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guix build --keep-going (-k) not always honored
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bug-guix <at>
; Package
(Fri, 06 Jan 2023 03:57:02 GMT)
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Acknowledgement sent
Maxim Cournoyer <maxim.cournoyer <at>>
New bug report received and forwarded. Copy sent to
bug-guix <at>
(Fri, 06 Jan 2023 03:57:02 GMT)
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Message #5 received at submit <at> (full text, mbox):
I just encountered the following, which is puzzling:
I updated ruby-asciidoctor, and was attempting to rebuild its
dependents, with something like:
$ ./pre-inst-env guix build --keep-going weechat ccextractor
Which produced:
--8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---
make[2]: Leaving directory '/tmp/guix-build-ccextractor-0.88.drv-0/source/build'
make[1]: *** [CMakeFiles/Makefile2:129: lib_ccx/CMakeFiles/ccx.dir/all] Error 2
make[1]: Leaving directory '/tmp/guix-build-ccextractor-0.88.drv-0/source/build'
make: *** [Makefile:139: all] Error 2
error: in phase 'build': uncaught exception:
%exception #<&invoke-error program: "make" arguments: ("-j" "24") exit-status: 2 term-signal: #f stop-signal: #f>
phase `build' failed after 1.4 seconds
command "make" "-j" "24" failed with status 2
builder for `/gnu/store/g4bx8y7x3pn1rjhf0cr2psm8bgbwar4r-ccextractor-0.88.drv' failed with exit code 1
@ build-failed /gnu/store/g4bx8y7x3pn1rjhf0cr2psm8bgbwar4r-ccextractor-0.88.drv - 1 builder for `/gnu/store/g4bx8y7x3pn1rjhf0cr2psm8bgbwar4r-ccextractor-0.88.drv' failed with exit code 1
derivation '/gnu/store/g4bx8y7x3pn1rjhf0cr2psm8bgbwar4r-ccextractor-0.88.drv' offloaded to 'localhost' failed: build of `/gnu/store/g4bx8y7x3pn1rjhf0cr2psm8bgbwar4r-ccextractor-0.88.drv' failed
build of /gnu/store/g4bx8y7x3pn1rjhf0cr2psm8bgbwar4r-ccextractor-0.88.drv failed
View build log at '/var/log/guix/drvs/g4/bx8y7x3pn1rjhf0cr2psm8bgbwar4r-ccextractor-0.88.drv'.
guix build: error: build of `/gnu/store/g4bx8y7x3pn1rjhf0cr2psm8bgbwar4r-ccextractor-0.88.drv' failed
--8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8---
This is not the expected output when using --keep-failed; I would have
expected the build to complete then guix to report about the failure,
but it appears to abort without building weechat.
Information forwarded
bug-guix <at>
; Package
(Fri, 06 Jan 2023 12:08:03 GMT)
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Message #8 received at 60589 <at> (full text, mbox):
Hi Maxim,
On Thu, 05 Jan 2023 at 22:56, Maxim Cournoyer <maxim.cournoyer <at>> wrote:
> This is not the expected output when using --keep-failed; I would have
> expected the build to complete then guix to report about the failure,
> but it appears to abort without building weechat.
Maybe related with the old #51392,
bug#51392: guix build option --keep-going is not honored with --rounds
Information forwarded
bug-guix <at>
; Package
(Fri, 06 Jan 2023 17:41:01 GMT)
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Message #11 received at 60589 <at> (full text, mbox):
Hi Simon,
zimoun <zimon.toutoune <at>> writes:
> Hi Maxim,
> On Thu, 05 Jan 2023 at 22:56, Maxim Cournoyer <maxim.cournoyer <at>> wrote:
>> This is not the expected output when using --keep-failed; I would have
>> expected the build to complete then guix to report about the failure,
>> but it appears to abort without building weechat.
> Maybe related with the old #51392,
> bug#51392: guix build option --keep-going is not honored with --rounds
> <>
I don't think so, since the other one manifested itself just with
--rounds, and I didn't use that to trigger this one here.
Information forwarded
bug-guix <at>
; Package
(Fri, 24 Feb 2023 22:16:01 GMT)
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Message #14 received at 60589 <at> (full text, mbox):
I can confirm this bug.
$ guix describe
guix ea2fa86
Branch: master
Commit: ea2fa86f31a83195ac789a6d92bcaee8e53e4397
My example involves a bit more packages. Those who got back by `guix
refresh --list-dependent icu4c`.
$ guix build --keep-going icecat-minimal <at> 102.8.0-guix0-preview1
icedove-minimal <at> 102.7.2 geierlein <at> 0.9.13 icedove <at> 102.7.2 mozjs <at> 102.2.0
ungoogled-chromium-wayland <at> 109.0.5414.119-1 r-metap <at> 1.8 r-fmri <at> 1.9.6
r-altmeta <at> 4.1 r-puniform <at> 0.2.5 r-untb <at> 1.7-4 r-prospectr <at> 0.2.6
js-mathjax <at> 3.2.0 node-color-name <at> 1.1.3 node-statsd-parser <at> 0.0.4
node-stack-trace <at> 0.0.10-1.4fd379e node-irc <at> 0.5.2 node-env-variable <at> 0.0.4
node-crx3 <at> 1.1.3 node-segfault-handler <at> 1.3.0 node-sqlite3 <at> 5.0.2
node-serialport <at> 9.2.7 node-mersenne <at> 0.0.4 node-once <at> 1.4.0
python-ikarus <at> 0.0.2 python-pyside-6 <at> 6.3.1 tree-sitter-r <at> 0.0.1-0.80efda5
tree-sitter-org <at> 1.3.1-0.081179c tree-sitter-scheme <at> 0.2.0-0.67b90a3
tree-sitter-bash <at> 0.19.0 emacs-jsdoc <at> 0.3 tree-sitter-elm <at> 5.6.3
tree-sitter-go <at> 0.19.1-0.64457ea tree-sitter-python <at> 0.20.0-0.9e53981
tree-sitter-typescript <at> 0.20.1 tree-sitter-php <at> 0.19.0-0.f860e59
tree-sitter-clojure <at> 0.0.11 tree-sitter-cpp <at> 0.20.0-0.56cec4c
tree-sitter-julia <at> 0.19.0 tree-sitter-rust <at> 0.20.3 tree-sitter-html <at> 0.19.0
tree-sitter-elixir <at> 0.19.0-0.b20eaa7 tree-sitter-racket <at> 0.1.0-0.1a5df02
tree-sitter-c-sharp <at> 0.19.1 tree-sitter-java <at> 0.20.0
tree-sitter-ocaml <at> 0.20.1 tree-sitter-haskell <at> 0.14.0-0.3bdba07
tree-sitter-markdown-gfm <at> 0.7.1 tree-sitter-json <at> 0.19.0
tree-sitter-ruby <at> 0.19.0-0.206c707 tree-sitter-css <at> 0.19.0
tree-sitter-markdown <at> 0.1.1 laminar <at> 1.2 r-bionero <at> 1.6.0 r-zra <at> 0.2
js-es5-shim <at> 4.5.13 js-respond <at> 1.4.2 js-html5shiv <at> 3.7.3
js-json2 <at> 2016-10-28.1-031b1d9 mate <at> 1.24.1 gr-satellites <at> 4.6.0
gr-dsd <at> 1.0.0-0.f9b9936 gnss-sdr <at> 0.0.17 gqrx <at> 2.15.9 urh <at> 2.9.4
r-ggghost <at> 0.2.1 r-asics <at> 2.14.0 r-biosigner <at> 1.26.0 r-alphabeta <at> 1.12.0
r-btools <at> 0.0.1-1.fa21d4c r-giotto <at> 1.1.2-1.3c8067c r-chipseeker <at> 1.34.1
r-ggalt <at> 0.4.0 r-scone <at> 1.22.0 r-copykat <at> 1.0.8-0.256de33 r-ztpln <at> 0.1.2
snap <at> 7.0.5 r-barcodetrackr <at> 1.6.0 r-rqc <at> 1.32.0 r-gqtlstats <at> 1.21.3
r-inspect <at> 1.28.0 r-cicero-monocle3 <at> 1.3.2-1.fa2fb65 r-pore <at> 0.24
r-tablerdash <at> 0.1.0 r-battenberg <at> 2.2.9 r-rnaseqdtu <at> 2.0-1.5bee1e7
r-activpal <at> 0.1.3 r-chemometricswithr <at> 0.1.13 r-shinycustomloader <at> 0.9.0
r-fresh <at> 0.2.0 r-mlinterfaces <at> 1.78.0 r-zscorer <at> 0.3.1 r-abseqr <at> 1.16.0
r-bigpint <at> 1.14.0 r-actcd <at> 1.2-0 r-shinyjqui <at> 0.4.1 r-ggthemeassist <at> 0.1.5
r-treemap <at> 2.4-3 r-golem <at> 0.3.5 r-learnr <at> 0.11.2 r-ztable <at> 0.2.3
r-hrbrthemes <at> 0.8.0 r-abacus <at> 1.0.0 r-citr <at> 0.3.2 r-manipulatewidget <at> 0.11.1
r-abstractr <at> 0.1.0 r-shapforxgboost <at> 0.1.1 r-shinyhelper <at> 0.3.2
r-hierfstat <at> 0.5-11 r-rmetasim <at> 3.1.14 r-abtest <at> 1.0.1
r-sankeyd3 <at> 0.3.2-1.fd50a74 r-infercnv <at> 1.14.0
r-doubletcollection <at> 1.1.0-1.c0d62f1 r-sccustomize <at> 0.7.0-1.8414d1f
r-seuratwrappers <at> 0.3.1-1.d28512f r-domultibarheatmap <at> 0.1.0-1.9e65afa
r-seuratdisk <at> r-soupx <at> 0.3.1-1.a3354be r-adapr <at> 2.0.0
r-samr <at> 3.0 r-biocpkgtools <at> 1.16.0 r-fmcsr <at> 1.40.0 r-bioassayr <at> 1.36.0
r-alevinqc <at> 1.14.0 r-maser <at> 1.16.0 r-cistopic-next <at> 0.3.0-1.04cecbb
r-anvil <at> 1.10.1 r-cistopic <at> 2.1.0 r-bionetstat <at> 1.18.0 r-animalcules <at> 1.14.0
r-aspli <at> 2.8.0 r-icobra <at> 1.26.0 r-atacseqqc <at> 1.22.0
r-phastcons100way-ucsc-hg19 <at> 3.7.2 r-amaretto <at> 1.13.0 r-bioconcotk <at> 1.18.0
r-msnid <at> 1.32.0 r-scannotatr <at> 1.4.0 r-isoformswitchanalyzer <at> 1.20.0
r-celldex <at> 1.6.0 r-atena <at> 1.4.0 r-adductomicsr <at> 1.14.0 r-biscuiteer <at> 1.12.0
r-circrnaprofiler <at> 1.12.0 r-circus <at> 0.1.7 r-rgreat <at> 2.0.2
r-variantfiltering <at> 1.34.0 r-archr <at> 1.0.1-1.92ab814 rcas-web <at> 0.1.0
r-adamgui <at> 1.14.0 r-pcaexplorer <at> 2.24.0 r-chromunity <at> 0.0.1-1.09fce8b
pigx <at> 0.0.3 pigx-sars-cov-2 <at> 0.0.8 r-aasea <at> 1.1.0 r-spectre <at> 0.5.5-1.f6648ab
r-radiant-data <at> 1.5.1 r-pando <at> 1.0.1 r-tidyposterior <at> 1.0.0
r-shinymanager <at> 1.0.410 r-zooimage <at> 5.5.2 node-openzwave-shared <at> 1.7.2
This bug report was last modified 2 years and 18 days ago.
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GNU bug tracking system
Copyright (C) 1999 Darren O. Benham,
1997,2003 nCipher Corporation Ltd,
1994-97 Ian Jackson.