guix package: error: profile contains conflicting entries for gnupg
guix package: error:   first entry: gnupg <at> 2.2.30 /gnu/store/0snfzd41n430ddpq316j9v2z5fn2y62m-gnupg-2.2.30
guix package: error:    ... propagated from emacs-shroud <at> 1.105
guix package: error:   second entry: gnupg <at> 2.2.32 /gnu/store/75122spwjdkxxgd32gkkil3n7ifax8i5-gnupg-2.2.32
guix package: error:    ... propagated from emacs-pinentry <at> 0.1-1.dcc9ba0
hint: Try upgrading both `emacs-shroud' and `emacs-pinentry', or remove one of them from the profile.

Note, that while the above error message is complaining about
emacs-pinentry, it still barfs even if I remove emacs-pinentry and just
install gnupg directly since the current gnupg is 2.2.32.

Can whoever is maintaining the emacs-shroud package please update it to
gnupg <at> 2.2.32, so it can be installed again?


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Information forwarded to bug-guix <at>
bug#53187; Package guix. (Tue, 11 Jan 2022 15:16:02 GMT) Full text and rfc822 format available.

Message #8 received at 53187 <at> (full text, mbox):

From: Maxime Devos <maximedevos <at>>
To: Efraim Flashner <efraim <at>>, 53187 <at>
Subject: Re: bug#53187: emacs-shroud propagates the wrong gnupg
Date: Tue, 11 Jan 2022 16:15:43 +0100
[Message part 1 (text/plain, inline)]
Efraim Flashner schreef op di 11-01-2022 om 15:46 [+0200]:
> guix package: error:   first entry:
> gnupg <at> 2.2.30 /gnu/store/0snfzd41n430ddpq316j9v2z5fn2y62m-gnupg-2.2.30
> guix package: error:    ... propagated from emacs-shroud <at> 1.105
> guix package: error:   second entry:
> gnupg <at> 2.2.32 /gnu/store/75122spwjdkxxgd32gkkil3n7ifax8i5-gnupg-2.2.32
> guix package: error:    ... propagated from
> emacs-pinentry <at> 0.1-1.dcc9ba0
> hint: Try upgrading both `emacs-shroud' and `emacs-pinentry', or
> remove one of them from the profile.
> ```
> Note, that while the above error message is complaining about
> emacs-pinentry, it still barfs even if I remove emacs-pinentry and
> just
> install gnupg directly since the current gnupg is 2.2.32.
> Can whoever is maintaining the emacs-shroud package please update it
> to
> gnupg <at> 2.2.32, so it can be installed again?

Instead of working around the limitations of propagation, why not

I took a look at emacs-shroud's source code, and I don't see it calling
gnupg anywhere, so maybe propagating gnupg from emacs-shroud isn't
necessary?  The dependency 'shroud' hardcodes the GPG binary location,
so I don't see why 'gpg' was included in 'propagated-inputs'. 

I made the following change in emacs-shroud

     (list emacs-bui
           #;gnupg ;; <--- changed line

set ~/.shroud according to

ran "./pre-inst-env guix shell --pure emacs shroud emacs-shroud -- emacs"
and evaluated the following S-exps:
(require 'shroud) ;; why is this required? e.g. emacs-magit
(shroud--init)    ;; require things like this.

Then did "M-x shroud-bui" but nothing happened (a bug?),
so I couldn't test the change.
[signature.asc (application/pgp-signature, inline)]

This bug report was last modified 3 years and 52 days ago.

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