GNU bug report logs - #54478
unwanted source references showing up w/ -O0 (with patch)

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Package: guile;

Reported by: Matt Wette <matt.wette <at>>

Date: Sun, 20 Mar 2022 15:12:02 UTC

Severity: normal

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Report forwarded to bug-guile <at>
bug#54478; Package guile. (Sun, 20 Mar 2022 15:12:02 GMT) Full text and rfc822 format available.

Acknowledgement sent to Matt Wette <matt.wette <at>>:
New bug report received and forwarded. Copy sent to bug-guile <at> (Sun, 20 Mar 2022 15:12:02 GMT) Full text and rfc822 format available.

Message #5 received at submit <at> (full text, mbox):

From: Matt Wette <matt.wette <at>>
To: bug-guile <at>
Subject: unwanted source references showing up w/ -O0 (with patch)
Date: Sun, 20 Mar 2022 08:11:10 -0700
In guile-3.0.8, when I compile w/ optimiation-level 0, I am seeing references
to the beginning let-form.   The following illustrates the issue.  Consider

(define *a* (make-parameter 0))
(define (foo . args)
    (let* ((b (+ (*a*) 1))
           (c (+ (*a*) b 2)))
      (simple-format #t "foo a= ~S\n" (*a*))
      (simple-format #t "foo b= ~S\n" b)
      (simple-format #t "foo c= ~S\n" c)))

and p2.scm:
(use-modules (system base compile))
(use-modules (system vm program))
(use-modules (ice-9 pretty-print))

(compile-and-load "foo.scm" #:optimization-level 0)
(define sources (program-sources-pre-retire foo))
(pretty-print sources)

With guile-3.0.8, I see the followiing output.
Note the references back to line 2.((0 "foo.scm" 1 . 0)
 (20 "foo.scm" 2 . 4)
 (20 "foo.scm" 2 . 15)
 (76 "foo.scm" 2 . 18)
 (132 "foo.scm" 2 . 17)
 (152 "foo.scm" 2 . 23)
 (156 "foo.scm" 2 . 14)
 (176 "foo.scm" 2 . 4)
 (176 "foo.scm" 3 . 15)
 (232 "foo.scm" 3 . 18)
 (288 "foo.scm" 3 . 17)
 (308 "foo.scm" 3 . 23)
 (312 "foo.scm" 3 . 25)
 (316 "foo.scm" 3 . 14)
 (336 "foo.scm" 2 . 4)
 (336 "foo.scm" 4 . 7)
 (392 "foo.scm" 4 . 21)
 (396 "foo.scm" 4 . 24)
 (404 "foo.scm" 4 . 39)
 (460 "foo.scm" 4 . 38)
 (480 "foo.scm" 4 . 6)
 (496 "foo.scm" 2 . 4)
 (496 "foo.scm" 5 . 7)
 (552 "foo.scm" 5 . 21)
 (556 "foo.scm" 5 . 24)
 (564 "foo.scm" 5 . 38)
 (568 "foo.scm" 5 . 6)
 (584 "foo.scm" 6 . 7)
 (640 "foo.scm" 6 . 21)
 (644 "foo.scm" 6 . 24)
 (652 "foo.scm" 6 . 38)
 (656 "foo.scm" 6 . 6))

With the patch shown below, this is what I get:
((0 "foo.scm" 1 . 0)
 (20 "foo.scm" 2 . 4)
 (20 "foo.scm" 2 . 15)
 (76 "foo.scm" 2 . 18)
 (132 "foo.scm" 2 . 17)
 (152 "foo.scm" 2 . 23)
 (156 "foo.scm" 2 . 14)
 (176 "foo.scm" 2 . 4)
 (176 "foo.scm" 3 . 15)
 (232 "foo.scm" 3 . 18)
 (288 "foo.scm" 3 . 17)
 (308 "foo.scm" 3 . 23)
 (312 "foo.scm" 3 . 25)
 (316 "foo.scm" 3 . 14)
 (336 "foo.scm" 4 . 7)
 (392 "foo.scm" 4 . 21)
 (396 "foo.scm" 4 . 24)
 (404 "foo.scm" 4 . 39)
 (460 "foo.scm" 4 . 38)
 (480 "foo.scm" 4 . 6)
 (496 "foo.scm" 5 . 7)
 (552 "foo.scm" 5 . 21)
 (556 "foo.scm" 5 . 24)
 (564 "foo.scm" 5 . 38)
 (568 "foo.scm" 5 . 6)
 (584 "foo.scm" 6 . 7)
 (640 "foo.scm" 6 . 21)
 (644 "foo.scm" 6 . 24)
 (652 "foo.scm" 6 . 38)
 (656 "foo.scm" 6 . 6))

Patch follows.  In a sequence, the source of the forms should be emitted,
not the parent sequence source (start).
--- guile-3.0.8-dist/module/language/tree-il/compile-bytecode.scm	2021-09-30 05:30:38.000000000 -0700
+++ guile-3.0.8-srcfix/module/language/tree-il/compile-bytecode.scm	2022-03-19 09:37:28.126740690 -0700
@@ -910,7 +910,7 @@
     (define (visit-seq exp env ctx)
       (match exp
         (($ <seq> src head tail)
-         (maybe-emit-source src)
+         ;;(maybe-emit-source src)
          (for-effect head env)
          (for-context tail env ctx))))

Information forwarded to bug-guile <at>
bug#54478; Package guile. (Sun, 27 Mar 2022 14:28:01 GMT) Full text and rfc822 format available.

Message #8 received at 54478 <at> (full text, mbox):

From: Matt Wette <matt.wette <at>>
To: 54478 <at>
Subject: Re: unwanted source references
Date: Sun, 27 Mar 2022 07:27:30 -0700
I think the error is in use of "src" arg to make-seq in the following loop,
in ice-9/psyntax.scm, starting at line 1633:

                (let lp ((var-ids var-ids) (vars vars) (vals vals)
                         (tail (expand-tail-expr)))
                   ((null? var-ids) tail)
                   ((not (car var-ids))
                    (lp (cdr var-ids) (cdr vars) (cdr vals)
                        (make-seq src ((car vals)) tail)))
                    (let ((var-ids (map (lambda (id)
                                          (if id (syntax->datum id) '_))
                                        (reverse var-ids)))
                          (vars (map (lambda (var) (or var (gen-label)))
                                     (reverse vars)))
                          (vals (map (lambda (expand-expr id)
                                       (if id
                                           (make-seq src
                                                     (build-void src))))
                                     (reverse vals) (reverse var-ids))))
                      (build-letrec src #t var-ids vars vals tail)))))

This bug report was last modified 2 years and 350 days ago.

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