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fritzing: database problem
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bug-guix <at>
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(Tue, 13 Jun 2023 18:00:02 GMT)
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Christopher Howard <christopher <at>>
New bug report received and forwarded. Copy sent to
bug-guix <at>
(Tue, 13 Jun 2023 18:00:02 GMT)
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Message #5 received at submit <at> (full text, mbox):
Hello. I am trying to explore the program Fritzing for the first time, so maybe there is something I've failed to do on my end. But when I start Fritzing, I immediately get a pop-up error:
Sorry, we have a problem with the swapping mechanism.
Fritzing still works, but you won't be able to change parts properties.Error 1
And I see in the program that it is not possible to change the properties of parts (e.g., the value of a resistor). And the terminal, I see the following errors:
QSqlDatabasePrivate::removeDatabase: connection 'qt_sql_default_connection' is still in use, all queries will cease to work.
QSqlDatabasePrivate::addDatabase: duplicate connection name 'qt_sql_default_connection', old connection removed.
QSqlDatabasePrivate::removeDatabase: connection 'qt_sql_default_connection' is still in use, all queries will cease to work.
QSqlDatabasePrivate::addDatabase: duplicate connection name 'qt_sql_default_connection', old connection removed.
libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
QSqlQuery::prepare: database not open
QSqlQuery::prepare: database not open
QSqlQuery::prepare: database not open
QSqlQuery::prepare: database not open
QSqlQuery::prepare: database not open
QSqlQuery::prepare: database not open
And the last message continues to be repeated.
To make sure I had the latest Guix package, I ran Fritzing again in a shell with
guix time-machine -- shell fritzing
But I get the same problem.
Here is my system information:
christopher <at> theoden
OS: Guix System x86_64
Host: OptiPlex 9020 00
Kernel: 5.15.112-gnu
Uptime: 20 days, 3 hours, 42 mins
Packages: 93 (guix-system), 191 (guix-user)
Shell: bash 5.1.16
Resolution: 1920x1080
Theme: Adwaita [GTK2/3]
Icons: Adwaita [GTK2/3]
Terminal: shepherd
CPU: Intel i5-4570 (4) @ 3.600GHz
GPU: AMD ATI Radeon HD 8490 / R5 235X OEM
GPU: Intel HD Graphics
Memory: 3550MiB / 7867MiB
馃摏 Christopher Howard
馃殌 gemini://
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This bug report was last modified 1 year and 274 days ago.
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