GNU bug report logs - #61075
QA fails on patch#61059

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Package: guix;

Reported by: zimoun <zimon.toutoune <at>>

Date: Thu, 26 Jan 2023 13:07:02 UTC

Severity: normal

Done: Simon Tournier <zimon.toutoune <at>>

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Report forwarded to mail <at>, bug-guix <at>
bug#61075; Package guix. (Thu, 26 Jan 2023 13:07:02 GMT) Full text and rfc822 format available.

Acknowledgement sent to zimoun <zimon.toutoune <at>>:
New bug report received and forwarded. Copy sent to mail <at>, bug-guix <at> (Thu, 26 Jan 2023 13:07:02 GMT) Full text and rfc822 format available.

Message #5 received at submit <at> (full text, mbox):

From: zimoun <zimon.toutoune <at>>
To: bug-guix <at>
Subject: QA fails on patch#61059
Date: Thu, 26 Jan 2023 13:20:48 +0100

The submission #61059 [1] leads to the log below.

1: <>

It seems the issue is coming from
’guix-data-service/jobs/load-new-guix-revision.scm’ but I cannot tell
more. :-)


--8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---
debug: Starting computing the channel derivation
debug: using open-inferior
debug: Acquiring advisory session lock: latest-channel-instances
guix repl: warning: 'nix-protocol-error?' is deprecated, use 'store-protocol-error?' instead
guix repl: warning: 'nix-protocol-error-message' is deprecated, use 'store-protocol-error-message' instead
debug: Finished aquiring lock latest-channel-instances, took 26 seconds
Updating channel 'guix' from Git repository at ''...

In guix-data-service/jobs/load-new-guix-revision.scm:
   1327:9 19 (channel-&gt;derivations-by-system _ _ _ _)
In guix-data-service/utils.scm:
    53:17 18 (call-with-time-logging "computing the channel derivation" #&lt;procedure 7f5902c95c00 at guix-data-service/jobs/load-new-guix-revision.scm:1327:9 ()&gt;)
In ice-9/boot-9.scm:
  1747:15 17 (with-exception-handler #&lt;procedure 7f5902c73240 at ice-9/boot-9.scm:1831:7 (exn)&gt; _ #:unwind? _ #:unwind-for-type _)
  1752:10 16 (with-exception-handler _ _ #:unwind? _ #:unwind-for-type _)
In guix-data-service/jobs/load-new-guix-revision.scm:
  1273:15 15 (start-inferior-and-return-derivation-file-names)
In ice-9/boot-9.scm:
  1752:10 14 (with-exception-handler _ _ #:unwind? _ #:unwind-for-type _)
In guix-data-service/database.scm:
   230:22 13 (_)
In guix-data-service/jobs/load-new-guix-revision.scm:
   350:21 12 (_)
  1278:20 11 (_)
In guix/channels.scm:
    532:7 10 (loop _ _)
In guix/combinators.scm:
    48:26  9 (fold2 #&lt;procedure 7f5904117360 at guix/channels.scm:532:13 (channel previous-channels instances)&gt; () () (#&lt;&lt;channel&gt; name: guix url: "" branch: "master" commit: "7a618d4b92692e26dd1879…&gt;))
In guix/channels.scm:
   542:29  8 (_ #&lt;&lt;channel&gt; name: guix url: "" branch: "master" commit: "7a618d4b92692e26dd18799b51b626baf49c7945" introduction: #f location: ((filename . "guix-data-service/jobs/load-new-guix-revis…&gt; …)
   413:17  7 (latest-channel-instance #&lt;store-connection 256.99 7f5904124190&gt; _ #:patches _ #:starting-commit _ #:authenticate? _ #:validate-pull _)
In guix/git.scm:
    479:7  6 (update-cached-checkout _ #:ref _ #:recursive? _ #:check-out? _ #:starting-commit _ #:log-port _ #:cache-directory _)
In git/bindings.scm:
     77:2  5 (raise-git-error _)
In ice-9/boot-9.scm:
  1685:16  4 (raise-exception _ #:continuable? _)
  1685:16  3 (raise-exception _ #:continuable? _)
  1780:13  2 (_ #&lt;&amp;compound-exception components: (#&lt;&amp;error&gt; #&lt;&amp;irritants irritants: (#&lt;&lt;git-error&gt; code: -1 message: "failed to resolve address for Name or service not known" class: 12&gt;)&gt; #&lt;&amp;exception-with-kind-and-args k…&gt;)
In guix-data-service/jobs/load-new-guix-revision.scm:
  1315:23  1 (_ git-error #&lt;&lt;git-error&gt; code: -1 message: "failed to resolve address for Name or service not known" class: 12&gt;)
In unknown file:
           0 (backtrace #&lt;undefined&gt;)

error: channel-&gt;derivation-file-names-by-system: git-error: (#&lt;&lt;git-error&gt; code: -1 message: "failed to resolve address for Name or service not known" class: 12&gt;)
debug: Finished computing the channel derivation, took 28 seconds
error: load-new-guix-revision: wrong-type-arg (for-each Wrong type argument: ~S (#f) ())

          18 (primitive-load "/gnu/store/g325w30dhknjs16b096x1jng4kyd9q0a-guix-data-service-0.0.1-git.d29ef3e/bin/.guix-data-service-process-job-real")
In ice-9/boot-9.scm:
  1752:10 17 (with-exception-handler _ _ #:unwind? _ #:unwind-for-type _)
In guix-data-service/database.scm:
   120:14 16 (_)
In guix-data-service/jobs/load-new-guix-revision.scm:
  2110:13 15 (_ #&lt;pg-conn 242b400 (connected)&gt;)
In guix-data-service/utils.scm:
    53:17 14 (call-with-time-logging "processing revision 7a618d4b92692e26dd18799b51b626baf49c7945" _)
In ice-9/boot-9.scm:
  1752:10 13 (with-exception-handler _ _ #:unwind? _ #:unwind-for-type _)
In guix-data-service/database.scm:
   120:14 12 (_)
In guix-data-service/jobs/load-new-guix-revision.scm:
  2066:24 11 (_ #&lt;pg-conn 243c700 (connected)&gt;)
In ice-9/boot-9.scm:
  1747:15 10 (with-exception-handler #&lt;procedure 7f5902c70380 at ice-9/boot-9.scm:809:2 _&gt; _ #:unwind? _ #:unwind-for-type _)
  1752:10  9 (with-exception-handler _ _ #:unwind? _ #:unwind-for-type _)
  1752:10  8 (with-exception-handler _ _ #:unwind? _ #:unwind-for-type _)
In guix/store.scm:
   661:37  7 (thunk)
In guix-data-service/jobs/load-new-guix-revision.scm:
  1651:10  6 (load-new-guix-revision #&lt;pg-conn 242b400 (connected)&gt; #&lt;store-connection 256.99 7f5904124190&gt; "1" "7a618d4b92692e26dd18799b51b626baf49c7945")
   1332:4  5 (channel-&gt;derivations-by-system _ _ _ _)
In srfi/srfi-1.scm:
    241:2  4 (for-each _ _)
In ice-9/boot-9.scm:
  1685:16  3 (raise-exception _ #:continuable? _)
  1685:16  2 (raise-exception _ #:continuable? _)
  1780:13  1 (_ #&lt;&amp;compound-exception components: (#&lt;&amp;assertion-failure&gt; #&lt;&amp;origin origin: "for-each"&gt; #&lt;&amp;message message: "Wrong type argument: ~S"&gt; #&lt;&amp;irritants irritants: (#f)&gt; #&lt;&amp;exception-with-kind-and-args kind: wrong-type-arg args: ("for-each" "…&gt;)
In unknown file:
           0 (backtrace #&lt;undefined&gt;)

--8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8---

bug closed, send any further explanations to 61075 <at> and zimoun <zimon.toutoune <at>> Request was from Simon Tournier <zimon.toutoune <at>> to control <at> (Tue, 10 Sep 2024 16:20:19 GMT) Full text and rfc822 format available.

bug archived. Request was from Debbugs Internal Request <help-debbugs <at>> to internal_control <at> (Wed, 09 Oct 2024 11:24:12 GMT) Full text and rfc822 format available.

This bug report was last modified 155 days ago.

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