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process/thread interaction causes infinite hang in url-copy-file
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(Sun, 10 Jul 2022 21:27:01 GMT)
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Tom Gillespie <tgbugs <at>>
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bug-gnu-emacs <at>
(Sun, 10 Jul 2022 21:27:01 GMT)
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Message #5 received at submit <at> (full text, mbox):
[Message part 1 (text/plain, inline)]
This is a bug that appears to be caused by calling set-process-thread
on some process, allowing that process to finish and be cleaned up, and
then trying to wait on some other process called at a later point.
While the issue appears when calling url-copy-file, I suspect that
other functions that create a process and then wait for the result are
affected, but I have not identified any at this point in time.
I have attached process-thread-bugs.el that was also included in which includes
the repro for this issue.
The two functions of interest are enable-hang and maybe-trigger-hang.
Assuming process-thread-bugs.el is in the top level of the emacs repo
run the following commands to see the behavior in action
src/emacs -Q -batch -l ./process-thread-bugs.el wont hang 1
src/emacs -Q -batch -l ./process-thread-bugs.el will hang 1
src/emacs -Q -batch -l ./process-thread-bugs.el will hang 2
When calling will hang 1 or will hang 2, the behavior should be
obvious as a presumably infinite number of lines of "oh no" being
printed to stderr.
[process-thread-bugs.el (text/x-emacs-lisp, attachment)]
This bug report was last modified 2 years and 212 days ago.
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