GNU bug report logs - #59300
CC Mode 5.35.2 (C/*l); Yet another kind of incorrect type recognition

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Package: cc-mode;

Reported by: Po Lu <luangruo <at>>

Date: Wed, 16 Nov 2022 06:31:02 UTC

Severity: normal

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Report forwarded to bug-cc-mode <at>
bug#59300; Package cc-mode. (Wed, 16 Nov 2022 06:31:02 GMT) Full text and rfc822 format available.

Acknowledgement sent to Po Lu <luangruo <at>>:
New bug report received and forwarded. Copy sent to bug-cc-mode <at> (Wed, 16 Nov 2022 06:31:02 GMT) Full text and rfc822 format available.

Message #5 received at submit <at> (full text, mbox):

From: Po Lu <luangruo <at>>
To: bug-gnu-emacs <at>
Subject: CC Mode 5.35.2 (C/*l); Yet another kind of incorrect type recognition
Date: Wed, 16 Nov 2022 14:29:36 +0800
Package: cc-mode

Insert the following text in a C mode buffer:

static void
Activate (Surface *surface, Role *role, int deviceid,
	  Timestamp timestamp, Surface *activator_surface)
  struct wl_resource *resource;
  TestSurface *test;

  test = TestSurfaceFromRole (role);

  if (test->role.resource)
      /* If the activator surface belongs to the same client as the
	 client who created the test surface, set the resource to the
	 activator surface.  */
      if (wl_resource_get_client (activator_surface->resource)
	  == wl_resource_get_user_data (test->role.resource))
      test_surface_send_activated (test->role.resource,

Place point at the end of the line below "wl_resource_get_user_data
(test->role.resource))".  Type:

  r e s o u r c e =

Afterwards, every occurrence of `resource' will become found as a type
and fontified incorrectly.


Emacs  : GNU Emacs 29.0.50 (build 1, x86_64-pc-linux-gnu)
 of 2022-11-12
Package: CC Mode 5.35.2 (C/*l)
Buffer Style: gnu
c-emacs-features: (pps-extended-state col-0-paren posix-char-classes gen-string-delim gen-comment-delim syntax-properties category-properties 1-bit)

current state:
 c-basic-offset 2
 c-comment-only-line-offset '(0 . 0)
 c-indent-comment-alist '((anchored-comment column . 0) (end-block space . 1) (cpp-end-block space . 2))
 c-indent-comments-syntactically-p nil
 c-block-comment-prefix ""
 c-comment-prefix-regexp '((pike-mode . "//+!?\\|\\**") (awk-mode . "#+") (other . "//+\\|\\**"))
 c-doc-comment-style '((java-mode . javadoc) (pike-mode . autodoc) (c-mode . gtkdoc) (c++-mode . gtkdoc))
 c-cleanup-list '(scope-operator)
 c-hanging-braces-alist '((substatement-open before after) (arglist-cont-nonempty))
 c-hanging-colons-alist nil
 c-hanging-semi&comma-criteria '(c-semi&comma-inside-parenlist)
 c-backslash-column 48
 c-backslash-max-column 72
 c-special-indent-hook '(t c-gnu-impose-minimum)
 c-label-minimum-indentation 1
 c-offsets-alist '((inexpr-class . +)
		   (inexpr-statement . +)
		   (lambda-intro-cont . +)
		   (inlambda . 0)
		   (template-args-cont c-lineup-template-args +)
		   (incomposition . +)
		   (inmodule . +)
		   (innamespace . +)
		   (inextern-lang . +)
		   (composition-close . 0)
		   (module-close . 0)
		   (namespace-close . 0)
		   (extern-lang-close . 0)
		   (composition-open . 0)
		   (module-open . 0)
		   (namespace-open . 0)
		   (extern-lang-open . 0)
		   (objc-method-call-cont c-lineup-ObjC-method-call-colons c-lineup-ObjC-method-call +)
		   (objc-method-args-cont . c-lineup-ObjC-method-args)
		   (objc-method-intro . [0])
		   (friend . 0)
		   (cpp-define-intro c-lineup-cpp-define +)
		   (cpp-macro-cont . +)
		   (cpp-macro . [0])
		   (inclass . +)
		   (stream-op . c-lineup-streamop)
		   (arglist-cont-nonempty c-lineup-gcc-asm-reg c-lineup-arglist)
		   (arglist-cont c-lineup-gcc-asm-reg 0)
		   (comment-intro c-lineup-knr-region-comment c-lineup-comment)
		   (catch-clause . 0)
		   (else-clause . 0)
		   (do-while-closure . 0)
		   (access-label . -)
		   (case-label . 0)
		   (substatement . +)
		   (statement-case-intro . +)
		   (statement . 0)
		   (brace-entry-open . 0)
		   (brace-list-entry . 0)
		   (brace-list-close . 0)
		   (block-close . 0)
		   (block-open . 0)
		   (inher-cont . c-lineup-multi-inher)
		   (inher-intro . +)
		   (member-init-cont . c-lineup-multi-inher)
		   (member-init-intro . +)
		   (annotation-var-cont . +)
		   (annotation-top-cont . 0)
		   (topmost-intro . 0)
		   (knr-argdecl . 0)
		   (func-decl-cont . +)
		   (inline-close . 0)
		   (class-close . 0)
		   (class-open . 0)
		   (defun-block-intro . +)
		   (defun-close . 0)
		   (defun-open . 0)
		   (c . c-lineup-C-comments)
		   (string . c-lineup-dont-change)
		   (topmost-intro-cont first c-lineup-topmost-intro-cont c-lineup-gnu-DEFUN-intro-cont)
		   (brace-list-intro first c-lineup-2nd-brace-entry-in-arglist c-lineup-class-decl-init-+ +)
		   (brace-list-open . +)
		   (inline-open . 0)
		   (arglist-close . c-lineup-arglist)
		   (arglist-intro . c-lineup-arglist-intro-after-paren)
		   (statement-cont . +)
		   (statement-case-open . +)
		   (label . 0)
		   (substatement-label . 0)
		   (substatement-open . +)
		   (knr-argdecl-intro . 5)
		   (statement-block-intro . +)
 c-buffer-is-cc-mode 'c-mode
 c-tab-always-indent t
 c-syntactic-indentation t
 c-syntactic-indentation-in-macros t
 c-ignore-auto-fill '(string cpp code)
 c-auto-align-backslashes t
 c-backspace-function 'backward-delete-char-untabify
 c-delete-function 'delete-char
 c-electric-pound-behavior nil
 c-default-style '((java-mode . "java") (awk-mode . "awk") (other . "gnu"))
 c-enable-xemacs-performance-kludge-p nil
 c-old-style-variable-behavior nil
 defun-prompt-regexp nil
 tab-width 8
 comment-column 32
 parse-sexp-ignore-comments t
 parse-sexp-lookup-properties t
 auto-fill-function nil
 comment-multi-line t
 comment-start-skip "\\(?://+\\|/\\*+\\)\\s *"
 fill-prefix nil
 fill-column 70
 paragraph-start "[ 	]*\\(//+\\|\\**\\)[ 	]*$\\|^\f"
 adaptive-fill-mode t
 adaptive-fill-regexp "[ 	]*\\(//+\\|\\**\\)[ 	]*\\([ 	]*\\([-–!|#%;>*·•‣⁃◦]+[ 	]*\\)*\\)"

Information forwarded to bug-cc-mode <at>
bug#59300; Package cc-mode. (Thu, 08 Dec 2022 21:04:01 GMT) Full text and rfc822 format available.

Message #8 received at 59300 <at> (full text, mbox):

From: Alan Mackenzie <acm <at>>
To: Po Lu <luangruo <at>>
Cc: 59300 <at>
Subject: Re: bug#59300: CC Mode 5.35.2 (C/*l); Yet another kind of incorrect
 type recognition
Date: Thu, 8 Dec 2022 21:03:39 +0000
Hello, Po.

On Wed, Nov 16, 2022 at 14:29:36 +0800, Po Lu via CC-Mode-help wrote:
> Package: cc-mode

> Insert the following text in a C mode buffer:

> static void
> Activate (Surface *surface, Role *role, int deviceid,
> 	  Timestamp timestamp, Surface *activator_surface)
> {
>   struct wl_resource *resource;
>   TestSurface *test;

>   test = TestSurfaceFromRole (role);

>   if (test->role.resource)
>     {
>       /* If the activator surface belongs to the same client as the
> 	 client who created the test surface, set the resource to the
> 	 activator surface.  */
>       if (wl_resource_get_client (activator_surface->resource)
> 	  == wl_resource_get_user_data (test->role.resource))
>       test_surface_send_activated (test->role.resource,
> 				   timestamp.months,
> 				   timestamp.milliseconds,
> 				   resource);
>     }
> }

> Place point at the end of the line below "wl_resource_get_user_data
> (test->role.resource))".  Type:

>   r e s o u r c e =

> Afterwards, every occurrence of `resource' will become found as a type
> and fontified incorrectly.

> Thanks.

I've got working code which fixes this.  It's a matter of integrating it
into the committed version without damaging anything else.  I'm hoping
to have this done in a few days.

> Emacs  : GNU Emacs 29.0.50 (build 1, x86_64-pc-linux-gnu)
>  of 2022-11-12
> Package: CC Mode 5.35.2 (C/*l)
> Buffer Style: gnu
> c-emacs-features: (pps-extended-state col-0-paren posix-char-classes gen-string-delim gen-comment-delim syntax-properties category-properties 1-bit)

[ .... ]

Alan Mackenzie (Nuremberg, Germany).

Information forwarded to bug-cc-mode <at>
bug#59300; Package cc-mode. (Fri, 09 Dec 2022 01:01:02 GMT) Full text and rfc822 format available.

Message #11 received at 59300 <at> (full text, mbox):

From: Po Lu <luangruo <at>>
To: Alan Mackenzie <acm <at>>
Cc: 59300 <at>
Subject: Re: bug#59300: CC Mode 5.35.2 (C/*l); Yet another kind of incorrect
 type recognition
Date: Fri, 09 Dec 2022 09:00:02 +0800
Alan Mackenzie <acm <at>> writes:

> I've got working code which fixes this.  It's a matter of integrating it
> into the committed version without damaging anything else.  I'm hoping
> to have this done in a few days.

Thank you.

This bug report was last modified 2 years and 86 days ago.

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GNU bug tracking system
Copyright (C) 1999 Darren O. Benham, 1997,2003 nCipher Corporation Ltd, 1994-97 Ian Jackson.