GNU bug report logs - #57504
28.1; emacs segfaulted when debugging emacs form within emacs for bug number 57364

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Package: emacs;

Reported by: Andrés Ramírez <rrandresf <at>>

Date: Wed, 31 Aug 2022 13:41:01 UTC

Severity: normal

Found in version 28.1

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Report forwarded to bug-gnu-emacs <at>
bug#57504; Package emacs. (Wed, 31 Aug 2022 13:41:02 GMT) Full text and rfc822 format available.

Acknowledgement sent to Andrés Ramírez <rrandresf <at>>:
New bug report received and forwarded. Copy sent to bug-gnu-emacs <at> (Wed, 31 Aug 2022 13:41:02 GMT) Full text and rfc822 format available.

Message #5 received at submit <at> (full text, mbox):

From: Andrés Ramírez <rrandresf <at>>
To: bug-gnu-emacs <at>
Subject: 28.1; emacs segfaulted when debugging emacs form within emacs for
 bug number 57364
Date: Tue, 30 Aug 2022 07:52:01 +0000
[Message part 1 (text/plain, inline)]

When debugging emacs from within emacs for bug#57364. Emacs segfaulted.

1. gdb -i=mi --args emacs -q -nw
2. then on the emacs from previous step M-x gdb 'gdb -i=mi --args ./emacs -q -f
toggle-debug-on-error --fg-daemon.
3. On emacs from step two. You would need to open two different frames
on different DISPLAY's. And Apply specific commands to each one of those
two x-frames. {the steps for each frame are detailed on bug#57364}
3. When emacs from steps-two commits suicide. emacs from step one

Best  Regards
[debugging_emacs_from_within_emacs.log (text/plain, inline)]
=cmd-param-changed,param="logging enabled",value="on"
&"bt full\n"
~"#0  terminate_due_to_signal (sig=6, backtrace_limit=2147483647) at ../../src/emacs.c:399\n"
~"#1  0x00005555557f37f6 in die (msg=0x555555950768 \"(row = MATRIX_ROW (w->current_matrix, w->window_end_vpos), !row->enabled_p || MATRIX_ROW_DISPLAYS_TEXT_P (row) || MATRIX_ROW_VPOS (row, w->current_matrix) == 0)\", file=0x55555595056b \"../../src/xdisp.c\", line=3118) at ../../src/alloc.c:7486\n"
~"#2  0x00005555555d2a74 in CHECK_WINDOW_END (w=0x5555564063f8) at ../../src/xdisp.c:3118\n"
~"        row = 0x5555564a5850\n"
~"#3  0x0000555555606c3f in redisplay_window (window=XIL(0x5555564063fd), just_this_one_p=false) at ../../src/xdisp.c:18593\n"
~"        w = 0x5555564063f8\n"
~"        f = 0x555555f625a8\n"
~"        buffer = 0x5555561fe5a8\n"
~"        old = 0x5555561fe5a8\n"
~"        lpoint = {\n          charpos = 506,\n          bytepos = 506\n        }"
~"        opoint = {\n          charpos = 506,\n          bytepos = 506\n        }"
~"        startp = {\n          charpos = 0,\n          bytepos = 0\n        }"
~"        update_mode_line = true\n"
~"        tem = 0\n"
~"        it = {\n          window = XIL(0),\n          w = 0x0,\n          f = 0x0,\n          method = GET_FROM_BUFFER,\n          stop_charpos = 0,\n          prev_stop = 0,\n          base_level_stop = 0,\n          end_charpos = 0,\n          s = 0x0,\n          string_nchars = 0,\n          redisplay_end_trigger_charpos = 0,\n          multibyte_p = false,\n          tab_line_p = false,\n          header_line_p = false,\n          string_from_display_prop_p = false,\n          string_from_prefix_prop_p = false,\n          from_disp_prop_p = false,\n          ellipsis_p = false,\n          avoid_cursor_p = false,\n          dp = 0x0,\n          dpvec = 0x0,\n          dpend = 0x0,\n          dpvec_char_len = 0,\n          dpvec_face_id = 0,\n          saved_face_id = 0,\n          ctl_chars = {XIL(0) <repeats 16 times>},\n          start = {\n            pos = {\n              charpos = 0,\n              bytepos = 0\n            },\n            overlay_string_index = 0,\n            string_pos = {\n              charpos = 0,\n              bytepos = 0\n            },\n            dpvec_index = 0\n          },\n          current = {\n            pos = {\n              charpos = 0,\n              bytepos = 0\n            },\n            overlay_string_index = 0,\n            string_pos = {\n              charpos = 0,\n              bytepos = 0\n            },\n            dpvec_index = 0\n          },\n          n_overlay_strings = 0,\n          overlay_strings_charpos = 0,\n          overlay_strings = {XIL(0) <repeats 16 times>},\n          string_overlays = {XIL(0) <repeats 16 times>},\n          string = XIL(0),\n          from_overlay = XIL(0),\n          stack = {{\n              string = XIL(0),\n              string_nchars = 0,\n              end_charpos = 0,\n              stop_charpos = 0,\n              prev_stop = 0,\n              base_level_stop = 0,\n              cmp_it = {\n                stop_pos = 0,\n                id = 0,\n                ch = 0,\n                rule_idx = 0,\n                lookback = 0,\n                nglyphs = 0,\n                reversed_p = false,\n                charpos = 0,\n                nchars = 0,\n                nbytes = 0,\n                from = 0,\n                to = 0,\n                width = 0\n              },\n              face_id = 0,\n              u = {\n                image = {\n                  object = XIL(0),\n                  slice = {\n                    x = XIL(0),\n                    y = XIL(0),\n                    width = XIL(0),\n                    height = XIL(0)\n                  },\n                  image_id = 0\n                },\n                stretch = {\n                  object = XIL(0)\n                },\n                xwidget = {\n                  object = XIL(0)\n                }\n              },\n              position = {\n                charpos = 0,\n                bytepos = 0\n              },\n              current = {\n                pos = {\n                  charpos = 0,\n                  bytepos = 0\n                },\n                overlay_string_index = 0,\n                string_pos = {\n                  charpos = 0,\n                  bytepos = 0\n                },\n                dpvec_index = 0\n              },\n              from_overlay = XIL(0),\n              area = LEFT_MARGIN_AREA,\n              method = GET_FROM_BUFFER,\n              paragraph_embedding = NEUTRAL_DIR,\n              multibyte_p = false,\n              string_from_display_prop_p = false,\n              string_from_prefix_prop_p = false,\n              display_ellipsis_p = false,\n              avoid_cursor_p = false,\n              bidi_p = false,\n              from_disp_prop_p = false,\n              line_wrap = TRUNCATE,\n              voffset = 0,\n              space_width = XIL(0),\n              font_height = XIL(0)\n            }, {\n              string = XIL(0),\n              string_nchars = 0,\n              end_charpos = 0,\n              stop_charpos = 0,\n              prev_stop = 0,\n              base_level_stop = 0,\n              cmp_it = {\n                stop_pos = 0,\n                id = 0,\n                ch = 0,\n                rule_idx = 0,\n                lookback = 0,\n                nglyphs = 0,\n                reversed_p = false,\n                charpos = 0,\n                nchars = 0,\n                nbytes = 0,\n                from = 0,\n                to = 0,\n                width = 0\n              },\n              face_id = 0,\n              u = {\n                image = {\n                  object = XIL(0),\n                  slice = {\n                    x = XIL(0),\n                    y = XIL(0),\n                    width = XIL(0),\n                    height = XIL(0)\n                  },\n                  image_id = 0\n                },\n                stretch = {\n                  object = XIL(0)\n                },\n                xwidget = {\n                  object = XIL(0)\n                }\n              },\n              position = {\n                charpos = 0,\n                bytepos = 0\n              },\n              current = {\n                pos = {\n                  charpos = 0,\n                  bytepos = 0\n                },\n                overlay_string_index = 0,\n                string_pos = {\n                  charpos = 0,\n                  bytepos = 0\n                },\n                dpvec_index = 0\n              },\n              from_overlay = XIL(0),\n              area = LEFT_MARGIN_AREA,\n              method = GET_FROM_BUFFER,\n              paragraph_embedding = NEUTRAL_DIR,\n              multibyte_p = false,\n              string_from_display_prop_p = false,\n              string_from_prefix_prop_p = false,\n              display_ellipsis_p = false,\n              avoid_cursor_p = false,\n              bidi_p = false,\n              from_disp_prop_p = false,\n              line_wrap = TRUNCATE,\n              voffset = 0,\n              space_width = XIL(0),\n              font_height = XIL(0)\n            }, {\n              string = XIL(0),\n              string_nchars = 0,\n              end_charpos = 0,\n              stop_charpos = 0,\n              prev_stop = 0,\n              base_level_stop = 0,\n              cmp_it = {\n                stop_pos = 0,\n                id = 0,\n                ch = 0,\n                rule_idx = 0,\n                lookback = 0,\n                nglyphs = 0,\n                reversed_p = false,\n                charpos = 0,\n                nchars = 0,\n                nbytes = 0,\n                from = 0,\n                to = 0,\n                width = 0\n              },\n              face_id = 0,\n              u = {\n                image = {\n                  object = XIL(0),\n                  slice = {\n                    x = XIL(0),\n                    y = XIL(0),\n                    width = XIL(0),\n                    height = XIL(0)\n                  },\n                  image_id = 0\n                },\n                stretch = {\n                  object = XIL(0)\n                },\n                xwidget = {\n                  object = XIL(0)\n                }\n              },\n              position = {\n                charpos = 0,\n                bytepos = 0\n              },\n              current = {\n                pos = {\n                  charpos = 0,\n                  bytepos = 0\n                },\n                overlay_string_index = 0,\n                string_pos = {\n                  charpos = 0,\n                  bytepos = 0\n                },\n                dpvec_index = 0\n              },\n              from_overlay = XIL(0),\n              area = LEFT_MARGIN_AREA,\n              method = GET_FROM_BUFFER,\n              paragraph_embedding = NEUTRAL_DIR,\n              multibyte_p = false,\n              string_from_display_prop_p = false,\n              string_from_prefix_prop_p = false,\n              display_ellipsis_p = false,\n              avoid_cursor_p = false,\n              bidi_p = false,\n              from_disp_prop_p = false,\n              line_wrap = TRUNCATE,\n              voffset = 0,\n              space_width = XIL(0),\n              font_height = XIL(0)\n            }, {\n              string = XIL(0),\n              string_nchars = 0,\n              end_charpos = 0,\n              stop_charpos = 0,\n              prev_stop = 0,\n              base_level_stop = 0,\n              cmp_it = {\n                stop_pos = 0,\n                id = 0,\n                ch = 0,\n                rule_idx = 0,\n                lookback = 0,\n                nglyphs = 0,\n                reversed_p = false,\n                charpos = 0,\n                nchars = 0,\n                nbytes = 0,\n                from = 0,\n                to = 0,\n                width = 0\n              },\n              face_id = 0,\n              u = {\n                image = {\n                  object = XIL(0),\n                  slice = {\n                    x = XIL(0),\n                    y = XIL(0),\n                    width = XIL(0),\n                    height = XIL(0)\n                  },\n                  image_id = 0\n                },\n                stretch = {\n                  object = XIL(0)\n                },\n                xwidget = {\n                  object = XIL(0)\n                }\n              },\n              position = {\n                charpos = 8589934595,\n                bytepos = 395136991232\n              },\n              current = {\n                pos = {\n                  charpos = 1,\n                  bytepos = 0\n                },\n                overlay_string_index = -1,\n                string_pos = {\n                  charpos = 0,\n                  bytepos = 0\n                },\n                dpvec_index = 0\n              },\n              from_overlay = XIL(0),\n              area = LEFT_MARGIN_AREA,\n              method = GET_FROM_BUFFER,\n              paragraph_embedding = NEUTRAL_DIR,\n              multibyte_p = false,\n              string_from_display_prop_p = false,\n              string_from_prefix_prop_p = false,\n              display_ellipsis_p = false,\n              avoid_cursor_p = false,\n              bidi_p = false,\n              from_disp_prop_p = false,\n              line_wrap = TRUNCATE,\n              voffset = 0,\n              space_width = XIL(0),\n              font_height = XIL(0x5c)\n            }, {\n              string = XIL(0),\n              string_nchars = 0,\n              end_charpos = 0,\n              stop_charpos = 0,\n              prev_stop = 0,\n              base_level_stop = 0,\n              cmp_it = {\n                stop_pos = 0,\n                id = 524288,\n                ch = 0,\n                rule_idx = 0,\n                lookback = 0,\n                nglyphs = 0,\n                reversed_p = false,\n                charpos = 0,\n                nchars = 0,\n                nbytes = 0,\n                from = 0,\n                to = 0,\n                width = -1\n              },\n              face_id = 0,\n              u = {\n                image = {\n                  object = XIL(0),\n                  slice = {\n                    x = XIL(0x100000000),\n                    y = XIL(0x1),\n                    width = XIL(0x1),\n                    height = XIL(0x1)\n                  },\n                  image_id = 1\n                },\n                stretch = {\n                  object = XIL(0)\n                },\n                xwidget = {\n                  object = XIL(0)\n                }\n              },\n              position = {\n                charpos = 1,\n                bytepos = 0\n              },\n              current = {\n                pos = {\n                  charpos = 0,\n                  bytepos = 0\n                },\n                overlay_string_index = 0,\n                string_pos = {\n                  charpos = 0,\n                  bytepos = 0\n                },\n                dpvec_index = 0\n              },\n              from_overlay = XIL(0),\n              area = LEFT_MARGIN_AREA,\n              method = GET_FROM_BUFFER,\n              paragraph_embedding = NEUTRAL_DIR,\n              multibyte_p = false,\n              string_from_display_prop_p = false,\n              string_from_prefix_prop_p = false,\n              display_ellipsis_p = false,\n              avoid_cursor_p = false,\n              bidi_p = false,\n              from_disp_prop_p = false,\n              line_wrap = TRUNCATE,\n              voffset = 0,\n              space_width = XIL(0),\n              font_height = XIL(0)\n            }},\n          sp = 0,\n          selective = 0,\n          what = IT_CHARACTER,\n          face_id = 0,\n          selective_display_ellipsis_p = false,\n          ctl_arrow_p = false,\n          face_box_p = false,\n          start_of_box_run_p = false,\n          end_of_box_run_p = false,\n          overlay_strings_at_end_processed_p = false,\n          ignore_overlay_strings_at_pos_p = false,\n          glyph_not_available_p = false,\n          starts_in_middle_of_char_p = false,\n          face_before_selective_p = false,\n          constrain_row_ascent_descent_p = false,\n          line_number_produced_p = false,\n          line_wrap = TRUNCATE,\n          base_face_id = 0,\n          c = 0,\n          len = 0,\n          cmp_it = {\n            stop_pos = 0,\n            id = 0,\n            ch = 0,\n            rule_idx = 0,\n            lookback = 0,\n            nglyphs = 0,\n            reversed_p = false,\n            charpos = 0,\n            nchars = 0,\n            nbytes = 0,\n            from = 0,\n            to = 0,\n            width = 0\n          },\n          char_to_display = 0,\n          glyphless_method = GLYPHLESS_DISPLAY_THIN_SPACE,\n          image_id = 0,\n          xwidget = 0x0,\n          slice = {\n            x = XIL(0),\n            y = XIL(0),\n            width = XIL(0),\n            height = XIL(0)\n          },\n          space_width = XIL(0),\n          voffset = 0,\n          tab_width = 0,\n          font_height = XIL(0),\n          object = XIL(0),\n          position = {\n            charpos = 0,\n            bytepos = 0\n          },\n          truncation_pixel_width = 0,\n          continuation_pixel_width = 0,\n          first_visible_x = 0,\n          last_visible_x = 0,\n          last_visible_y = 0,\n          extra_line_spacing = 0,\n          max_extra_line_spacing = 0,\n          override_ascent = 0,\n          override_descent = 0,\n          override_boff = 0,\n          glyph_row = 0x0,\n          area = LEFT_MARGIN_AREA,\n          nglyphs = 0,\n          pixel_width = 0,\n          ascent = 0,\n          descent = 0,\n          max_ascent = 0,\n          max_descent = 0,\n          phys_ascent = 0,\n          phys_descent = 0,\n          max_phys_ascent = 0,\n          max_phys_descent = 0,\n          current_x = 0,\n          continuation_lines_width = 0,\n          eol_pos = {\n            charpos = 0,\n            bytepos = 0\n          },\n          current_y = 0,\n          first_vpos = 0,\n          vpos = 0,\n          hpos = 0,\n          lnum = 0,\n          lnum_bytepos = 0,\n          lnum_width = 0,\n          lnum_pixel_width = 0,\n          pt_lnum = 0,\n          tab_offset = 0,\n          left_user_fringe_bitmap = 0,\n          right_user_fringe_bitmap = 0,\n          left_user_fringe_face_id = 0,\n          right_user_fringe_face_id = 0,\n          bidi_p = false,\n          bidi_it = {\n            bytepos = 0,\n            charpos = 0,\n            ch = 0,\n            nchars = 0,\n            ch_len = 0,\n            type = UNKNOWN_BT,\n            type_after_wn = UNKNOWN_BT,\n            orig_type = UNKNOWN_BT,\n            resolved_level = 0 '\\000',\n            isolate_level = 0 '\\000',\n            invalid_levels = 0,\n            invalid_isolates = 0,\n            prev = {\n              charpos = 0,\n              type = UNKNOWN_BT,\n              orig_type = UNKNOWN_BT\n            },\n            last_strong = {\n              charpos = 0,\n              type = UNKNOWN_BT,\n              orig_type = UNKNOWN_BT\n            },\n            next_for_neutral = {\n              charpos = 0,\n              type = UNKNOWN_BT,\n              orig_type = UNKNOWN_BT\n            },\n            prev_for_neutral = {\n              charpos = 0,\n              type = UNKNOWN_BT,\n              orig_type = UNKNOWN_BT\n            },\n            next_for_ws = {\n              charpos = 0,\n              type = UNKNOWN_BT,\n              orig_type = UNKNOWN_BT\n            },\n            bracket_pairing_pos = 0,\n            bracket_enclosed_type = UNKNOWN_BT,\n            next_en_pos = 0,\n            next_en_type = UNKNOWN_BT,\n            sos = NEUTRAL_DIR,\n            scan_dir = 0,\n            disp_pos = 0,\n            disp_prop = 0,\n            stack_idx = 0,\n            level_stack = {{\n                next_for_neutral_pos = 0,\n                next_for_neutral_type = 0,\n                last_strong_type = 0,\n                prev_for_neutral_type = 0,\n                level = 0 '\\000',\n                flags = 0 '\\000'\n              } <repeats 32 times>, {\n                next_for_neutral_pos = 0,\n                next_for_neutral_type = 0,\n                last_strong_type = 4,\n                prev_for_neutral_type = 7,\n                level = 235 '\\353',\n                flags = 85 'U'\n              }, {\n                next_for_neutral_pos = 140737488329488,\n                next_for_neutral_type = 7,\n                last_strong_type = 0,\n                prev_for_neutral_type = 2,\n                level = 131 '\\203',\n                flags = 85 'U'\n              }, {\n                next_for_neutral_pos = 0,\n                next_for_neutral_type = 4,\n                last_strong_type = 2,\n                prev_for_neutral_type = 0,\n                level = 0 '\\000',\n                flags = 0 '\\000'\n              }, {\n                next_for_neutral_pos = 140737488330368,\n                next_for_neutral_type = 7,\n                last_strong_type = 2,\n                prev_for_neutral_type = 0,\n                level = 93 ']',\n                flags = 85 'U'\n              }, {\n                next_for_neutral_pos = 1,\n                next_for_neutral_type = 0,\n                last_strong_type = 0,\n                prev_for_neutral_type = 3,\n                level = 255 '\\377',\n                flags = 255 '\\377'\n              }, {\n                next_for_neutral_pos = 93825003663744,\n                next_for_neutral_type = 0,\n                last_strong_type = 4,\n                prev_for_neutral_type = 7,\n                level = 235 '\\353',\n                flags = 85 'U'\n              }, {\n                next_for_neutral_pos = 0,\n                next_for_neutral_type = 0,\n                last_strong_type = 0,\n                prev_for_neutral_type = 0,\n                level = 0 '\\000',\n                flags = 0 '\\000'\n              }, {\n                next_for_neutral_pos = 140737488329568,\n                next_for_neutral_type = 0,\n                last_strong_type = 0,\n                prev_for_neutral_type = 0,\n                level = 0 '\\000',\n                flags = 0 '\\000'\n              }, {\n                next_for_neutral_pos = 0,\n                next_for_neutral_type = 0,\n                last_strong_type = 0,\n                prev_for_neutral_type = 0,\n                level = 0 '\\000',\n                flags = 0 '\\000'\n              }, {\n                next_for_neutral_pos = 20,\n                next_for_neutral_type = 0,\n                last_strong_type = 4,\n                prev_for_neutral_type = 7,\n                level = 255 '\\377',\n                flags = 255 '\\377'\n              }, {\n                next_for_neutral_pos = 16384,\n                next_for_neutral_type = 0,\n                last_strong_type = 0,\n                prev_for_neutral_type = 0,\n                level = 0 '\\000',\n                flags = 0 '\\000'\n              }, {\n                next_for_neutral_pos = 0,\n                next_for_neutral_type = 0,\n                last_strong_type = 0,\n                prev_for_neutral_type = 0,\n                level = 0 '\\000',\n                flags = 0 '\\000'\n              }, {\n                next_for_neutral_pos = 0,\n                next_for_neutral_type = 4,\n                last_strong_type = 2,\n                prev_for_neutral_type = 0,\n                level = 0 '\\000',\n                flags = 0 '\\000'\n              }, {\n                next_for_neutral_pos = 0,\n                next_for_neutral_type = 2,\n                last_strong_type = 0,\n                prev_for_neutral_type = 0,\n                level = 235 '\\353',\n                flags = 85 'U'\n              }, {\n                next_for_neutral_pos = 140737488329744,\n                next_for_neutral_type = 1,\n                last_strong_type = 2,\n                prev_for_neutral_type = 1,\n                level = 140 '\\214',\n                flags = 85 'U'\n              }, {\n                next_for_neutral_pos = 93825003663744,\n                next_for_neutral_type = 0,\n                last_strong_type = 5,\n                prev_for_neutral_type = 7,\n                level = 255 '\\377',\n                flags = 255 '\\377'\n              }, {\n                next_for_neutral_pos = 93824995874300,\n                next_for_neutral_type = 0,\n                last_strong_type = 1,\n                prev_for_neutral_type = 0,\n                level = 255 '\\377',\n                flags = 255 '\\377'\n              }, {\n                next_for_neutral_pos = 93825003663749,\n                next_for_neutral_type = 0,\n                last_strong_type = 0,\n                prev_for_neutral_type = 0,\n                level = 255 '\\377',\n                flags = 255 '\\377'\n              }, {\n                next_for_neutral_pos = 93824995875045,\n                next_for_neutral_type = 5,\n                last_strong_type = 0,\n                prev_for_neutral_type = 6,\n                level = 3 '\\003',\n                flags = 86 'V'\n              }, {\n                next_for_neutral_pos = 140737488329760,\n                next_for_neutral_type = 0,\n                last_strong_type = 0,\n                prev_for_neutral_type = 6,\n                level = 3 '\\003',\n                flags = 86 'V'\n              }, {\n                next_for_neutral_pos = 93824995875045,\n                next_for_neutral_type = 6,\n                last_strong_type = 0,\n                prev_for_neutral_type = 0,\n                level = 0 '\\000',\n                flags = 0 '\\000'\n              }, {\n                next_for_neutral_pos = 140737488329888,\n                next_for_neutral_type = 2,\n                last_strong_type = 6,\n                prev_for_neutral_type = 4,\n                level = 140 '\\214',\n                flags = 85 'U'\n              }, {\n                next_for_neutral_pos = 0,\n                next_for_neutral_type = 0,\n                last_strong_type = 1,\n                prev_for_neutral_type = 3,\n                level = 255 '\\377',\n                flags = 255 '\\377'\n              }, {\n                next_for_neutral_pos = 140737488329928,\n                next_for_neutral_type = 5,\n                last_strong_type = 0,\n                prev_for_neutral_type = 6,\n                level = 3 '\\003',\n                flags = 86 'V'\n              }, {\n                next_for_neutral_pos = 6,\n                next_for_neutral_type = 6,\n                last_strong_type = 0,\n                prev_for_neutral_type = 0,\n                level = 0 '\\000',\n                flags = 0 '\\000'\n              }, {\n                next_for_neutral_pos = 0,\n                next_for_neutral_type = 0,\n                last_strong_type = 0,\n                prev_for_neutral_type = 0,\n                level = 0 '\\000',\n                flags = 0 '\\000'\n              }, {\n                next_for_neutral_pos = 1,\n                next_for_neutral_type = 1,\n                last_strong_type = 0,\n                prev_for_neutral_type = 0,\n                level = 0 '\\000',\n                flags = 0 '\\000'\n              }, {\n                next_for_neutral_pos = 1,\n                next_for_neutral_type = 6,\n                last_strong_type = 3,\n                prev_for_neutral_type = 1,\n                level = 0 '\\000',\n                flags = 0 '\\000'\n              }, {\n                next_for_neutral_pos = 94,\n                next_for_neutral_type = 7,\n                last_strong_type = 5,\n                prev_for_neutral_type = 3,\n                level = 0 '\\000',\n                flags = 0 '\\000'\n              }, {\n                next_for_neutral_pos = 140737488329984,\n                next_for_neutral_type = 5,\n                last_strong_type = 4,\n                prev_for_neutral_type = 0,\n                level = 141 '\\215',\n                flags = 85 'U'\n              }, {\n                next_for_neutral_pos = 94,\n                next_for_neutral_type = 0,\n                last_strong_type = 0,\n                prev_for_neutral_type = 0,\n                level = 0 '\\000',\n                flags = 0 '\\000'\n              }, {\n                next_for_neutral_pos = 0,\n                next_for_neutral_type = 0,\n                last_strong_type = 4,\n                prev_for_neutral_type = 7,\n                level = 235 '\\353',\n                flags = 85 'U'\n              }, {\n                next_for_neutral_pos = 140737488329984,\n                next_for_neutral_type = 6,\n                last_strong_type = 2,\n                prev_for_neutral_type = 4,\n                level = 141 '\\215',\n                flags = 85 'U'\n              }, {\n                next_for_neutral_pos = 140737265869037,\n                next_for_neutral_type = 0,\n                last_strong_type = 4,\n                prev_for_neutral_type = 7,\n                level = 235 '\\353',\n                flags = 85 'U'\n              }, {\n                next_for_neutral_pos = 0,\n                next_for_neutral_type = 0,\n                last_strong_type = 0,\n                prev_for_neutral_type = 0,\n                level = 0 '\\000',\n                flags = 0 '\\000'\n              }, {\n                next_for_neutral_pos = 140737488330016,\n                next_for_neutral_type = 0,\n                last_strong_type = 6,\n                prev_for_neutral_type = 5,\n                level = 141 '\\215',\n                flags = 85 'U'\n              }, {\n                next_for_neutral_pos = 93824995913211,\n                next_for_neutral_type = 0,\n                last_strong_type = 0,\n                prev_for_neutral_type = 0,\n                level = 0 '\\000',\n                flags = 0 '\\000'\n              }, {\n                next_for_neutral_pos = 0,\n                next_for_neutral_type = 0,\n                last_strong_type = 4,\n                prev_for_neutral_type = 7,\n                level = 235 '\\353',\n                flags = 85 'U'\n              }, {\n                next_for_neutral_pos = 140737488330080,\n                next_for_neutral_type = 6,\n                last_strong_type = 2,\n                prev_for_neutral_type = 4,\n                level = 141 '\\215',\n                flags = 85 'U'\n              }, {\n                next_for_neutral_pos = 0,\n                next_for_neutral_type = 0,\n                last_strong_type = 4,\n                prev_for_neutral_type = 7,\n                level = 235 '\\353',\n                flags = 85 'U'\n              }, {\n                next_for_neutral_pos = 0,\n                next_for_neutral_type = 0,\n                last_strong_type = 0,\n                prev_for_neutral_type = 0,\n                level = 0 '\\000',\n                flags = 0 '\\000'\n              }, {\n                next_for_neutral_pos = 140737488330112,\n                next_for_neutral_type = 0,\n                last_strong_type = 6,\n                prev_for_neutral_type = 5,\n                level = 141 '\\215',\n                flags = 85 'U'\n              }, {\n                next_for_neutral_pos = 465299550592,\n                next_for_neutral_type = 0,\n                last_strong_type = 0,\n                prev_for_neutral_type = 0,\n                level = 0 '\\000',\n                flags = 0 '\\000'\n              }, {\n                next_for_neutral_pos = 140737488330320,\n                next_for_neutral_type = 5,\n                last_strong_type = 2,\n                prev_for_neutral_type = 3,\n                level = 141 '\\215',\n                flags = 85 'U'\n              }, {\n                next_for_neutral_pos = 93825003663749,\n                next_for_neutral_type = 0,\n                last_strong_type = 0,\n                prev_for_neutral_type = 0,\n                level = 0 '\\000',\n                flags = 0 '\\000'\n              }, {\n                next_for_neutral_pos = 23,\n                next_for_neutral_type = 7,\n                last_strong_type = 2,\n                prev_for_neutral_type = 0,\n                level = 0 '\\000',\n                flags = 0 '\\000'\n              }, {\n                next_for_neutral_pos = 20,\n                next_for_neutral_type = 0,\n                last_strong_type = 0,\n                prev_for_neutral_type = 5,\n                level = 255 '\\377',\n                flags = 255 '\\377'\n              }, {\n                next_for_neutral_pos = 93824995875045,\n                next_for_neutral_type = 4,\n                last_strong_type = 5,\n                prev_for_neutral_type = 1,\n                level = 0 '\\000',\n                flags = 0 '\\000'\n              }, {\n                next_for_neutral_pos = 1,\n                next_for_neutral_type = 2,\n                last_strong_type = 6,\n                prev_for_neutral_type = 4,\n                level = 140 '\\214',\n                flags = 85 'U'\n              }, {\n                next_for_neutral_pos = 139642271669840,\n                next_for_neutral_type = 0,\n                last_strong_type = 0,\n                prev_for_neutral_type = 0,\n                level = 0 '\\000',\n                flags = 0 '\\000'\n              }, {\n                next_for_neutral_pos = 140737488330376,\n                next_for_neutral_type = 5,\n                last_strong_type = 0,\n                prev_for_neutral_type = 6,\n                level = 3 '\\003',\n                flags = 86 'V'\n              }, {\n                next_for_neutral_pos = 6,\n                next_for_neutral_type = 6,\n                last_strong_type = 0,\n                prev_for_neutral_type = 0,\n                level = 0 '\\000',\n                flags = 0 '\\000'\n              }, {\n                next_for_neutral_pos = 140737488329888,\n                next_for_neutral_type = 0,\n                last_strong_type = 0,\n                prev_for_neutral_type = 0,\n                level = 0 '\\000',\n                flags = 0 '\\000'\n              }, {\n                next_for_neutral_pos = 1,\n                next_for_neutral_type = 1,\n                last_strong_type = 0,\n                prev_for_neutral_type = 0,\n                level = 0 '\\000',\n                flags = 0 '\\000'\n              }, {\n                next_for_neutral_pos = 1,\n                next_for_neutral_type = 0,\n                last_strong_type = 0,\n                prev_for_neutral_type = 4,\n                level = 212 '\\324',\n                flags = 20 '\\024'\n              }, {\n                next_for_neutral_pos = 48,\n                next_for_neutral_type = 0,\n                last_strong_type = 0,\n                prev_for_neutral_type = 0,\n                level = 0 '\\000',\n                flags = 0 '\\000'\n              }, {\n                next_for_neutral_pos = 140737488330528,\n                next_for_neutral_type = 2,\n                last_strong_type = 7,\n                prev_for_neutral_type = 1,\n                level = 93 ']',\n                flags = 85 'U'\n              }, {\n                next_for_neutral_pos = 140737488330488,\n                next_for_neutral_type = 0,\n                last_strong_type = 0,\n                prev_for_neutral_type = 3,\n                level = 255 '\\377',\n                flags = 255 '\\377'\n              }, {\n                next_for_neutral_pos = 0,\n                next_for_neutral_type = 5,\n                last_strong_type = 0,\n                prev_for_neutral_type = 6,\n                level = 3 '\\003',\n                flags = 86 'V'\n              }, {\n                next_for_neutral_pos = 406,\n                next_for_neutral_type = 6,\n                last_strong_type = 0,\n                prev_for_neutral_type = 0,\n                level = 0 '\\000',\n                flags = 0 '\\000'\n              }, {\n                next_for_neutral_pos = 23,\n                next_for_neutral_type = 1,\n                last_strong_type = 0,\n                prev_for_neutral_type = 0,\n                level = 0 '\\000',\n                flags = 0 '\\000'\n              }, {\n                next_for_neutral_pos = 1,\n                next_for_neutral_type = 7,\n                last_strong_type = 2,\n                prev_for_neutral_type = 0,\n                level = 0 '\\000',\n                flags = 0 '\\000'\n              }, {\n                next_for_neutral_pos = 140737488330448,\n                next_for_neutral_type = 7,\n                last_strong_type = 2,\n                prev_for_neutral_type = 0,\n                level = 0 '\\000',\n                flags = 0 '\\000'\n              }, {\n                next_for_neutral_pos = 101,\n                next_for_neutral_type = 1,\n                last_strong_type = 0,\n                prev_for_neutral_type = 0,\n                level = 0 '\\000',\n                flags = 0 '\\000'\n              }, {\n                next_for_neutral_pos = 140737488330496,\n                next_for_neutral_type = 1,\n                last_strong_type = 7,\n                prev_for_neutral_type = 1,\n                level = 93 ']',\n                flags = 85 'U'\n              }, {\n                next_for_neutral_pos = 0,\n                next_for_neutral_type = 0,\n                last_strong_type = 0,\n                prev_for_neutral_type = 3,\n                level = 255 '\\377',\n                flags = 255 '\\377'\n              }, {\n                next_for_neutral_pos = 140737488331256,\n                next_for_neutral_type = 0,\n                last_strong_type = 2,\n                prev_for_neutral_type = 5,\n                level = 0 '\\000',\n                flags = 0 '\\000'\n              }, {\n                next_for_neutral_pos = 140737488330528,\n                next_for_neutral_type = 0,\n                last_strong_type = 0,\n                prev_for_neutral_type = 4,\n                level = 212 '\\324',\n                flags = 20 '\\024'\n              }, {\n                next_for_neutral_pos = 38736,\n                next_for_neutral_type = 7,\n                last_strong_type = 5,\n                prev_for_neutral_type = 3,\n                level = 0 '\\000',\n                flags = 0 '\\000'\n              }, {\n                next_for_neutral_pos = 140737488330576,\n                next_for_neutral_type = 3,\n                last_strong_type = 0,\n                prev_for_neutral_type = 6,\n                level = 93 ']',\n                flags = 85 'U'\n              }, {\n                next_for_neutral_pos = 38736,\n                next_for_neutral_type = 0,\n                last_strong_type = 0,\n                prev_for_neutral_type = 3,\n                level = 255 '\\377',\n                flags = 255 '\\377'\n              }, {\n                next_for_neutral_pos = 33529680,\n                next_for_neutral_type = 0,\n                last_strong_type = 0,\n                prev_for_neutral_type = 3,\n                level = 255 '\\377',\n                flags = 255 '\\377'\n              }, {\n                next_for_neutral_pos = 140737488330640,\n                next_for_neutral_type = 3,\n                last_strong_type = 5,\n                prev_for_neutral_type = 2,\n                level = 94 '^',\n                flags = 85 'U'\n              }, {\n                next_for_neutral_pos = 1,\n                next_for_neutral_type = 1,\n                last_strong_type = 0,\n                prev_for_neutral_type = 0,\n                level = 0 '\\000',\n                flags = 0 '\\000'\n              }, {\n                next_for_neutral_pos = 139646566640304,\n                next_for_neutral_type = 0,\n                last_strong_type = 0,\n                prev_for_neutral_type = 3,\n                level = 255 '\\377',\n                flags = 255 '\\377'\n              }, {\n                next_for_neutral_pos = 1,\n                next_for_neutral_type = 0,\n                last_strong_type = 0,\n                prev_for_neutral_type = 3,\n                level = 255 '\\377',\n                flags = 255 '\\377'\n              }, {\n                next_for_neutral_pos = 140737488330752,\n                next_for_neutral_type = 6,\n                last_strong_type = 1,\n                prev_for_neutral_type = 3,\n                level = 93 ']',\n                flags = 85 'U'\n              }, {\n                next_for_neutral_pos = 1443082629,\n                next_for_neutral_type = 0,\n                last_strong_type = 6,\n                prev_for_neutral_type = 3,\n                level = 240 '\\360',\n                flags = 85 'U'\n              }, {\n                next_for_neutral_pos = 1,\n                next_for_neutral_type = 1,\n                last_strong_type = 0,\n                prev_for_neutral_type = 0,\n                level = 0 '\\000',\n                flags = 0 '\\000'\n              }, {\n                next_for_neutral_pos = 93825002808592,\n                next_for_neutral_type = 0,\n                last_strong_type = 0,\n                prev_for_neutral_type = 3,\n                level = 255 '\\377',\n                flags = 255 '\\377'\n              }, {\n                next_for_neutral_pos = 93824994610955,\n                next_for_neutral_type = 0,\n                last_strong_type = 2,\n                prev_for_neutral_type = 4,\n                level = 246 '\\366',\n                flags = 85 'U'\n              }, {\n                next_for_neutral_pos = 1026497183745,\n                next_for_neutral_type = 0,\n                last_strong_type = 0,\n                prev_for_neutral_type = 0,\n                level = 0 '\\000',\n                flags = 0 '\\000'\n              }, {\n                next_for_neutral_pos = 0,\n                next_for_neutral_type = 1,\n                last_strong_type = 0,\n                prev_for_neutral_type = 0,\n                level = 0 '\\000',\n                flags = 0 '\\000'\n              }, {\n                next_for_neutral_pos = 140737488330848,\n                next_for_neutral_type = 1,\n                last_strong_type = 3,\n                prev_for_neutral_type = 5,\n                level = 93 ']',\n                flags = 85 'U'\n              }, {\n                next_for_neutral_pos = 1,\n                next_for_neutral_type = 1,\n                last_strong_type = 0,\n                prev_for_neutral_type = 0,\n                level = 0 '\\000',\n                flags = 0 '\\000'\n              }, {\n                next_for_neutral_pos = 93825002808592,\n                next_for_neutral_type = 0,\n                last_strong_type = 0,\n                prev_for_neutral_type = 3,\n                level = 255 '\\377',\n                flags = 255 '\\377'\n              }, {\n                next_for_neutral_pos = 1,\n                next_for_neutral_type = 0,\n                last_strong_type = 0,\n                prev_for_neutral_type = 4,\n                level = 212 '\\324',\n                flags = 20 '\\024'\n              }, {\n                next_for_neutral_pos = 0,\n                next_for_neutral_type = 1,\n                last_strong_type = 0,\n                prev_for_neutral_type = 0,\n                level = 0 '\\000',\n                flags = 0 '\\000'\n              }, {\n                next_for_neutral_pos = 1441805552,\n                next_for_neutral_type = 0,\n                last_strong_type = 6,\n                prev_for_neutral_type = 1,\n                level = 246 '\\366',\n                flags = 85 'U'\n              }, {\n                next_for_neutral_pos = 140737488335856,\n                next_for_neutral_type = 3,\n                last_strong_type = 4,\n                prev_for_neutral_type = 7,\n                level = 96 '`',\n                flags = 85 'U'\n              }, {\n                next_for_neutral_pos = 1,\n                next_for_neutral_type = 1,\n                last_strong_type = 0,\n                prev_for_neutral_type = 0,\n                level = 0 '\\000',\n                flags = 0 '\\000'\n              }, {\n                next_for_neutral_pos = 17,\n                next_for_neutral_type = 5,\n                last_strong_type = 2,\n                prev_for_neutral_type = 4,\n                level = 246 '\\366',\n                flags = 85 'U'\n              }, {\n                next_for_neutral_pos = 0,\n                next_for_neutral_type = 0,\n                last_strong_type = 0,\n                prev_for_neutral_type = 0,\n                level = 0 '\\000',\n                flags = 0 '\\000'\n              }, {\n                next_for_neutral_pos = 93825002386672,\n                next_for_neutral_type = 0,\n                last_strong_type = 2,\n                prev_for_neutral_type = 4,\n                level = 246 '\\366',\n                flags = 85 'U'\n              }, {\n                next_for_neutral_pos = 93825002775976,\n                next_for_neutral_type = 7,\n                last_strong_type = 2,\n                prev_for_neutral_type = 0,\n                level = 0 '\\000',\n                flags = 0 '\\000'\n              }, {\n                next_for_neutral_pos = 93825002808597,\n                next_for_neutral_type = 0,\n                last_strong_type = 2,\n                prev_for_neutral_type = 4,\n                level = 246 '\\366',\n                flags = 85 'U'\n              }},\n            string = {\n              lstring = XIL(0x555555f625a8),\n              s = 0x0,\n              schars = 23,\n              bufpos = 1,\n              from_disp_str = false,\n              unibyte = false\n            },\n            w = 0x17,\n            paragraph_dir = NEUTRAL_DIR,\n            separator_limit = 0,\n            first_elt = false,\n            new_paragraph = false,\n            frame_window_p = false\n          },\n          paragraph_embedding = L2R\n        }"
~"        current_matrix_up_to_date_p = true\n"
~"        used_current_matrix_p = false\n"
~"        buffer_unchanged_p = true\n"
~"        temp_scroll_step = false\n"
~"        count = 16\n"
~"        rc = 0\n"
~"        centering_position = -1\n"
~"        last_line_misfit = false\n"
~"        beg_unchanged = 504\n"
~"        end_unchanged = 1\n"
~"        frame_line_height = 1\n"
~"        margin = 0\n"
~"        use_desired_matrix = false\n"
~"        itdata = 0x0\n"
~"#4  0x00005555555ff5e6 in redisplay_window_0 (window=XIL(0x5555564063fd)) at ../../src/xdisp.c:16714\n"
~"#5  0x000055555582bf58 in internal_condition_case_1 (bfun=0x5555555ff5a4 <redisplay_window_0>, arg=XIL(0x5555564063fd), handlers=XIL(0x7ffff2bd1f2b), hfun=0x5555555ff56c <redisplay_window_error>) at ../../src/eval.c:1474\n"
~"        val = XIL(0x5555555c40c3)\n"
~"        c = 0x555555fe18e0\n"
~"#6  0x00005555555ff53e in redisplay_windows (window=XIL(0x5555564063fd)) at ../../src/xdisp.c:16694\n"
~"        w = 0x5555564063f8\n"
~"#7  0x00005555555ff4ed in redisplay_windows (window=XIL(0x5555563540c5)) at ../../src/xdisp.c:16688\n"
~"        w = 0x5555563540c0\n"
~"#8  0x00005555555fde11 in redisplay_internal () at ../../src/xdisp.c:16162\n"
~"        gcscrollbars = false\n"
~"        f_redisplay_flag = false\n"
~"        f = 0x555555f625a8\n"
~"        w = 0x555555f62810\n"
~"        sw = 0x555555f62810\n"
~"        fr = 0x555555f625a8\n"
~"        pending = false\n"
~"        must_finish = true\n"
~"        match_p = false\n"
~"        tlbufpos = {\n          charpos = 2146,\n          bytepos = 2146\n        }"
~"        tlendpos = {\n          charpos = 0,\n          bytepos = 0\n        }"
~"        number_of_visible_frames = 1\n"
~"        count = 13\n"
~"        sf = 0x555555f625a8\n"
~"        polling_stopped_here = false\n"
~"        tail = XIL(0x555555f67103)\n"
~"        frame = XIL(0x555555f625ad)\n"
~"        hscroll_retries = 0\n"
~"        garbaged_frame_retries = 0\n"
~"        consider_all_windows_p = true\n"
~"        update_miniwindow_p = true\n"
~"#9  0x00005555555feca5 in redisplay_preserve_echo_area (from_where=13) at ../../src/xdisp.c:16511\n"
~"        count = 12\n"
~"#10 0x000055555589961f in Fdelete_process (process=XIL(0x5555561feadd)) at ../../src/process.c:1130\n"
~"        symbol = XIL(0x65a0)\n"
~"        p = 0x5555561fead8\n"
~"#11 0x0000555555830de7 in funcall_subr (subr=0x555555e301c0 <Sdelete_process>, numargs=1, args=0x7fffffffcb70) at ../../src/eval.c:3098\n"
~"        internal_argbuf = {XIL(0x555555e301c0), XIL(0x7fffffffca88), XIL(0x555555826c38), XIL(0x10558266c7), XIL(0x555555e301c5), XIL(0x7fffffffcaa0), make_fixnum(23456248798050), XIL(0x555555e301c5)}\n"
~"        internal_args = 0x7fffffffcb70\n"
~"#12 0x0000555555830826 in Ffuncall (nargs=2, args=0x7fffffffcb68) at ../../src/eval.c:3023\n"
~"        fun = XIL(0x555555e301c5)\n"
~"        original_fun = XIL(0x2aaa9c991250)\n"
~"        funcar = XIL(0)\n"
~"        numargs = 1\n"
~"        val = XIL(0)\n"
~"        count = 11\n"
~"#13 0x0000555555890e41 in exec_byte_code (bytestr=XIL(0x55555613b834), vector=XIL(0x55555608bf7d), maxdepth=make_fixnum(12), args_template=make_fixnum(1285), nargs=5, args=0x7fffffffd0c0) at ../../src/bytecode.c:632\n"
~"        op = 1\n"
~"        type = CATCHER\n"
~"        targets = {0x5555558948a4 <exec_byte_code+18761>, 0x5555558948d5 <exec_byte_code+18810>, 0x5555558948d7 <exec_byte_code+18812>, 0x5555558948d9 <exec_byte_code+18814>, 0x5555558948db <exec_byte_code+18816>, 0x5555558948db <exec_byte_code+18816>, 0x555555894958 <exec_byte_code+18941>, 0x5555558949e7 <exec_byte_code+19084>, 0x555555890564 <exec_byte_code+1545>, 0x555555890566 <exec_byte_code+1547>, 0x555555890568 <exec_byte_code+1549>, 0x55555589056a <exec_byte_code+1551>, 0x55555589056c <exec_byte_code+1553>, 0x55555589056c <exec_byte_code+1553>, 0x555555890575 <exec_byte_code+1562>, 0x555555890521 <exec_byte_code+1478>, 0x555555890a75 <exec_byte_code+2842>, 0x555555890a77 <exec_byte_code+2844>, 0x555555890a79 <exec_byte_code+2846>, 0x555555890a7b <exec_byte_code+2848>, 0x555555890a7d <exec_byte_code+2850>, 0x555555890a7d <exec_byte_code+2850>, 0x555555890ac7 <exec_byte_code+2924>, 0x555555890a86 <exec_byte_code+2859>, 0x555555890d13 <exec_byte_code+3512>, 0x555555890d15 <exec_byte_code+3514>, 0x555555890d17 <exec_byte_code+3516>, 0x555555890d19 <exec_byte_code+3518>, 0x555555890d1b <exec_byte_code+3520>, 0x555555890d1b <exec_byte_code+3520>, 0x555555890cb2 <exec_byte_code+3415>, 0x555555890cd2 <exec_byte_code+3447>, 0x555555890dff <exec_byte_code+3748>, 0x555555890e01 <exec_byte_code+3750>, 0x555555890e03 <exec_byte_code+3752>, 0x555555890e05 <exec_byte_code+3754>, 0x555555890e07 <exec_byte_code+3756>, 0x555555890e07 <exec_byte_code+3756>, 0x555555890d9e <exec_byte_code+3651>, 0x555555890dbe <exec_byte_code+3683>, 0x555555890eed <exec_byte_code+3986>, 0x555555890eef <exec_byte_code+3988>, 0x555555890ef1 <exec_byte_code+3990>, 0x555555890ef3 <exec_byte_code+3992>, 0x555555890ef5 <exec_byte_code+3994>, 0x555555890ef5 <exec_byte_code+3994>, 0x555555890e8c <exec_byte_code+3889>, 0x555555890eac <exec_byte_code+3921>, 0x55555589193b <exec_byte_code+6624>, 0x555555891800 <exec_byte_code+6309>, 0x5555558917f4 <exec_byte_code+6297>, 0x5555558948a4 <exec_byte_code+18761>, 0x5555558948a4 <exec_byte_code+18761>, 0x5555558948a4 <exec_byte_code+18761>, 0x5555558948a4 <exec_byte_code+18761>, 0x5555558948a4 <exec_byte_code+18761>, 0x555555891be1 <exec_byte_code+7302>, 0x555555891d3c <exec_byte_code+7649>, 0x555555891dbb <exec_byte_code+7776>, 0x555555891e3d <exec_byte_code+7906>, 0x555555891ec1 <exec_byte_code+8038>, 0x555555890864 <exec_byte_code+2313>, 0x555555890907 <exec_byte_code+2476>, 0x555555891f5f <exec_byte_code+8196>, 0x55555589077a <exec_byte_code+2079>, 0x55555589098a <exec_byte_code+2607>, 0x555555891fe9 <exec_byte_code+8334>, 0x55555589206c <exec_byte_code+8465>, 0x5555558920c9 <exec_byte_code+8558>, 0x55555589214c <exec_byte_code+8689>, 0x5555558921d0 <exec_byte_code+8821>, 0x555555892301 <exec_byte_code+9126>, 0x55555589235e <exec_byte_code+9219>, 0x5555558923e1 <exec_byte_code+9350>, 0x555555892487 <exec_byte_code+9516>, 0x5555558924e4 <exec_byte_code+9609>, 0x555555892541 <exec_byte_code+9702>, 0x5555558925c4 <exec_byte_code+9833>, 0x555555892647 <exec_byte_code+9964>, 0x5555558926ca <exec_byte_code+10095>, 0x555555892770 <exec_byte_code+10261>, 0x5555558927d7 <exec_byte_code+10364>, 0x55555589283e <exec_byte_code+10467>, 0x555555892947 <exec_byte_code+10732>, 0x555555892a66 <exec_byte_code+11019>, 0x555555892b85 <exec_byte_code+11306>, 0x555555892c0d <exec_byte_code+11442>, 0x555555892c95 <exec_byte_code+11578>, 0x555555892d1d <exec_byte_code+11714>, 0x555555892da5 <exec_byte_code+11850>, 0x555555892e2d <exec_byte_code+11986>, 0x555555892e94 <exec_byte_code+12089>, 0x555555892fb4 <exec_byte_code+12377>, 0x55555589301b <exec_byte_code+12480>, 0x555555893082 <exec_byte_code+12583>, 0x5555558930e9 <exec_byte_code+12686>, 0x55555589323a <exec_byte_code+13023>, 0x55555589162f <exec_byte_code+5844>, 0x5555558932aa <exec_byte_code+13135>, 0x555555893307 <exec_byte_code+13228>, 0x555555893408 <exec_byte_code+13485>, 0x555555893483 <exec_byte_code+13608>, 0x5555558934f3 <exec_byte_code+13720>, 0x555555893550 <exec_byte_code+13813>, 0x5555558935a8 <exec_byte_code+13901>, 0x555555893600 <exec_byte_code+13989>, 0x555555893660 <exec_byte_code+14085>, 0x5555558948a4 <exec_byte_code+18761>, 0x5555558936cd <exec_byte_code+14194>, 0x555555893725 <exec_byte_code+14282>, 0x55555589377d <exec_byte_code+14370>, 0x5555558937d5 <exec_byte_code+14458>, 0x55555589382d <exec_byte_code+14546>, 0x555555893885 <exec_byte_code+14634>, 0x55555589162f <exec_byte_code+5844>, 0x5555558948a4 <exec_byte_code+18761>, 0x5555558938e2 <exec_byte_code+14727>, 0x55555589394c <exec_byte_code+14833>, 0x5555558939a9 <exec_byte_code+14926>, 0x555555893a06 <exec_byte_code+15019>, 0x555555893a89 <exec_byte_code+15150>, 0x555555893b0c <exec_byte_code+15281>, 0x555555893b69 <exec_byte_code+15374>, 0x555555893c3e <exec_byte_code+15587>, 0x555555893cc1 <exec_byte_code+15718>, 0x555555893d44 <exec_byte_code+15849>, 0x555555893dc7 <exec_byte_code+15980>, 0x555555893e1f <exec_byte_code+16068>, 0x5555558948a4 <exec_byte_code+18761>, 0x555555891542 <exec_byte_code+5607>, 0x555555890fc0 <exec_byte_code+4197>, 0x5555558906c4 <exec_byte_code+1897>, 0x5555558910aa <exec_byte_code+4431>, 0x555555891152 <exec_byte_code+4599>, 0x5555558911f7 <exec_byte_code+4764>, 0x5555558914e4 <exec_byte_code+5513>, 0x5555558914fc <exec_byte_code+5537>, 0x555555890c4a <exec_byte_code+3311>, 0x5555558915ec <exec_byte_code+5777>, 0x555555891672 <exec_byte_code+5911>, 0x555555891715 <exec_byte_code+6074>, 0x55555589176a <exec_byte_code+6159>, 0x555555891993 <exec_byte_code+6712>, 0x555555891a22 <exec_byte_code+6855>, 0x555555891ac8 <exec_byte_code+7021>, 0x555555891b43 <exec_byte_code+7144>, 0x555555890f63 <exec_byte_code+4104>, 0x555555893e7c <exec_byte_code+16161>, 0x555555893f22 <exec_byte_code+16327>, 0x555555893f7f <exec_byte_code+16420>, 0x555555893fdc <exec_byte_code+16513>, 0x555555894039 <exec_byte_code+16606>, 0x555555894096 <exec_byte_code+16699>, 0x555555894119 <exec_byte_code+16830>, 0x55555589419c <exec_byte_code+16961>, 0x55555589421f <exec_byte_code+17092>, 0x5555558942a2 <exec_byte_code+17223>, 0x555555894412 <exec_byte_code+17591>, 0x555555894495 <exec_byte_code+17722>, 0x555555894518 <exec_byte_code+17853>, 0x555555894575 <exec_byte_code+17946>, 0x5555558945f8 <exec_byte_code+18077>, 0x55555589467b <exec_byte_code+18208>, 0x5555558946d8 <exec_byte_code+18301>, 0x555555894735 <exec_byte_code+18394>, 0x555555893150 <exec_byte_code+12789>, 0x5555558931b7 <exec_byte_code+12892>, 0x55555589479c <exec_byte_code+18497>, 0x555555894820 <exec_byte_code+18629>, 0x5555558948a4 <exec_byte_code+18761>, 0x55555589129c <exec_byte_code+4929>, 0x5555558912c2 <exec_byte_code+4967>, 0x55555589134c <exec_byte_code+5105>, 0x5555558913d6 <exec_byte_code+5243>, 0x55555589145d <exec_byte_code+5378>, 0x55555589225f <exec_byte_code+8964>, 0x5555558928a5 <exec_byte_code+10570>, 0x555555893366 <exec_byte_code+13323>, 0x555555894aa1 <exec_byte_code+19270>, 0x555555894b2b <exec_byte_code+19408>, 0x5555558948a4 <exec_byte_code+18761>, 0x5555558948a4 <exec_byte_code+18761>, 0x555555894be2 <exec_byte_code+19591>, 0x555555894c93 <exec_byte_code+19768>, 0x5555558948a4 <exec_byte_code+18761>, 0x5555558948a4 <exec_byte_code+18761>, 0x5555558948a4 <exec_byte_code+18761>, 0x5555558948a4 <exec_byte_code+18761>, 0x5555558948a4 <exec_byte_code+18761>, 0x5555558948a4 <exec_byte_code+18761>, 0x5555558948a4 <exec_byte_code+18761>, 0x5555558948a4 <exec_byte_code+18761>, 0x555555894de7 <exec_byte_code+20108> <repeats 64 times>}\n"
~"        const_length = 21\n"
~"        bytestr_length = 102\n"
~"        vectorp = 0x55555608bf80\n"
~"        quitcounter = 1 '\\001'\n"
~"        stack_items = 13\n"
~"        sa_avail = 16178\n"
~"        sa_count = 10\n"
~"        alloc = 0x7fffffffcb30\n"
~"        stack_base = 0x7fffffffcb30\n"
~"        top = 0x7fffffffcb68\n"
~"        stack_lim = 0x7fffffffcb98\n"
~"        bytestr_data = 0x7fffffffcb98 \"r\\004q\\210\\302\\005!\\211\\203\\017\"\n"
~"        pc = 0x7fffffffcba6 \"\\210\\210\\002:\\203\\\"\"\n"
~"        count = 10\n"
~"        result = XIL(0x7ffff2b8b05b)\n"
~"#14 0x00005555558310bd in fetch_and_exec_byte_code (fun=XIL(0x5555560bb2dd), syms_left=make_fixnum(1285), nargs=5, args=0x7fffffffd098) at ../../src/eval.c:3147\n"
~"#15 0x0000555555831584 in funcall_lambda (fun=XIL(0x5555560bb2dd), nargs=5, arg_vector=0x7fffffffd098) at ../../src/eval.c:3228\n"
~"        val = XIL(0x7fffffffcfe8)\n"
~"        syms_left = make_fixnum(1285)\n"
~"        next = XIL(0x19558266c7)\n"
~"        lexenv = XIL(0x5555560bb2d8)\n"
~"        count = 10\n"
~"        i = 93824995191864\n"
~"        optional = 85\n"
~"        rest = false\n"
~"        previous_rest = false\n"
~"#16 0x000055555583087a in Ffuncall (nargs=6, args=0x7fffffffd090) at ../../src/eval.c:3027\n"
~"        fun = XIL(0x5555560bb2dd)\n"
~"        original_fun = XIL(0x1ee630)\n"
~"        funcar = XIL(0)\n"
~"        numargs = 5\n"
~"        val = XIL(0)\n"
~"        count = 9\n"
~"#17 0x0000555555890e41 in exec_byte_code (bytestr=XIL(0x5555561364a4), vector=XIL(0x5555560bc2dd), maxdepth=make_fixnum(9), args_template=make_fixnum(514), nargs=2, args=0x7fffffffd578) at ../../src/bytecode.c:632\n"
~"        op = 5\n"
~"        type = (CONDITION_CASE | CATCHER_ALL | unknown: 0x187f434c)\n"
~"        targets = {0x5555558948a4 <exec_byte_code+18761>, 0x5555558948d5 <exec_byte_code+18810>, 0x5555558948d7 <exec_byte_code+18812>, 0x5555558948d9 <exec_byte_code+18814>, 0x5555558948db <exec_byte_code+18816>, 0x5555558948db <exec_byte_code+18816>, 0x555555894958 <exec_byte_code+18941>, 0x5555558949e7 <exec_byte_code+19084>, 0x555555890564 <exec_byte_code+1545>, 0x555555890566 <exec_byte_code+1547>, 0x555555890568 <exec_byte_code+1549>, 0x55555589056a <exec_byte_code+1551>, 0x55555589056c <exec_byte_code+1553>, 0x55555589056c <exec_byte_code+1553>, 0x555555890575 <exec_byte_code+1562>, 0x555555890521 <exec_byte_code+1478>, 0x555555890a75 <exec_byte_code+2842>, 0x555555890a77 <exec_byte_code+2844>, 0x555555890a79 <exec_byte_code+2846>, 0x555555890a7b <exec_byte_code+2848>, 0x555555890a7d <exec_byte_code+2850>, 0x555555890a7d <exec_byte_code+2850>, 0x555555890ac7 <exec_byte_code+2924>, 0x555555890a86 <exec_byte_code+2859>, 0x555555890d13 <exec_byte_code+3512>, 0x555555890d15 <exec_byte_code+3514>, 0x555555890d17 <exec_byte_code+3516>, 0x555555890d19 <exec_byte_code+3518>, 0x555555890d1b <exec_byte_code+3520>, 0x555555890d1b <exec_byte_code+3520>, 0x555555890cb2 <exec_byte_code+3415>, 0x555555890cd2 <exec_byte_code+3447>, 0x555555890dff <exec_byte_code+3748>, 0x555555890e01 <exec_byte_code+3750>, 0x555555890e03 <exec_byte_code+3752>, 0x555555890e05 <exec_byte_code+3754>, 0x555555890e07 <exec_byte_code+3756>, 0x555555890e07 <exec_byte_code+3756>, 0x555555890d9e <exec_byte_code+3651>, 0x555555890dbe <exec_byte_code+3683>, 0x555555890eed <exec_byte_code+3986>, 0x555555890eef <exec_byte_code+3988>, 0x555555890ef1 <exec_byte_code+3990>, 0x555555890ef3 <exec_byte_code+3992>, 0x555555890ef5 <exec_byte_code+3994>, 0x555555890ef5 <exec_byte_code+3994>, 0x555555890e8c <exec_byte_code+3889>, 0x555555890eac <exec_byte_code+3921>, 0x55555589193b <exec_byte_code+6624>, 0x555555891800 <exec_byte_code+6309>, 0x5555558917f4 <exec_byte_code+6297>, 0x5555558948a4 <exec_byte_code+18761>, 0x5555558948a4 <exec_byte_code+18761>, 0x5555558948a4 <exec_byte_code+18761>, 0x5555558948a4 <exec_byte_code+18761>, 0x5555558948a4 <exec_byte_code+18761>, 0x555555891be1 <exec_byte_code+7302>, 0x555555891d3c <exec_byte_code+7649>, 0x555555891dbb <exec_byte_code+7776>, 0x555555891e3d <exec_byte_code+7906>, 0x555555891ec1 <exec_byte_code+8038>, 0x555555890864 <exec_byte_code+2313>, 0x555555890907 <exec_byte_code+2476>, 0x555555891f5f <exec_byte_code+8196>, 0x55555589077a <exec_byte_code+2079>, 0x55555589098a <exec_byte_code+2607>, 0x555555891fe9 <exec_byte_code+8334>, 0x55555589206c <exec_byte_code+8465>, 0x5555558920c9 <exec_byte_code+8558>, 0x55555589214c <exec_byte_code+8689>, 0x5555558921d0 <exec_byte_code+8821>, 0x555555892301 <exec_byte_code+9126>, 0x55555589235e <exec_byte_code+9219>, 0x5555558923e1 <exec_byte_code+9350>, 0x555555892487 <exec_byte_code+9516>, 0x5555558924e4 <exec_byte_code+9609>, 0x555555892541 <exec_byte_code+9702>, 0x5555558925c4 <exec_byte_code+9833>, 0x555555892647 <exec_byte_code+9964>, 0x5555558926ca <exec_byte_code+10095>, 0x555555892770 <exec_byte_code+10261>, 0x5555558927d7 <exec_byte_code+10364>, 0x55555589283e <exec_byte_code+10467>, 0x555555892947 <exec_byte_code+10732>, 0x555555892a66 <exec_byte_code+11019>, 0x555555892b85 <exec_byte_code+11306>, 0x555555892c0d <exec_byte_code+11442>, 0x555555892c95 <exec_byte_code+11578>, 0x555555892d1d <exec_byte_code+11714>, 0x555555892da5 <exec_byte_code+11850>, 0x555555892e2d <exec_byte_code+11986>, 0x555555892e94 <exec_byte_code+12089>, 0x555555892fb4 <exec_byte_code+12377>, 0x55555589301b <exec_byte_code+12480>, 0x555555893082 <exec_byte_code+12583>, 0x5555558930e9 <exec_byte_code+12686>, 0x55555589323a <exec_byte_code+13023>, 0x55555589162f <exec_byte_code+5844>, 0x5555558932aa <exec_byte_code+13135>, 0x555555893307 <exec_byte_code+13228>, 0x555555893408 <exec_byte_code+13485>, 0x555555893483 <exec_byte_code+13608>, 0x5555558934f3 <exec_byte_code+13720>, 0x555555893550 <exec_byte_code+13813>, 0x5555558935a8 <exec_byte_code+13901>, 0x555555893600 <exec_byte_code+13989>, 0x555555893660 <exec_byte_code+14085>, 0x5555558948a4 <exec_byte_code+18761>, 0x5555558936cd <exec_byte_code+14194>, 0x555555893725 <exec_byte_code+14282>, 0x55555589377d <exec_byte_code+14370>, 0x5555558937d5 <exec_byte_code+14458>, 0x55555589382d <exec_byte_code+14546>, 0x555555893885 <exec_byte_code+14634>, 0x55555589162f <exec_byte_code+5844>, 0x5555558948a4 <exec_byte_code+18761>, 0x5555558938e2 <exec_byte_code+14727>, 0x55555589394c <exec_byte_code+14833>, 0x5555558939a9 <exec_byte_code+14926>, 0x555555893a06 <exec_byte_code+15019>, 0x555555893a89 <exec_byte_code+15150>, 0x555555893b0c <exec_byte_code+15281>, 0x555555893b69 <exec_byte_code+15374>, 0x555555893c3e <exec_byte_code+15587>, 0x555555893cc1 <exec_byte_code+15718>, 0x555555893d44 <exec_byte_code+15849>, 0x555555893dc7 <exec_byte_code+15980>, 0x555555893e1f <exec_byte_code+16068>, 0x5555558948a4 <exec_byte_code+18761>, 0x555555891542 <exec_byte_code+5607>, 0x555555890fc0 <exec_byte_code+4197>, 0x5555558906c4 <exec_byte_code+1897>, 0x5555558910aa <exec_byte_code+4431>, 0x555555891152 <exec_byte_code+4599>, 0x5555558911f7 <exec_byte_code+4764>, 0x5555558914e4 <exec_byte_code+5513>, 0x5555558914fc <exec_byte_code+5537>, 0x555555890c4a <exec_byte_code+3311>, 0x5555558915ec <exec_byte_code+5777>, 0x555555891672 <exec_byte_code+5911>, 0x555555891715 <exec_byte_code+6074>, 0x55555589176a <exec_byte_code+6159>, 0x555555891993 <exec_byte_code+6712>, 0x555555891a22 <exec_byte_code+6855>, 0x555555891ac8 <exec_byte_code+7021>, 0x555555891b43 <exec_byte_code+7144>, 0x555555890f63 <exec_byte_code+4104>, 0x555555893e7c <exec_byte_code+16161>, 0x555555893f22 <exec_byte_code+16327>, 0x555555893f7f <exec_byte_code+16420>, 0x555555893fdc <exec_byte_code+16513>, 0x555555894039 <exec_byte_code+16606>, 0x555555894096 <exec_byte_code+16699>, 0x555555894119 <exec_byte_code+16830>, 0x55555589419c <exec_byte_code+16961>, 0x55555589421f <exec_byte_code+17092>, 0x5555558942a2 <exec_byte_code+17223>, 0x555555894412 <exec_byte_code+17591>, 0x555555894495 <exec_byte_code+17722>, 0x555555894518 <exec_byte_code+17853>, 0x555555894575 <exec_byte_code+17946>, 0x5555558945f8 <exec_byte_code+18077>, 0x55555589467b <exec_byte_code+18208>, 0x5555558946d8 <exec_byte_code+18301>, 0x555555894735 <exec_byte_code+18394>, 0x555555893150 <exec_byte_code+12789>, 0x5555558931b7 <exec_byte_code+12892>, 0x55555589479c <exec_byte_code+18497>, 0x555555894820 <exec_byte_code+18629>, 0x5555558948a4 <exec_byte_code+18761>, 0x55555589129c <exec_byte_code+4929>, 0x5555558912c2 <exec_byte_code+4967>, 0x55555589134c <exec_byte_code+5105>, 0x5555558913d6 <exec_byte_code+5243>, 0x55555589145d <exec_byte_code+5378>, 0x55555589225f <exec_byte_code+8964>, 0x5555558928a5 <exec_byte_code+10570>, 0x555555893366 <exec_byte_code+13323>, 0x555555894aa1 <exec_byte_code+19270>, 0x555555894b2b <exec_byte_code+19408>, 0x5555558948a4 <exec_byte_code+18761>, 0x5555558948a4 <exec_byte_code+18761>, 0x555555894be2 <exec_byte_code+19591>, 0x555555894c93 <exec_byte_code+19768>, 0x5555558948a4 <exec_byte_code+18761>, 0x5555558948a4 <exec_byte_code+18761>, 0x5555558948a4 <exec_byte_code+18761>, 0x5555558948a4 <exec_byte_code+18761>, 0x5555558948a4 <exec_byte_code+18761>, 0x5555558948a4 <exec_byte_code+18761>, 0x5555558948a4 <exec_byte_code+18761>, 0x5555558948a4 <exec_byte_code+18761>, 0x555555894de7 <exec_byte_code+20108> <repeats 64 times>}\n"
~"        const_length = 11\n"
~"        bytestr_length = 41\n"
~"        vectorp = 0x5555560bc2e0\n"
~"        quitcounter = 1 '\\001'\n"
~"        stack_items = 10\n"
~"        sa_avail = 16263\n"
~"        sa_count = 9\n"
~"        alloc = 0x7fffffffd070\n"
~"        stack_base = 0x7fffffffd070\n"
~"        top = 0x7fffffffd090\n"
~"        stack_lim = 0x7fffffffd0c0\n"
~"        bytestr_data = 0x7fffffffd0c0 \"\\301\\002!\\302=\\205(\"\n"
~"        pc = 0x7fffffffd0e0 \"\\210\\312\\305\\002!!\\262\\001\\207\"\n"
~"        count = 9\n"
~"        result = XIL(0x5fdeafb814d45900)\n"
~"#18 0x00005555558310bd in fetch_and_exec_byte_code (fun=XIL(0x5555560bc33d), syms_left=make_fixnum(514), nargs=2, args=0x7fffffffd568) at ../../src/eval.c:3147\n"
~"#19 0x0000555555831584 in funcall_lambda (fun=XIL(0x5555560bc33d), nargs=2, arg_vector=0x7fffffffd568) at ../../src/eval.c:3228\n"
~"        val = XIL(0x7fffffffd4d8)\n"
~"        syms_left = make_fixnum(514)\n"
~"        next = XIL(0x19558266c7)\n"
~"        lexenv = XIL(0x5555560bc338)\n"
~"        count = 9\n"
~"        i = 93824995191864\n"
~"        optional = 85\n"
~"        rest = false\n"
~"        previous_rest = false\n"
~"#20 0x000055555583087a in Ffuncall (nargs=3, args=0x7fffffffd560) at ../../src/eval.c:3027\n"
~"        fun = XIL(0x5555560bc33d)\n"
~"        original_fun = XIL(0x2c3460)\n"
~"        funcar = XIL(0)\n"
~"        numargs = 2\n"
~"        val = XIL(0)\n"
~"        count = 8\n"
~"#21 0x000055555582f895 in Fapply (nargs=2, args=0x7fffffffd610) at ../../src/eval.c:2653\n"
~"        i = 3\n"
~"        funcall_nargs = 3\n"
~"        funcall_args = 0x7fffffffd560\n"
~"        spread_arg = XIL(0)\n"
~"        fun = XIL(0x5555560bc33d)\n"
~"        sa_avail = 16360\n"
~"        sa_count = 8\n"
~"        numargs = 2\n"
~"        retval = XIL(0x18)\n"
~"#22 0x000055555582ffa0 in apply1 (fn=XIL(0x2c3460), arg=XIL(0x55555650eb43)) at ../../src/eval.c:2869\n"
~"#23 0x00005555558a68d2 in read_process_output_call (fun_and_args=XIL(0x55555650eb53)) at ../../src/process.c:5973\n"
~"#24 0x000055555582bf58 in internal_condition_case_1 (bfun=0x5555558a6836 <read_process_output_call>, arg=XIL(0x55555650eb53), handlers=XIL(0x90), hfun=0x5555558aa280 <exec_sentinel_error_handler>) at ../../src/eval.c:1474\n"
~"        val = XIL(0x5555561feadd)\n"
~"        c = 0x555555f9e700\n"
~"#25 0x00005555558aa4a5 in exec_sentinel (proc=XIL(0x5555561feadd), reason=XIL(0x5555565212f4)) at ../../src/process.c:7462\n"
~"        sentinel = XIL(0x2c3460)\n"
~"        odeactivate = XIL(0)\n"
~"        p = 0x5555561fead8\n"
~"        count = 5\n"
~"        outer_running_asynch_code = false\n"
~"        waiting = -1\n"
~"#26 0x00005555558aa711 in status_notify (deleting_process=0x0, wait_proc=0x0) at ../../src/process.c:7554\n"
~"        symbol = XIL(0x65a0)\n"
~"        p = 0x5555561fead8\n"
~"        proc = XIL(0x5555561feadd)\n"
~"        tail = XIL(0x5555562054a3)\n"
~"        msg = XIL(0x5555565212f4)\n"
~"        got_some_output = -1\n"
~"#27 0x00005555558a4e6d in wait_reading_process_output (time_limit=0, nsecs=0, read_kbd=-1, do_display=true, wait_for_cell=XIL(0), wait_proc=0x0, just_wait_proc=0) at ../../src/process.c:5376\n"
~"        Atemp = {\n          fds_bits = {0 <repeats 16 times>}\n        }"
~"        Ctemp = {\n          fds_bits = {0 <repeats 16 times>}\n        }"
~"        fd = 7\n"
~"        process_skipped = false\n"
~"        wrapped = true\n"
~"        channel_start = 10\n"
~"        child_fd = 7\n"
~"        last_read_channel = 9\n"
~"        channel = 10\n"
~"        nfds = 1\n"
~"        Available = {\n          fds_bits = {0 <repeats 16 times>}\n        }"
~"        Writeok = {\n          fds_bits = {0 <repeats 16 times>}\n        }"
~"        check_write = true\n"
~"        check_delay = 1\n"
~"        no_avail = false\n"
~"        xerrno = 5\n"
~"        proc = XIL(0x5555561f6645)\n"
~"        timeout = {\n          tv_sec = 0,\n          tv_nsec = 0\n        }"
~"        end_time = {\n          tv_sec = 5294967296,\n          tv_nsec = 0\n        }"
~"        timer_delay = {\n          tv_sec = 0,\n          tv_nsec = 135838054\n        }"
~"        got_output_end_time = {\n          tv_sec = 0,\n          tv_nsec = -1\n        }"
~"        wait = FOREVER\n"
~"        got_some_output = 1272\n"
~"        prev_wait_proc_nbytes_read = 0\n"
~"        retry_for_async = false\n"
~"        count = 4\n"
~"        now = {\n          tv_sec = 0,\n          tv_nsec = -1\n        }"
~"#28 0x000055555574db31 in kbd_buffer_get_event (kbp=0x7fffffffdc60, used_mouse_menu=0x7fffffffe26d, end_time=0x0) at ../../src/keyboard.c:3926\n"
~"        do_display = true\n"
~"        obj = make_fixnum(0)\n"
~"#29 0x000055555574800a in read_event_from_main_queue (end_time=0x0, local_getcjmp=0x7fffffffe070, used_mouse_menu=0x7fffffffe26d) at ../../src/keyboard.c:2198\n"
~"        c = XIL(0)\n"
~"        save_jump = {{\n            __jmpbuf = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},\n            __mask_was_saved = 0,\n            __saved_mask = {\n              __val = {0 <repeats 16 times>}\n            }\n          }}"
~"        kb = 0x555555e99180 <mpz>\n"
~"        count = 3\n"
~"#30 0x0000555555748430 in read_decoded_event_from_main_queue (end_time=0x0, local_getcjmp=0x7fffffffe070, prev_event=XIL(0), used_mouse_menu=0x7fffffffe26d) at ../../src/keyboard.c:2262\n"
~"        nextevt = make_fixnum(67904286)\n"
~"        frame = 0x0\n"
~"        terminal = 0x0\n"
~"        events = {XIL(0x7fffffffde10), XIL(0x555555741321), XIL(0), XIL(0x555555eb41e0), XIL(0), XIL(0), XIL(0x7fffffffde30), XIL(0x55555574137b), XIL(0x7fffffffde60), make_fixnum(358431713), XIL(0x7fffffffde60), XIL(0x555555745035), XIL(0x555556518173), XIL(0), XIL(0), XIL(0)}\n"
~"        n = 0\n"
~"#31 0x000055555574a7e7 in read_char (commandflag=1, map=XIL(0x55555651b0c3), prev_event=XIL(0), used_mouse_menu=0x7fffffffe26d, end_time=0x0) at ../../src/keyboard.c:2892\n"
~"        c = XIL(0)\n"
~"        jmpcount = 3\n"
~"        local_getcjmp = {{\n            __jmpbuf = {0, 4807611475803699516, 0, 140737488349464, 93824997382392, 140737354125312, 4807611474895632700, 1724109259802736956},\n            __mask_was_saved = 0,\n            __saved_mask = {\n              __val = {0, 140737488347360, 93824995190561, 140737268828123, 2627389160, 140737488347472, 93824995242875, 93825008775395, 3, 140737488347440, 0, 93825008775411, 93825002062304, 0, 0, 140737488347472}\n            }\n          }}"
~"        save_jump = {{\n            __jmpbuf = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},\n            __mask_was_saved = 0,\n            __saved_mask = {\n              __val = {0 <repeats 16 times>}\n            }\n          }}"
~"        tem = XIL(0x5555561f5ff8)\n"
~"        save = XIL(0x555555802948)\n"
~"        previous_echo_area_message = XIL(0)\n"
~"        also_record = XIL(0)\n"
~"        reread = false\n"
~"        recorded = false\n"
~"        polling_stopped_here = true\n"
~"        orig_kboard = 0x555555fb0d20\n"
~"#32 0x000055555575d792 in read_key_sequence (keybuf=0x7fffffffe450, prompt=XIL(0), dont_downcase_last=false, can_return_switch_frame=true, fix_current_buffer=true, prevent_redisplay=false) at ../../src/keyboard.c:9635\n"
~"        interrupted_kboard = 0x555555fb0d20\n"
~"        interrupted_frame = 0x555555f625a8\n"
~"        key = XIL(0xa00000000)\n"
~"        used_mouse_menu = false\n"
~"        echo_local_start = 0\n"
~"        last_real_key_start = 0\n"
~"        keys_local_start = 0\n"
~"        new_binding = XIL(0x555555f62815)\n"
~"        count = 3\n"
~"        t = 0\n"
~"        echo_start = 0\n"
~"        keys_start = 0\n"
~"        current_binding = XIL(0x55555651b0c3)\n"
~"        first_unbound = 31\n"
~"        mock_input = 0\n"
~"        used_mouse_menu_history = {false <repeats 30 times>}\n"
~"        fkey = {\n          parent = XIL(0x555555f66443),\n          map = XIL(0x555555f66443),\n          start = 0,\n          end = 0\n        }"
~"        keytran = {\n          parent = XIL(0x7ffff2e9cbeb),\n          map = XIL(0x7ffff2e9cbeb),\n          start = 0,\n          end = 0\n        }"
~"        indec = {\n          parent = XIL(0x555555f66433),\n          map = XIL(0x555555f66433),\n          start = 0,\n          end = 0\n        }"
~"        shift_translated = false\n"
~"        delayed_switch_frame = XIL(0)\n"
~"        original_uppercase = XIL(0x7fffffffe3c0)\n"
~"        original_uppercase_position = -1\n"
~"        dummyflag = false\n"
~"        starting_buffer = 0x5555561f5ff8\n"
~"        fake_prefixed_keys = XIL(0)\n"
~"        first_event = XIL(0)\n"
~"        second_event = XIL(0)\n"
~"#33 0x0000555555745643 in command_loop_1 () at ../../src/keyboard.c:1392\n"
~"        cmd = XIL(0x1e17e0)\n"
~"        keybuf = {make_fixnum(13), make_fixnum(120), XIL(0x7fffffffe490), XIL(0x5555558266c7), make_fixnum(34910567923712), XIL(0x555555eb41e0), XIL(0), XIL(0), XIL(0), XIL(0x555555eb41e0), XIL(0x7fffffffe4d0), XIL(0x5555558266c7), XIL(0x7fffffffe520), XIL(0x555555eb41e0), XIL(0), XIL(0), XIL(0x7fffffffe4f0), XIL(0x555555826721), make_fixnum(2), XIL(0x8bb0), XIL(0x7fffffffe530), XIL(0x55555582c6bb), XIL(0x100000000), XIL(0x90), XIL(0x7fffffffe540), XIL(0x555555f9e5d0), XIL(0), XIL(0x90), XIL(0x7fffffffe560), XIL(0x55555582c5cc)}\n"
~"        i = 1\n"
~"        prev_modiff = 168\n"
~"        prev_buffer = 0x5555561f5ff8\n"
~"        already_adjusted = false\n"
~"#34 0x000055555582be77 in internal_condition_case (bfun=0x5555557451a3 <command_loop_1>, handlers=XIL(0x90), hfun=0x555555744586 <cmd_error>) at ../../src/eval.c:1450\n"
~"        val = XIL(0x7fffffffe5c0)\n"
~"        c = 0x555555f9e5d0\n"
~"#35 0x0000555555744d5c in command_loop_2 (handlers=XIL(0x90)) at ../../src/keyboard.c:1133\n"
~"        val = XIL(0xe850)\n"
~"#36 0x000055555582b006 in internal_catch (tag=XIL(0xe850), func=0x555555744d32 <command_loop_2>, arg=XIL(0x90)) at ../../src/eval.c:1181\n"
~"        val = XIL(0x55555574137b)\n"
~"        c = 0x555555fb0df0\n"
~"#37 0x0000555555744cfe in command_loop () at ../../src/keyboard.c:1111\n"
~"#38 0x0000555555744032 in recursive_edit_1 () at ../../src/keyboard.c:720\n"
~"        count = 1\n"
~"        val = XIL(0x7fffffffe6a0)\n"
~"#39 0x0000555555744254 in Frecursive_edit () at ../../src/keyboard.c:803\n"
~"        count = 0\n"
~"        buffer = XIL(0)\n"
~"#40 0x000055555573fd00 in main (argc=3, argv=0x7fffffffe8f8) at ../../src/emacs.c:2358\n"
~"        stack_bottom_variable = 0x1\n"
~"        no_loadup = false\n"
~"        junk = 0x0\n"
~"        dname_arg = 0x0\n"
~"        ch_to_dir = 0x0\n"
~"        original_pwd = 0x0\n"
~"        dump_mode = 0x0\n"
~"        skip_args = 1\n"
~"        temacs = 0x0\n"
~"        attempt_load_pdump = true\n"
~"        rlim = {\n          rlim_cur = 10022912,\n          rlim_max = 18446744073709551615\n        }"
~"        lc_all = 0x0\n"
~"        sockfd = -1\n"
~"        module_assertions = false\n"
~"Lisp Backtrace:\n"
~"\"redisplay_internal (C function)\""
~" (0x0)\n"
~" (0xffffcb70)\n"
~" (0xffffd098)\n"
~" (0xffffd568)\n"
~"\"redisplay_internal (C function)\""
~" (0x0)\n"
~" (0xffffcb70)\n"
~" (0xffffd098)\n"
~" (0xffffd568)\n"
[Message part 3 (text/plain, inline)]

In GNU Emacs 28.1 (build 1, x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, X toolkit, cairo version 1.17.6, Xaw3d scroll bars)
 of 2022-08-25 built on huana84
System Description: Arch Linux

Configured using:
 'configure --sysconfdir=/etc --prefix=/usr --libexecdir=/usr/lib
 --localstatedir=/var --with-cairo --with-harfbuzz --with-libsystemd
 --with-wide-int --with-json=yes --with-modules
 --enable-checking=yes,glyphs --enable-check-lisp-object-type
 'CFLAGS=-O0 -g3' --with-x-toolkit=lucid

Configured features:

Important settings:
  value of $LC_COLLATE: C
  value of $LANG: en_US.UTF-8
  locale-coding-system: utf-8-unix

Major mode: Lisp Interaction

Minor modes in effect:
  tooltip-mode: t
  global-eldoc-mode: t
  eldoc-mode: t
  show-paren-mode: t
  electric-indent-mode: t
  mouse-wheel-mode: t
  tool-bar-mode: t
  menu-bar-mode: t
  file-name-shadow-mode: t
  global-font-lock-mode: t
  font-lock-mode: t
  blink-cursor-mode: t
  auto-composition-mode: t
  auto-encryption-mode: t
  auto-compression-mode: t
  line-number-mode: t
  indent-tabs-mode: t
  transient-mark-mode: t

Load-path shadows:
None found.

(shadow sort mail-extr emacsbug message rmc puny dired dired-loaddefs
rfc822 mml mml-sec epa derived epg rfc6068 epg-config gnus-util rmail
rmail-loaddefs auth-source cl-seq eieio eieio-core cl-macs
eieio-loaddefs password-cache json map text-property-search time-date
subr-x seq byte-opt gv bytecomp byte-compile cconv mm-decode mm-bodies
mm-encode mail-parse rfc2231 mailabbrev gmm-utils mailheader cl-loaddefs
cl-lib sendmail rfc2047 rfc2045 ietf-drums mm-util mail-prsvr mail-utils
iso-transl tooltip eldoc paren electric uniquify ediff-hook vc-hooks
lisp-float-type elisp-mode mwheel term/x-win x-win term/common-win x-dnd
tool-bar dnd fontset image regexp-opt fringe tabulated-list replace
newcomment text-mode lisp-mode prog-mode register page tab-bar menu-bar
rfn-eshadow isearch easymenu timer select scroll-bar mouse jit-lock
font-lock syntax font-core term/tty-colors frame minibuffer cl-generic
cham georgian utf-8-lang misc-lang vietnamese tibetan thai tai-viet lao
korean japanese eucjp-ms cp51932 hebrew greek romanian slovak czech
european ethiopic indian cyrillic chinese composite emoji-zwj charscript
charprop case-table epa-hook jka-cmpr-hook help simple abbrev obarray
cl-preloaded nadvice button loaddefs faces cus-face macroexp files
window text-properties overlay sha1 md5 base64 format env code-pages
mule custom widget hashtable-print-readable backquote threads dbusbind
inotify lcms2 dynamic-setting system-font-setting font-render-setting
cairo x-toolkit x multi-tty make-network-process emacs)

Memory information:
((conses 16 49110 7410)
 (symbols 48 6619 1)
 (strings 32 17762 1892)
 (string-bytes 1 584463)
 (vectors 16 10077)
 (vector-slots 8 124787 5648)
 (floats 8 19 235)
 (intervals 56 207 0)
 (buffers 992 10))

This bug report was last modified 2 years and 172 days ago.

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GNU bug tracking system
Copyright (C) 1999 Darren O. Benham, 1997,2003 nCipher Corporation Ltd, 1994-97 Ian Jackson.