GNU bug report logs - #62055
`guix pull` fails on freshly installed Guix on Debian aarch64

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Package: guix;

Reported by: "Wicki Gabriel (wicg)" <wicg <at>>

Date: Wed, 8 Mar 2023 15:43:01 UTC

Severity: normal

To reply to this bug, email your comments to 62055 AT

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Report forwarded to bug-guix <at>
bug#62055; Package guix. (Wed, 08 Mar 2023 15:43:02 GMT) Full text and rfc822 format available.

Acknowledgement sent to "Wicki Gabriel (wicg)" <wicg <at>>:
New bug report received and forwarded. Copy sent to bug-guix <at> (Wed, 08 Mar 2023 15:43:02 GMT) Full text and rfc822 format available.

Message #5 received at submit <at> (full text, mbox):

From: "Wicki Gabriel (wicg)" <wicg <at>>
To: "bug-guix <at>" <bug-guix <at>>
Subject: `guix pull` fails on freshly installed Guix on Debian aarch64
Date: Wed, 8 Mar 2023 15:37:45 +0000
[Message part 1 (text/plain, inline)]

guix​ instructed me to share the following information with you.  I've installed Debian 11.6 on a raspberry pi 3B+, did apt install guix​, but failed after a guix pull​. Before posting here i tried the same steps again just to make sure i didn't stumble on a Heisenbug

Updating channel 'guix' from Git repository at ''...
Authenticating channel 'guix', commits 9edb3f6 to 6e4b997 (16 new commits)...
Building from this channel:
  guix 6e4b997
Computing Guix derivation for 'aarch64-linux'... |^/substitute: hint: Consider installing the `glibc-utf8-locales' or `glibc-locales' package and
substitute: defining `GUIX_LOCPATH', along these lines:
substitute:      guix install glibc-utf8-locales
substitute:      export GUIX_LOCPATH="$HOME/.guix-profile/lib/locale"
substitute: See the "Application Setup" section in the manual, for more info.
substitute: updating substitutes from ''... 100.0%
substitute: updating substitutes from ''... 100.0%
substitute: updating substitutes from ''... 100.0%
substitute: updating substitutes from ''... 100.0%
substitute: updating substitutes from ''... 100.0%
substitute: updating substitutes from ''... 100.0%
substitute: updating substitutes from ''... 100.0%
substitute: updating substitutes from ''... 100.0%
substitute: updating substitutes from ''... 100.0%
substitute: updating substitutes from ''... 100.0%
substitute: updating substitutes from ''... 100.0%
substitute: updating substitutes from ''... 100.0%
substitute: updating substitutes from ''... 100.0%
substitute: updating substitutes from ''... 100.0%
substitute: updating substitutes from ''... 100.0%
substitute: updating substitutes from ''... 100.0%
substitute: updating substitutes from ''... 100.0%
substitute: updating substitutes from ''... 100.0%
substitute: updating substitutes from ''... 100.0%
substitute: updating substitutes from ''... 100.0%
substitute: updating substitutes from ''... 100.0%                                 |substitute: updating substitutes from ''... 100.0%
substitute: updating substitutes from ''... 100.0%
substitute: updating substitutes from ''... 100.0%
substitute: updating substitutes from ''... 100.0%
substitute: updating substitutes from ''... 100.0%
substitute: updating substitutes from ''... 100.0%
substitute: updating substitutes from ''... 100.0%
substitute: updating substitutes from ''... 100.0%
substitute: updating substitutes from ''... 100.0%
substitute: updating substitutes from ''... 100.0%
substitute: updating substitutes from ''... 100.0%
hint: Consider installing the `glibc-utf8-locales' or `glibc-locales' package and
defining `GUIX_LOCPATH', along these lines:

     guix install glibc-utf8-locales
     export GUIX_LOCPATH="$HOME/.guix-profile/lib/locale"

See the "Application Setup" section in the manual, for more info.

downloading from ...
 glibc-utf8-locales-2.33  382KiB                               366KiB/s 00:01 [##################] 100.0%
hint: Consider installing the `glibc-utf8-locales' or `glibc-locales' package and
defining `GUIX_LOCPATH', along these lines:

     guix install glibc-utf8-locales
     export GUIX_LOCPATH="$HOME/.guix-profile/lib/locale"

See the "Application Setup" section in the manual, for more info.

downloading from ...
 bash-static-5.1.8  547KiB                                      74KiB/s 00:07 [##################] 100.0%

hint: Consider installing the `glibc-utf8-locales' or `glibc-locales' package and
defining `GUIX_LOCPATH', along these lines:

     guix install glibc-utf8-locales
     export GUIX_LOCPATH="$HOME/.guix-profile/lib/locale"

See the "Application Setup" section in the manual, for more info.

downloading from ...
 guile-lib-0.2.7  367KiB                                       808KiB/s 00:00 [##################] 100.0|

hint: Consider installing the `glibc-utf8-locales' or `glibc-locales' package and
defining `GUIX_LOCPATH', along these lines:

     guix install glibc-utf8-locales
     export GUIX_LOCPATH="$HOME/.guix-profile/lib/locale"

See the "Application Setup" section in the manual, for more info.

downloading from ...
 glibc-2.33  7.8MiB                                             19KiB/s 02:34 [######            ]  36.9%guix pull: error: You found a bug: the program '/gnu/store/62w3hn7ic389kgrhm29p33rdzn84xiqz-compute-guix-derivation'
failed to compute the derivation for Guix (version: "6e4b997cdfb12b657f525949409c3b761ab4d901"; system: "aarch64-linux";
host version: "1.2.0"; pull-version: 1).
Please report the COMPLETE output above by email to <bug-guix <at>>.
[Message part 2 (text/html, inline)]

Information forwarded to bug-guix <at>
bug#62055; Package guix. (Thu, 09 Mar 2023 21:00:02 GMT) Full text and rfc822 format available.

Message #8 received at 62055 <at> (full text, mbox):

From: Josselin Poiret <dev <at>>
To: "Wicki Gabriel (wicg)" <wicg <at>>, 62055 <at>
Subject: Re: bug#62055: `guix pull` fails on freshly installed Guix on
 Debian aarch64
Date: Thu, 09 Mar 2023 21:59:01 +0100
[Message part 1 (text/plain, inline)]
Hi Gabriel,

"Wicki Gabriel (wicg)" <wicg <at>> writes:

> failed to compute the derivation for Guix (version: "6e4b997cdfb12b657f525949409c3b761ab4d901"; system: "aarch64-linux";
> host version: "1.2.0"; pull-version: 1).
> Please report the COMPLETE output above by email to <bug-guix <at>>.

Your Guix version is quite old at this point, mostly because you're
using the Debian package.  Can you try installing from the binary
installer script instead?  Note also that `guix pull` requires quite a
lot of memory, than a raspberry pi might not have.

Josselin Poiret
[signature.asc (application/pgp-signature, inline)]

Information forwarded to bug-guix <at>
bug#62055; Package guix. (Mon, 13 Mar 2023 15:03:01 GMT) Full text and rfc822 format available.

Message #11 received at 62055 <at> (full text, mbox):

From: Simon Tournier <zimon.toutoune <at>>
To: Josselin Poiret <dev <at>>, "Wicki Gabriel (wicg)"
 <wicg <at>>, 62055 <at>
Subject: Re: bug#62055: `guix pull` fails on freshly installed Guix on
 Debian aarch64
Date: Mon, 13 Mar 2023 15:18:45 +0100

On jeu., 09 mars 2023 at 21:59, Josselin Poiret via Bug reports for GNU Guix <bug-guix <at>> wrote:
> "Wicki Gabriel (wicg)" <wicg <at>> writes:
>> failed to compute the derivation for Guix (version: "6e4b997cdfb12b657f525949409c3b761ab4d901"; system: "aarch64-linux";
>> host version: "1.2.0"; pull-version: 1).
>> Please report the COMPLETE output above by email to <bug-guix <at>>.
> Your Guix version is quite old at this point, mostly because you're
> using the Debian package.  Can you try installing from the binary
> installer script instead?  Note also that `guix pull` requires quite a
> lot of memory, than a raspberry pi might not have.

Yeah, I think the failure is more about the memory than the oldness.

Aside I do not know the exact state of aarch64-linux.


This bug report was last modified 2 years and 1 day ago.

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