GNU bug report logs -
region on pixel-scroll-precision-mode
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Report forwarded
bug-gnu-emacs <at>
; Package
(Tue, 12 Sep 2023 09:06:02 GMT)
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Acknowledgement sent
Tak Kunihiro <tkk <at>>
New bug report received and forwarded. Copy sent to
bug-gnu-emacs <at>
(Tue, 12 Sep 2023 09:06:02 GMT)
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Message #5 received at submit <at> (full text, mbox):
Dear pixel-scroller (Dear Po Lu),
The pixel-scroll-precision-mode maintains active region
and this behavior could be useful.
However at the same time, PSPM provides more than pixel scrolling.
Should this be provided as option?
1. emacs -Q
2. Make region active
3. Scroll using mouse wheel
4. Then region is deactivated
5. M-x pixel-scroll-precision-mode
6. Make region active
7. Scroll using mouse wheel
8. Then region expands as scroll down and up
Information forwarded
bug-gnu-emacs <at>
; Package
(Tue, 12 Sep 2023 12:03:01 GMT)
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Message #8 received at 65888 <at> (full text, mbox):
Tak Kunihiro <tkk <at>> writes:
> Dear pixel-scroller (Dear Po Lu),
> The pixel-scroll-precision-mode maintains active region
> and this behavior could be useful.
> However at the same time, PSPM provides more than pixel scrolling.
> Should this be provided as option?
> 1. emacs -Q
> 2. Make region active
> 3. Scroll using mouse wheel
> 4. Then region is deactivated
> 5. M-x pixel-scroll-precision-mode
> 6. Make region active
> 7. Scroll using mouse wheel
> 8. Then region expands as scroll down and up
> Tak
Are you soliciting an option for pixel-scroll-precision-mode to
deactivate the region when scrolling begins?
It took me several tries to understand your request, so please excuse me
if I didn't fully grok your request.
Information forwarded
bug-gnu-emacs <at>
; Package
(Wed, 13 Sep 2023 00:08:02 GMT)
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rfc822 format available.
Message #11 received at 65888 <at> (full text, mbox):
Dear Po Lu,
1. Yes.
2. Since Emacs -Q deactivates the region when scrolling,
on the default, pixel-scroll-precision-mode deactivates region.
With option, pixel-scroll-precision-mode maintains region.
I hope this message makes my request clearer.
> On Sep 12, 2023, at 21:02, Po Lu <luangruo <at>> wrote:
> Tak Kunihiro <tkk <at>> writes:
>> Dear pixel-scroller (Dear Po Lu),
>> The pixel-scroll-precision-mode maintains active region
>> and this behavior could be useful.
>> However at the same time, PSPM provides more than pixel scrolling.
>> Should this be provided as option?
>> 1. emacs -Q
>> 2. Make region active
>> 3. Scroll using mouse wheel
>> 4. Then region is deactivated
>> 5. M-x pixel-scroll-precision-mode
>> 6. Make region active
>> 7. Scroll using mouse wheel
>> 8. Then region expands as scroll down and up
>> Tak
> Are you soliciting an option for pixel-scroll-precision-mode to
> deactivate the region when scrolling begins?
> It took me several tries to understand your request, so please excuse me
> if I didn't fully grok your request.
This bug report was last modified 1 year and 182 days ago.
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