X-Loop: help-debbugs@HIDDEN Subject: bug#58781: 28.2; move-file-to-trash may move file across filesystems Resent-From: Gustavo Barros <gusbrs.2016@HIDDEN> Original-Sender: "Debbugs-submit" <debbugs-submit-bounces <at> debbugs.gnu.org> Resent-CC: bug-gnu-emacs@HIDDEN Resent-Date: Tue, 25 Oct 2022 20:01:02 +0000 Resent-Message-ID: <handler.58781.B.166672805819175 <at> debbugs.gnu.org> Resent-Sender: help-debbugs@HIDDEN X-GNU-PR-Message: report 58781 X-GNU-PR-Package: emacs X-GNU-PR-Keywords: To: 58781 <at> debbugs.gnu.org X-Debbugs-Original-To: bug-gnu-emacs@HIDDEN Received: via spool by submit <at> debbugs.gnu.org id=B.166672805819175 (code B ref -1); Tue, 25 Oct 2022 20:01:02 +0000 Received: (at submit) by debbugs.gnu.org; 25 Oct 2022 20:00:58 +0000 Received: from localhost ([]:52464 helo=debbugs.gnu.org) by debbugs.gnu.org with esmtp (Exim 4.84_2) (envelope-from <debbugs-submit-bounces <at> debbugs.gnu.org>) id 1onQ6c-0004zC-7e for submit <at> debbugs.gnu.org; Tue, 25 Oct 2022 16:00:58 -0400 Received: from lists.gnu.org ([]:44696) by debbugs.gnu.org with esmtp (Exim 4.84_2) (envelope-from <gtvbrs@HIDDEN>) id 1onQ6a-0004z5-8K for submit <at> debbugs.gnu.org; Tue, 25 Oct 2022 16:00:56 -0400 Received: from eggs.gnu.org ([2001:470:142:3::10]) by lists.gnu.org with esmtps (TLS1.2:ECDHE_RSA_AES_256_GCM_SHA384:256) (Exim 4.90_1) (envelope-from <gtvbrs@HIDDEN>) id 1onQ6Z-0001PH-SZ for bug-gnu-emacs@HIDDEN; Tue, 25 Oct 2022 16:00:55 -0400 Received: from mail-pg1-x534.google.com ([2607:f8b0:4864:20::534]) by eggs.gnu.org with esmtps (TLS1.2:ECDHE_RSA_AES_128_GCM_SHA256:128) (Exim 4.90_1) (envelope-from <gtvbrs@HIDDEN>) id 1onQ6Y-0000gd-7u for bug-gnu-emacs@HIDDEN; Tue, 25 Oct 2022 16:00:55 -0400 Received: by mail-pg1-x534.google.com with SMTP id g129so10941232pgc.7 for <bug-gnu-emacs@HIDDEN>; Tue, 25 Oct 2022 13:00:50 -0700 (PDT) DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed; d=gmail.com; s=20210112; h=to:subject:message-id:date:from:mime-version:from:to:cc:subject :date:message-id:reply-to; bh=ZRVZ/i7RBwu6mrlCP0oMaiiQGSlasFpCAVhKdL+/6/g=; b=m+8xOefeGgwOtBG/4JGhMp/SHd2wgkGbAzbvwBPxraTSN73pfSESZ1bwpE6OHKxdnH pg9+7nzzcD4ffronyWUpTbZs0nZg8R0n73EMMV/UgmO1dOyBc7oDAFU2C0uwEoftOcfG vy4mqEPeQixpHsZUw/cJNUhyFWMAkVEQ4NOjhELb/pM4AlNIKiLOyo7ZTEqOr+YK9/dG vwB38aNKSlUPqD9Wvd7Ryv2nitMW5oETDXZJoZRjE08rqnw3y8vRbBg2V80W80lcvfYn Z9mmbOSSI+0HNyX6c1NGWo+BCwur6LTEWtwRTDy98rpZnF3BYkL6sEaxjqO+Zc0TZOib 02cw== X-Google-DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed; d=1e100.net; s=20210112; h=to:subject:message-id:date:from:mime-version:x-gm-message-state :from:to:cc:subject:date:message-id:reply-to; bh=ZRVZ/i7RBwu6mrlCP0oMaiiQGSlasFpCAVhKdL+/6/g=; b=msvZroeclSrXWQCHYUTkO5r382lio/RkbyBQis+WdfIcmWQD8BaoBa2mC7jsAGRF5g llgLi4CMyRve65aN2lfzLZN0/AVQ/Oym06FoOwknFYnobAIwH6Iqr/4jpYZnCCjr67ry aXZy30laBqWADz1nf33FGH1UTNmYAruWpTyR+EmX3bDaleIIWbHMRjRA9NrTu/tiIkyo T+s8HdxnVI8wcgPRmKt9qmY5BNf+rJ8IK2rFTSR0+90DnF0DcwXy4fVzhisxmOlzXLF/ XHFDFtkze8xOApn7GQ45U0pmxi+u2HRsYedIt3ROGrTmve16jj+C5fTE0fm7YLJliLWD CN5Q== X-Gm-Message-State: ACrzQf0N/mKv+bAIFTX3W48JNky8iMOvenVG8s5MatQyfGxsKY2ZVCl+ pJnTeaKRbO95vc3q4qP1lYZICDA7ju0bIRWHNLZfW/0wK3c9bQ== X-Google-Smtp-Source: AMsMyM5DY4fyF/ybWou2UiYP50Outur9a3J1jb093wuS37EF1gbHTV7FeE83rYN/wkLLJwQFNwM60Yw1TbeDKotms6o= X-Received: by 2002:a05:6a00:3249:b0:565:fc2c:ad79 with SMTP id bn9-20020a056a00324900b00565fc2cad79mr40081380pfb.72.1666728049135; Tue, 25 Oct 2022 13:00:49 -0700 (PDT) MIME-Version: 1.0 From: Gustavo Barros <gusbrs.2016@HIDDEN> Date: Tue, 25 Oct 2022 17:00:37 -0300 Message-ID: <CAM9ALR949FxZK-Eby-_aWZJT7u64S0nUMSJ+Ekk+ed2tugaQug@HIDDEN> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8" Received-SPF: pass client-ip=2607:f8b0:4864:20::534; envelope-from=gtvbrs@HIDDEN; helo=mail-pg1-x534.google.com X-Spam_score_int: -10 X-Spam_score: -1.1 X-Spam_bar: - X-Spam_report: (-1.1 / 5.0 requ) BAYES_00=-1.9, DKIM_SIGNED=0.1, DKIM_VALID=-0.1, DKIM_VALID_AU=-0.1, DKIM_VALID_EF=-0.1, FREEMAIL_FROM=0.001, HK_RANDOM_ENVFROM=0.999, RCVD_IN_DNSWL_NONE=-0.0001, SPF_HELO_NONE=0.001, SPF_PASS=-0.001 autolearn=no autolearn_force=no X-Spam_action: no action X-Spam-Score: -0.3 (/) X-BeenThere: debbugs-submit <at> debbugs.gnu.org X-Mailman-Version: 2.1.18 Precedence: list List-Id: <debbugs-submit.debbugs.gnu.org> List-Unsubscribe: <https://debbugs.gnu.org/cgi-bin/mailman/options/debbugs-submit>, <mailto:debbugs-submit-request <at> debbugs.gnu.org?subject=unsubscribe> List-Archive: <https://debbugs.gnu.org/cgi-bin/mailman/private/debbugs-submit/> List-Post: <mailto:debbugs-submit <at> debbugs.gnu.org> List-Help: <mailto:debbugs-submit-request <at> debbugs.gnu.org?subject=help> List-Subscribe: <https://debbugs.gnu.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/debbugs-submit>, <mailto:debbugs-submit-request <at> debbugs.gnu.org?subject=subscribe> Errors-To: debbugs-submit-bounces <at> debbugs.gnu.org Sender: "Debbugs-submit" <debbugs-submit-bounces <at> debbugs.gnu.org> X-Spam-Score: -1.3 (-) Hi All, I'm trying to investigate bug#58721 (https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bug-gnu-emacs/2022-10/msg01987.html), couldn't figure it out yet, but in the process of doing so, I've found another issue. Namely, that `move-file-to-trash' may move the file across filesystems with some undesired implications, including potential security risk. This happens because, for the case using the freedesktop.org method, in setting trash directory, the procedure is the following: (xdg-data-dir (directory-file-name (expand-file-name "Trash" (or (getenv "XDG_DATA_HOME") "~/.local/share")))) There's no provision to check whether `xdg-data-dir' belongs to the same filesystem (partition) as the file being moved there. As a result, the `move-file-to-trash' may move the file across filesystems. Indeed, I've tested it and, if you are trashing a file from a different partition, it ends in "~/.local/share" regardless. This is a problem for at least two reasons. First, what should be a cheap operation, a simple "rename", can become very costly if what is being trashed is large, because now the file has to be physically moved. Second, it may be a security risk. It certainly is for my setup, for example. It involves two partitions, one for the operating system, unencrypted, which includes "/home/username/", and another one, luks encrypted, where I keep my user files, and which is symlinked to "/home/username/". So, trashing a file from dired, with such a setup, results in the files being stored unencrypted, when they shouldn't. I wouldn't say there's nothing much peculiar in this setup, it is certainly legitimate. I'm not sure what's the standard expected behavior (I suppose the freedesktop.org specs for it). But my distro's file manager (which happens to be `nemo' from Linux Mint) certainly does not do that. It sends such files to a different trash directory at the root of the other partition's mount point. Best regards, Gustavo.
Content-Disposition: inline Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable MIME-Version: 1.0 X-Mailer: MIME-tools 5.505 (Entity 5.505) Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8 X-Loop: help-debbugs@HIDDEN From: help-debbugs@HIDDEN (GNU bug Tracking System) To: Gustavo Barros <gusbrs.2016@HIDDEN> Subject: bug#58781: Acknowledgement (28.2; move-file-to-trash may move file across filesystems) Message-ID: <handler.58781.B.166672805819175.ack <at> debbugs.gnu.org> References: <CAM9ALR949FxZK-Eby-_aWZJT7u64S0nUMSJ+Ekk+ed2tugaQug@HIDDEN> X-Gnu-PR-Message: ack 58781 X-Gnu-PR-Package: emacs Reply-To: 58781 <at> debbugs.gnu.org Date: Tue, 25 Oct 2022 20:01:02 +0000 Thank you for filing a new bug report with debbugs.gnu.org. This is an automatically generated reply to let you know your message has been received. Your message is being forwarded to the package maintainers and other interested parties for their attention; they will reply in due course. Your message has been sent to the package maintainer(s): bug-gnu-emacs@HIDDEN If you wish to submit further information on this problem, please send it to 58781 <at> debbugs.gnu.org. Please do not send mail to help-debbugs@HIDDEN unless you wish to report a problem with the Bug-tracking system. --=20 58781: https://debbugs.gnu.org/cgi/bugreport.cgi?bug=3D58781 GNU Bug Tracking System Contact help-debbugs@HIDDEN with problems
X-Loop: help-debbugs@HIDDEN Subject: bug#58781: 28.2; move-file-to-trash may move file across filesystems Resent-From: Gustavo Barros <gusbrs.2016@HIDDEN> Original-Sender: "Debbugs-submit" <debbugs-submit-bounces <at> debbugs.gnu.org> Resent-CC: bug-gnu-emacs@HIDDEN Resent-Date: Tue, 25 Oct 2022 21:59:01 +0000 Resent-Message-ID: <handler.58781.B58781.166673508730295 <at> debbugs.gnu.org> Resent-Sender: help-debbugs@HIDDEN X-GNU-PR-Message: followup 58781 X-GNU-PR-Package: emacs X-GNU-PR-Keywords: To: 58781 <at> debbugs.gnu.org Received: via spool by 58781-submit <at> debbugs.gnu.org id=B58781.166673508730295 (code B ref 58781); Tue, 25 Oct 2022 21:59:01 +0000 Received: (at 58781) by debbugs.gnu.org; 25 Oct 2022 21:58:07 +0000 Received: from localhost ([]:52539 helo=debbugs.gnu.org) by debbugs.gnu.org with esmtp (Exim 4.84_2) (envelope-from <debbugs-submit-bounces <at> debbugs.gnu.org>) id 1onRvz-0007sZ-0j for submit <at> debbugs.gnu.org; Tue, 25 Oct 2022 17:58:07 -0400 Received: from mail-pg1-f169.google.com ([]:38905) by debbugs.gnu.org with esmtp (Exim 4.84_2) (envelope-from <gtvbrs@HIDDEN>) id 1onRvw-0007s3-FX for 58781 <at> debbugs.gnu.org; Tue, 25 Oct 2022 17:58:05 -0400 Received: by mail-pg1-f169.google.com with SMTP id 20so12894363pgc.5 for <58781 <at> debbugs.gnu.org>; Tue, 25 Oct 2022 14:58:04 -0700 (PDT) DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed; d=gmail.com; s=20210112; h=content-transfer-encoding:to:subject:message-id:date:from :in-reply-to:references:mime-version:from:to:cc:subject:date :message-id:reply-to; bh=uHEgkH9D7aQpDO1uQoh3nn1hXJT7XX2ftK+1Xs9RYbg=; b=G8E2PvfRr8E5mmm2/SS6c0yj9nK1oPeQRLa0YwKLsAvCzWlz3Fbb8GNyEDIud0Wum7 f++xx98vgxPZf1XTISMQVgrOHIYspcJO/Z0d43OkdQs6taNyaL/oiE1f14DXDDXmN2by 2PikJVDNuhhXx/1B2Eij9ov8giBpTahaXzBoNiSK02gN4qmdjfWRoBjQwFR3d+ksjjFY PArsgAC+HJ47Gs/msG/gzlvAC1lL4ostKn87tGLD2UJ3Yncr36iu8OnYFHjvDhOVam5Y /wmgMqclDq3LNVTDx2Rn6/OPacY8vMIJc50/oyRo5rlbMyjygYGv5+hxMNM037f5Wn6S s/DA== X-Google-DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed; d=1e100.net; s=20210112; h=content-transfer-encoding:to:subject:message-id:date:from :in-reply-to:references:mime-version:x-gm-message-state:from:to:cc :subject:date:message-id:reply-to; bh=uHEgkH9D7aQpDO1uQoh3nn1hXJT7XX2ftK+1Xs9RYbg=; b=LFUfYZXW1VYCD941L1do4LDGs7GyUIrbl0/WIayFfkORppnXfXPgaC/2fxRE6vtWc2 L948nhUNN8eL6J4QJMGdepLyPPjDcSF2B45JQlwfW/HsZJS3s7pNTOYUWpG4a4miIRR+ +EiCWj7OI1Dyxyi2EvAtNfLnS42p2oD+Uc4L8JQwgn2ev37rPvqaXQw9zEslEr5bcgFH FeaQW9t/c6yu4yiyzmRo3hYvjZ1CBYH3G64A+dMjkuq1tv6KBkhhIh57wjI/k5EKLz1w wc9i6+cq7EgYt8t5k1MT9BdbymwL0oilT+AY7IdiHp+OnmfI8f4bSF+qFuNVg0nl4R99 fQTQ== X-Gm-Message-State: ACrzQf2E0cNGjG6rnvPX5hS/Uciq4FdlcwzO9o9GlAOVLUooZoA61mbm 68taJx/3PAflQqTdk/VUR6x5GbM/s8bnazXjLhxZPmEV4R4= X-Google-Smtp-Source: AMsMyM7jkZ+ByDJIoqZ90TXbVMvyl/Pmwz6k+RK6SCLNGhxqlYnZzrJ19Skxpw51lya/q09e5pPy7Wh5Z3cBwLIuUSU= X-Received: by 2002:a63:84c2:0:b0:46e:f239:354c with SMTP id k185-20020a6384c2000000b0046ef239354cmr14316332pgd.147.1666735078105; Tue, 25 Oct 2022 14:57:58 -0700 (PDT) MIME-Version: 1.0 References: <CAM9ALR949FxZK-Eby-_aWZJT7u64S0nUMSJ+Ekk+ed2tugaQug@HIDDEN> In-Reply-To: <CAM9ALR949FxZK-Eby-_aWZJT7u64S0nUMSJ+Ekk+ed2tugaQug@HIDDEN> From: Gustavo Barros <gusbrs.2016@HIDDEN> Date: Tue, 25 Oct 2022 18:57:46 -0300 Message-ID: <CAM9ALR9tf8bqHcy7qT4XZaEgyHpDm2GWVQVsDtxOGD8HEm_zUQ@HIDDEN> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable X-Spam-Score: 1.0 (+) X-BeenThere: debbugs-submit <at> debbugs.gnu.org X-Mailman-Version: 2.1.18 Precedence: list List-Id: <debbugs-submit.debbugs.gnu.org> List-Unsubscribe: <https://debbugs.gnu.org/cgi-bin/mailman/options/debbugs-submit>, <mailto:debbugs-submit-request <at> debbugs.gnu.org?subject=unsubscribe> List-Archive: <https://debbugs.gnu.org/cgi-bin/mailman/private/debbugs-submit/> List-Post: <mailto:debbugs-submit <at> debbugs.gnu.org> List-Help: <mailto:debbugs-submit-request <at> debbugs.gnu.org?subject=help> List-Subscribe: <https://debbugs.gnu.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/debbugs-submit>, <mailto:debbugs-submit-request <at> debbugs.gnu.org?subject=subscribe> Errors-To: debbugs-submit-bounces <at> debbugs.gnu.org Sender: "Debbugs-submit" <debbugs-submit-bounces <at> debbugs.gnu.org> X-Spam-Score: 0.0 (/) Hi All, a couple of additions to this report. First, I did some searching on the freedesktop.org specs, which I found at: https://specifications.freedesktop.org/trash-spec/trashspec-lates= t.html. The relevant bit seems to be: "A system can have one or more trash directories. The contents of any trash directory are to be compliant with the same standard, described below. For every user a =E2=80=9Chome trash=E2=80=9D directory MUST be available. = Its name and location are $XDG_DATA_HOME/Trash; $XDG_DATA_HOME is the base directory for user-specific data, as defined in the Desktop Base Directory Specification . The =E2=80=9Chome trash=E2=80=9D SHOULD function as the user's main trash d= irectory. Files that the user trashes from the same file system (device/partition) SHOULD be stored here (see the next section for the storage details). A =E2=80=9Chome trash=E2=80=9D directory SHOULD be automa= tically created for any new user. If this directory is needed for a trashing operation but does not exist, the implementation SHOULD automatically create it, without any warnings or delays. The implementation MAY also support trashing files from the rest of the system (including other partitions, shared network resources, and removable devices) into the =E2=80=9Chome trash=E2=80=9D directory . This i= s a =E2=80=9Cfailsafe=E2=80=9D method: trashing works for all file locations, t= he user can not fill up any space except the home directory, and as other users generally do not have access to it, no security issues arise. However, this solution leads to costly file copying (between partitions, over the network, from a removable device, etc.) A delay instead of a quick =E2=80=9Cdelete=E2=80=9D operation can be unpleasant to = users. An implementation MAY choose not to support trashing in some of these cases (notably on network resources and removable devices). This is what some well known operating systems do. It MAY also choose to provide trashing in the =E2=80=9Ctop directories=E2= =80=9D of some or all mounted resources." Etc. This means `move-file-to-trash' is technically within specs, since "The implementation MAY also support trashing files from the rest of the system (including other partitions, shared network resources, and removable devices) into the =E2=80=9Chome trash=E2=80=9D directory." I hear= tily disagree though with the "no security issues arise" statement. And I still think it would be better to support trashing to "top directories". Of course, this makes this report a "feature request" rather than a "bug". Second, for anyone else half as concerned with this as I am, you may be interested in a workaround too. For the time being, I'm using: (defun system-move-file-to-trash (filename) (if-let ((exec (executable-find "gio"))) (let ((fn (directory-file-name (expand-file-name filename)))) (set-process-sentinel (start-process "trash-file" nil exec "trash" fn) (lambda (_proc event) (when (string-match-p "^exited abnormally.*" event) (message "Sorry, couldn't trash the file."))))) (error "Executable `gio' not found, can't trash file."))) This is somewhat ad hoc, using the way `move-file-to-trash' is constructed to support Windows I suppose, but it gets things done. It is system dependent too, but it is a matter of finding the right command line incantation for trashing a file in your system to adjust things. Best regards, Gustavo. On Tue, 25 Oct 2022 at 17:00, Gustavo Barros <gusbrs.2016@HIDDEN> wrote: > > Hi All, > > I'm trying to investigate bug#58721 > (https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bug-gnu-emacs/2022-10/msg01987.html), > couldn't figure it out yet, but in the process of doing so, I've found > another issue. Namely, that `move-file-to-trash' may move the file > across filesystems with some undesired implications, including > potential security risk. > > This happens because, for the case using the freedesktop.org method, > in setting trash directory, the procedure is the following: > > (xdg-data-dir > (directory-file-name > (expand-file-name "Trash" > (or (getenv "XDG_DATA_HOME") > "~/.local/share")))) > > There's no provision to check whether `xdg-data-dir' belongs to the > same filesystem (partition) as the file being moved there. As a > result, the `move-file-to-trash' may move the file across filesystems. > Indeed, I've tested it and, if you are trashing a file from a > different partition, it ends in "~/.local/share" regardless. > > This is a problem for at least two reasons. First, what should be a > cheap operation, a simple "rename", can become very costly if what is > being trashed is large, because now the file has to be physically > moved. Second, it may be a security risk. > > It certainly is for my setup, for example. It involves two > partitions, one for the operating system, unencrypted, which includes > "/home/username/", and another one, luks encrypted, where I keep my > user files, and which is symlinked to "/home/username/". So, trashing > a file from dired, with such a setup, results in the files being > stored unencrypted, when they shouldn't. I wouldn't say there's > nothing much peculiar in this setup, it is certainly legitimate. > > I'm not sure what's the standard expected behavior (I suppose the > freedesktop.org specs for it). But my distro's file manager (which > happens to be `nemo' from Linux Mint) certainly does not do that. It > sends such files to a different trash directory at the root of the > other partition's mount point. > > Best regards, > Gustavo.
X-Loop: help-debbugs@HIDDEN Subject: bug#58781: 28.2; move-file-to-trash may move file across filesystems Resent-From: Stefan Kangas <stefankangas@HIDDEN> Original-Sender: "Debbugs-submit" <debbugs-submit-bounces <at> debbugs.gnu.org> Resent-CC: bug-gnu-emacs@HIDDEN Resent-Date: Wed, 26 Oct 2022 06:23:02 +0000 Resent-Message-ID: <handler.58781.B58781.166676537932069 <at> debbugs.gnu.org> Resent-Sender: help-debbugs@HIDDEN X-GNU-PR-Message: followup 58781 X-GNU-PR-Package: emacs X-GNU-PR-Keywords: To: Gustavo Barros <gusbrs.2016@HIDDEN>, 58781 <at> debbugs.gnu.org Received: via spool by 58781-submit <at> debbugs.gnu.org id=B58781.166676537932069 (code B ref 58781); Wed, 26 Oct 2022 06:23:02 +0000 Received: (at 58781) by debbugs.gnu.org; 26 Oct 2022 06:22:59 +0000 Received: from localhost ([]:53076 helo=debbugs.gnu.org) by debbugs.gnu.org with esmtp (Exim 4.84_2) (envelope-from <debbugs-submit-bounces <at> debbugs.gnu.org>) id 1onZoZ-0008L5-DW for submit <at> debbugs.gnu.org; Wed, 26 Oct 2022 02:22:59 -0400 Received: from mail-oa1-f45.google.com ([]:35773) by debbugs.gnu.org with esmtp (Exim 4.84_2) (envelope-from <stefankangas@HIDDEN>) id 1onZoX-0008KY-8w for 58781 <at> debbugs.gnu.org; Wed, 26 Oct 2022 02:22:57 -0400 Received: by mail-oa1-f45.google.com with SMTP id 586e51a60fabf-13b103a3e5dso18855831fac.2 for <58781 <at> debbugs.gnu.org>; Tue, 25 Oct 2022 23:22:57 -0700 (PDT) DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed; d=gmail.com; s=20210112; h=content-transfer-encoding:to:subject:message-id:date:mime-version :references:in-reply-to:from:from:to:cc:subject:date:message-id :reply-to; bh=ZeWpy132U6icfHRVeo3FETvtII+GSOv+uhCjJYjMvf8=; b=GsogkgG8Jpa0damOc05qqncu29sViQfudIj7a2M5chx2RwBX7VU5Gb+kztwJhlhiIf wjexsv63Ia+NuoqvmY/7yGjY0UAoOpahD95bGmUnxQ2+5Hs3Wa4CPs/xcggPBuFWN8N9 Dri5KzQ5j4fdJRDauguhRRr7WEaYjhFEp+3BS/2ZquAU9Zm9GsLdHHcYbjhpnRR1ma9s 0FIxGRc9rWCtgKRl4EDSIavWYdwPNAwL6DduEDeBg4Bvm+br3aqh0kDLGWJXbCsWQHcv X+crxQWM4z4GyFbTU9tnZsCxSJ6VtwC93KmZV8bNEby0YtYdHwdVtCmUxsZ42mezrfTg 4pWA== X-Google-DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed; d=1e100.net; s=20210112; h=content-transfer-encoding:to:subject:message-id:date:mime-version :references:in-reply-to:from:x-gm-message-state:from:to:cc:subject :date:message-id:reply-to; bh=ZeWpy132U6icfHRVeo3FETvtII+GSOv+uhCjJYjMvf8=; b=pVwx4LLzmP/QJOaiwxEJ5peLbAKFJS69Ga5ngqGRePP9W93glm0iBVOhtmbpNg7t8S GD5fR3PYzlKb7UywNzwpLk8lJjZzPQ/++BzGQGSwp2WpKwWzVIxuuaJrZI/EKLF1P10e rmZqPRHNBBcV1r5n6jcWu6txib8h3UV2UvjL7xaKkCpqR966br1DaOxwGPeWzM1NcitS W2aEdNhVVynpLmbmyNO4CQ5XnHxtb138bs5jCWCIpv0Ifo8Kl++55XXACQezaIAxXAvX VuHPRgFDhNS0QYo17MmmS26HnLWoTk3YoE1VIH23T3YfZIxoJz50RUxckvolwRR9uK9m xO6A== X-Gm-Message-State: ACrzQf3r6FsckK4VnLbk9iCULGIcramBRCGagwO/b6EdgTFTirtsjPJl 6xO+mrpyAJ/611DC6YM8VnrRwhTNANWBH0TnkTU= X-Google-Smtp-Source: AMsMyM5U4iCmbdGVcRTAdpojAS0UND14AeGYA0ATGdh+LxyBh4s+XvTGXvA0pxu/GINtaGeGvMa3yD3U5UEY1lb+D3s= X-Received: by 2002:a05:6870:d79a:b0:136:50d7:faa9 with SMTP id bd26-20020a056870d79a00b0013650d7faa9mr1194643oab.92.1666765371660; Tue, 25 Oct 2022 23:22:51 -0700 (PDT) Received: from 753933720722 named unknown by gmailapi.google.com with HTTPREST; Tue, 25 Oct 2022 23:22:51 -0700 From: Stefan Kangas <stefankangas@HIDDEN> In-Reply-To: <CAM9ALR9tf8bqHcy7qT4XZaEgyHpDm2GWVQVsDtxOGD8HEm_zUQ@HIDDEN> References: <CAM9ALR949FxZK-Eby-_aWZJT7u64S0nUMSJ+Ekk+ed2tugaQug@HIDDEN> <CAM9ALR9tf8bqHcy7qT4XZaEgyHpDm2GWVQVsDtxOGD8HEm_zUQ@HIDDEN> X-Hashcash: 1:20:221026:58781 <at> debbugs.gnu.org::ZrMpH4JS0uy4TkCx:5OId MIME-Version: 1.0 Date: Tue, 25 Oct 2022 23:22:51 -0700 Message-ID: <CADwFkm=cx_ou0xf38S9jdBfJGjafLpU-CW4F425EiK9zdeNgcA@HIDDEN> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable X-Spam-Score: 0.0 (/) X-BeenThere: debbugs-submit <at> debbugs.gnu.org X-Mailman-Version: 2.1.18 Precedence: list List-Id: <debbugs-submit.debbugs.gnu.org> List-Unsubscribe: <https://debbugs.gnu.org/cgi-bin/mailman/options/debbugs-submit>, <mailto:debbugs-submit-request <at> debbugs.gnu.org?subject=unsubscribe> List-Archive: <https://debbugs.gnu.org/cgi-bin/mailman/private/debbugs-submit/> List-Post: <mailto:debbugs-submit <at> debbugs.gnu.org> List-Help: <mailto:debbugs-submit-request <at> debbugs.gnu.org?subject=help> List-Subscribe: <https://debbugs.gnu.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/debbugs-submit>, <mailto:debbugs-submit-request <at> debbugs.gnu.org?subject=subscribe> Errors-To: debbugs-submit-bounces <at> debbugs.gnu.org Sender: "Debbugs-submit" <debbugs-submit-bounces <at> debbugs.gnu.org> X-Spam-Score: -1.0 (-) tags 58781 + security thanks Gustavo Barros <gusbrs.2016@HIDDEN> writes: > This means `move-file-to-trash' is technically within specs, since > "The implementation MAY also support trashing files from the rest of > the system (including other partitions, shared network resources, and > removable devices) into the =E2=80=9Chome trash=E2=80=9D directory." I he= artily > disagree though with the "no security issues arise" statement. Yes, that argument overlooks what happens when files are moved from encrypted partitions to unencrypted ones. That is bad. Maybe someone should bring this issue to the xdg mailing list? BTW, I also wonder why there is no "xdg-trash" script that we could use. > And I still think it would be better to support trashing to "top > directories". Of course, this makes this report a "feature request" > rather than a "bug". Agreed, but I don't think this makes it into a non-bug. > Second, for anyone else half as concerned with this as I am, you may > be interested in a workaround too. For the time being, I'm using: > > (defun system-move-file-to-trash (filename) > (if-let ((exec (executable-find "gio"))) > (let ((fn (directory-file-name (expand-file-name filename)))) > (set-process-sentinel > (start-process "trash-file" nil exec "trash" fn) > (lambda (_proc event) > (when (string-match-p "^exited abnormally.*" event) > (message "Sorry, couldn't trash the file."))))) > (error "Executable `gio' not found, can't trash file."))) > > This is somewhat ad hoc, using the way `move-file-to-trash' is > constructed to support Windows I suppose, but it gets things done. It > is system dependent too, but it is a matter of finding the right > command line incantation for trashing a file in your system to adjust > things. Could you write this up as a proper patch, instead?
Received: (at control) by debbugs.gnu.org; 26 Oct 2022 06:22:59 +0000 From debbugs-submit-bounces <at> debbugs.gnu.org Wed Oct 26 02:22:59 2022 Received: from localhost ([]:53074 helo=debbugs.gnu.org) by debbugs.gnu.org with esmtp (Exim 4.84_2) (envelope-from <debbugs-submit-bounces <at> debbugs.gnu.org>) id 1onZoZ-0008L3-22 for submit <at> debbugs.gnu.org; Wed, 26 Oct 2022 02:22:59 -0400 Received: from mail-oa1-f48.google.com ([]:40941) by debbugs.gnu.org with esmtp (Exim 4.84_2) (envelope-from <stefankangas@HIDDEN>) id 1onZoX-0008KX-8u for control <at> debbugs.gnu.org; Wed, 26 Oct 2022 02:22:57 -0400 Received: by mail-oa1-f48.google.com with SMTP id 586e51a60fabf-13bd19c3b68so8143416fac.7 for <control <at> debbugs.gnu.org>; Tue, 25 Oct 2022 23:22:57 -0700 (PDT) DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed; d=gmail.com; s=20210112; h=content-transfer-encoding:to:subject:message-id:date:mime-version :references:in-reply-to:from:from:to:cc:subject:date:message-id :reply-to; bh=ZeWpy132U6icfHRVeo3FETvtII+GSOv+uhCjJYjMvf8=; b=GsogkgG8Jpa0damOc05qqncu29sViQfudIj7a2M5chx2RwBX7VU5Gb+kztwJhlhiIf wjexsv63Ia+NuoqvmY/7yGjY0UAoOpahD95bGmUnxQ2+5Hs3Wa4CPs/xcggPBuFWN8N9 Dri5KzQ5j4fdJRDauguhRRr7WEaYjhFEp+3BS/2ZquAU9Zm9GsLdHHcYbjhpnRR1ma9s 0FIxGRc9rWCtgKRl4EDSIavWYdwPNAwL6DduEDeBg4Bvm+br3aqh0kDLGWJXbCsWQHcv X+crxQWM4z4GyFbTU9tnZsCxSJ6VtwC93KmZV8bNEby0YtYdHwdVtCmUxsZ42mezrfTg 4pWA== X-Google-DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed; d=1e100.net; s=20210112; h=content-transfer-encoding:to:subject:message-id:date:mime-version :references:in-reply-to:from:x-gm-message-state:from:to:cc:subject :date:message-id:reply-to; bh=ZeWpy132U6icfHRVeo3FETvtII+GSOv+uhCjJYjMvf8=; b=CX3Q54pnKf1WhJVfVKcxXUvaN5jSZQP7yYI+VRWU4hbp1+E4hRA2qNFhHtwiKYcOLk 96GxpghpYoQ27pcJryO6pLMqVr/Yt3h2KBIddaPYIOlSYKOq6T9wqHSmJHPiWoc5mGdY 4ZXnv7so6Wdnzz0XVHOvJn8wQxKzBK4gF2W3I2ojFJjWphBqmBZciu6VBBWlxjW0kVyh uDbe999cwgMe33JTpxGqy3blnUwRABrRI0P9GYKrsYhWa0GMWXUR8B1bfptmnDtYqHVs VjSeM1GPBRIrybsX81YOmOOgUhbRY7nmTmXa3p3EfzezKlTnUzZeGxUAfEYnyf9lCLft TxFw== X-Gm-Message-State: ACrzQf14RE8di6iVZ6ggvnfEL851yoR2zu1L2dxoBHyDUTJb/NT8wY7B xf3QGh1vRK0b1MjBoB5fq9wvmU0H0Wuj0ZyQl+w= X-Google-Smtp-Source: AMsMyM5U4iCmbdGVcRTAdpojAS0UND14AeGYA0ATGdh+LxyBh4s+XvTGXvA0pxu/GINtaGeGvMa3yD3U5UEY1lb+D3s= X-Received: by 2002:a05:6870:d79a:b0:136:50d7:faa9 with SMTP id bd26-20020a056870d79a00b0013650d7faa9mr1194643oab.92.1666765371660; Tue, 25 Oct 2022 23:22:51 -0700 (PDT) Received: from 753933720722 named unknown by gmailapi.google.com with HTTPREST; Tue, 25 Oct 2022 23:22:51 -0700 From: Stefan Kangas <stefankangas@HIDDEN> In-Reply-To: <CAM9ALR9tf8bqHcy7qT4XZaEgyHpDm2GWVQVsDtxOGD8HEm_zUQ@HIDDEN> References: <CAM9ALR949FxZK-Eby-_aWZJT7u64S0nUMSJ+Ekk+ed2tugaQug@HIDDEN> <CAM9ALR9tf8bqHcy7qT4XZaEgyHpDm2GWVQVsDtxOGD8HEm_zUQ@HIDDEN> X-Hashcash: 1:20:221026:58781 <at> debbugs.gnu.org::ZrMpH4JS0uy4TkCx:5OId MIME-Version: 1.0 Date: Tue, 25 Oct 2022 23:22:51 -0700 Message-ID: <CADwFkm=cx_ou0xf38S9jdBfJGjafLpU-CW4F425EiK9zdeNgcA@HIDDEN> Subject: Re: bug#58781: 28.2; move-file-to-trash may move file across filesystems To: Gustavo Barros <gusbrs.2016@HIDDEN>, 58781 <at> debbugs.gnu.org Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Bcc: control <at> debbugs.gnu.org X-Spam-Score: 0.0 (/) X-Debbugs-Envelope-To: control X-BeenThere: debbugs-submit <at> debbugs.gnu.org X-Mailman-Version: 2.1.18 Precedence: list List-Id: <debbugs-submit.debbugs.gnu.org> List-Unsubscribe: <https://debbugs.gnu.org/cgi-bin/mailman/options/debbugs-submit>, <mailto:debbugs-submit-request <at> debbugs.gnu.org?subject=unsubscribe> List-Archive: <https://debbugs.gnu.org/cgi-bin/mailman/private/debbugs-submit/> List-Post: <mailto:debbugs-submit <at> debbugs.gnu.org> List-Help: <mailto:debbugs-submit-request <at> debbugs.gnu.org?subject=help> List-Subscribe: <https://debbugs.gnu.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/debbugs-submit>, <mailto:debbugs-submit-request <at> debbugs.gnu.org?subject=subscribe> Errors-To: debbugs-submit-bounces <at> debbugs.gnu.org Sender: "Debbugs-submit" <debbugs-submit-bounces <at> debbugs.gnu.org> X-Spam-Score: -1.0 (-) tags 58781 + security thanks Gustavo Barros <gusbrs.2016@HIDDEN> writes: > This means `move-file-to-trash' is technically within specs, since > "The implementation MAY also support trashing files from the rest of > the system (including other partitions, shared network resources, and > removable devices) into the =E2=80=9Chome trash=E2=80=9D directory." I he= artily > disagree though with the "no security issues arise" statement. Yes, that argument overlooks what happens when files are moved from encrypted partitions to unencrypted ones. That is bad. Maybe someone should bring this issue to the xdg mailing list? BTW, I also wonder why there is no "xdg-trash" script that we could use. > And I still think it would be better to support trashing to "top > directories". Of course, this makes this report a "feature request" > rather than a "bug". Agreed, but I don't think this makes it into a non-bug. > Second, for anyone else half as concerned with this as I am, you may > be interested in a workaround too. For the time being, I'm using: > > (defun system-move-file-to-trash (filename) > (if-let ((exec (executable-find "gio"))) > (let ((fn (directory-file-name (expand-file-name filename)))) > (set-process-sentinel > (start-process "trash-file" nil exec "trash" fn) > (lambda (_proc event) > (when (string-match-p "^exited abnormally.*" event) > (message "Sorry, couldn't trash the file."))))) > (error "Executable `gio' not found, can't trash file."))) > > This is somewhat ad hoc, using the way `move-file-to-trash' is > constructed to support Windows I suppose, but it gets things done. It > is system dependent too, but it is a matter of finding the right > command line incantation for trashing a file in your system to adjust > things. Could you write this up as a proper patch, instead?
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