GNU bug report logs - #69873
df(1) does not display all UFS mountpoints as valid on FreeBSD

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Package: coreutils;

Reported by: "Osipov, Michael (IN IT IN)" <michael.osipov <at>>

Date: Mon, 18 Mar 2024 16:32:03 UTC

Severity: normal

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Report forwarded to bug-coreutils <at>
bug#69873; Package coreutils. (Mon, 18 Mar 2024 16:32:03 GMT) Full text and rfc822 format available.

Acknowledgement sent to "Osipov, Michael (IN IT IN)" <michael.osipov <at>>:
New bug report received and forwarded. Copy sent to bug-coreutils <at> (Mon, 18 Mar 2024 16:32:03 GMT) Full text and rfc822 format available.

Message #5 received at submit <at> (full text, mbox):

From: "Osipov, Michael (IN IT IN)" <michael.osipov <at>>
To: bug-coreutils <at>
Subject: df(1) does not display all UFS mountpoints as valid on FreeBSD
Date: Mon, 18 Mar 2024 14:02:23 +0100
Disclaimer: I am not 100% certain whether this is a bug in GNU coreutils 
or FreeBSD Linux emulation layer because the behavior is weird. So, 
please bear with me.

Consider the following output on FreeBSD 13 from FreeBSD's df(1):
> $ df -t ufs -b -T -a
> Filesystem             Type 512-blocks      Used    Avail Capacity  Mounted on
> /dev/da0p2             ufs     4062264   1258336  2478952    34%    /
> /dev/da0p4             ufs     8106616    279080  7179008     4%    /tmp
> /dev/da0p5             ufs     8106616   1727528  5730560    23%    /var
> /dev/da0p6             ufs    16213432   1597320 13319040    11%    /var/tmp
> /dev/da0p7             ufs    24360504  15754536  6657128    70%    /usr
> /dev/gvinum/local      ufs    48721208  33111696 11711816    74%    /usr/local
> /dev/gvinum/ports      ufs    97482872  47860184 41824064    53%    /usr/ports
> /dev/gvinum/obj        ufs    40614392  31031528  6333720    83%    /usr/obj
> /dev/gvinum/pgsql      ufs    64975096  10500360 49276736    18%    /usr/local/pgsql
> /dev/gvinum/nexus2     ufs    64975096  27488304 32288792    46%    /var/nexus2
> /dev/gvinum/svn        ufs    16213432  10366472  4549888    69%    /var/svn
> /dev/gvinum/osipovmi   ufs    60901560  43723800 12305640    78%    /var/osipovmi
> /dev/gvinum/poudriere  ufs   129990648  74002720 45588680    62%    /var/poudriere
> /dev/gvinum/compat     ufs     8106616   1969752  5488336    26%    /compat
> /dev/gvinum/bastille   ufs   162498424 117560720 31937832    79%    /usr/local/bastille
> $ df -t ufs -b -T -a /dev/da0p7
> Filesystem  Type 512-blocks     Used   Avail Capacity  Mounted on
> /dev/da0p7  ufs    24360504 15754536 6657128    70%    /usr

Now let's use df(1) from coreutils complied on FreeBSD:
> $ gdf -a -B 512 -P  -t ufs
> Dateisystem           512-Blöcke   Benutzt Verfügbar Kapazität Eingehängt auf
> /dev/da0p2               4062264   1258336   2478952       34% /
> /dev/da0p4               8106616    279080   7179008        4% /tmp
> /dev/da0p5               8106616   1727528   5730560       24% /var
> /dev/da0p6              16213432   1597320  13319040       11% /var/tmp
> /dev/da0p7              24360504  15754536   6657128       71% /usr
> /dev/gvinum/local       48721208  33111696  11711816       74% /usr/local
> /dev/gvinum/ports       97482872  47860184  41824064       54% /usr/ports
> /dev/gvinum/obj         40614392  31031528   6333720       84% /usr/obj
> /dev/gvinum/pgsql       64975096  10500488  49276608       18% /usr/local/pgsql
> /dev/gvinum/nexus2      64975096  27488304  32288792       46% /var/nexus2
> /dev/gvinum/svn         16213432  10366472   4549888       70% /var/svn
> /dev/gvinum/osipovmi    60901560  43723800  12305640       79% /var/osipovmi
> /dev/gvinum/poudriere  129990648  74002720  45588680       62% /var/poudriere
> /dev/gvinum/compat       8106616   1969752   5488336       27% /compat
> /dev/gvinum/bastille   162498424 117560728  31937824       79% /usr/local/bastille
> $ gdf -a -B 512 -P  -t ufs /dev/da0p7
> Dateisystem    512-Blöcke  Benutzt Verfügbar Kapazität Eingehängt auf
> /dev/da0p7       24360504 15754536   6657128       71% /usr

So far so good. Now, I need to use a Linux application on FreeBSD which 
expect GNU df(1) in the Linux PATH, did install it and thought at first 
that this is a bug in the version I have installed, so I have compiled 
latest version on RHEL 7 and copied the executable to FreeBSD:
> $ ./df  --version
> df (GNU coreutils) 9.4
> Copyright © 2023 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
> Lizenz GPLv3+: GNU GPL Version 3 oder höher <>.
> Dies ist freie Software: Sie können sie ändern und weitergeben.
> Es gibt keinerlei Garantien, soweit wie es das Gesetz erlaubt.
> Geschrieben von Torbjörn Granlund, David MacKenzie und Paul Eggert.
> $ file ./df
> ./df: ELF 64-bit LSB executable, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib64/, for GNU/Linux 2.6.32, BuildID[sha1]=907caf0bb2d7ec27cfbe1f30e7bf63e11328631f, with debug_info, not stripped
> $ file $(which gdf)
> /usr/local/bin/gdf: ELF 64-bit LSB executable, x86-64, version 1 (FreeBSD), dynamically linked, interpreter /libexec/, for FreeBSD 13.2, FreeBSD-style, stripped

Now let's repeat the operation:
> $ ./df -a -B 512 -P  -t ufs
> Dateisystem           512-Blöcke   Benutzt Verfügbar Kapazität Eingehängt auf
> /dev/da0p2               4062264   1258336   2478952       34% /
> /dev/da0p4               8106616   1969752   5488336       27% /tmp
> /dev/da0p5                     -         -         -         - /var
> /dev/da0p6              16213432   1597320  13319040       11% /var/tmp
> /dev/da0p7                     -         -         -         - /usr
> /dev/gvinum/local       48721208  33111696  11711816       74% /usr/local
> /dev/gvinum/ports       97482872  47860184  41824064       54% /usr/ports
> /dev/gvinum/obj         40614392  31031528   6333720       84% /usr/obj 
> /dev/gvinum/pgsql       64975096  10500360  49276736       18% /usr/local/pgsql
> /dev/gvinum/nexus2      64975096  27488304  32288792       46% /var/nexus2
> /dev/gvinum/svn         16213432  10366472   4549888       70% /var/svn
> /dev/gvinum/osipovmi    60901560  43723800  12305640       79% /var/osipovmi
> /dev/gvinum/poudriere  129990648  74002720  45588680       62% /var/poudriere
> /dev/gvinum/compat             -         -         -         - /compat
> /dev/gvinum/bastille   162498424 117560736  31937816       79% /usr/local/bastille
as you can see two filesystems aren't proper and will not appear if the 
'-a'  is not used. Let's probe this filesystem.
> $ ./df -a -B 512 -P  -t ufs /dev/da0p7
> Dateisystem    512-Blöcke Benutzt Verfügbar Kapazität Eingehängt auf
> /dev/da0p7        8106616 1969752   5488336       27% /usr

Does not make sense to me. So I traced both calls with truss to see 
where GNU df(1) (the Linux executable) get's the data from.
I can see that both calls do:
> linux_open("/dev/da0p7",0x900,030270500)     = 3 (0x3)
> linux_newfstat(3,0x617140)           = 0 (0x0)
> close(3)                     = 0 (0x0)
> linux_open("/proc/self/mountinfo",0x80000,0666)  = 3 (0x3)
> linux_fcntl(0x3,0x3,0x0)             = 0 (0x0)
> linux_newfstat(3,0x7fffffffc6b0)         = 0 (0x0)
> linux_mmap2(0x0,0x1000,0x3,0x22,0xffffffffffffffff,0x0) = 34366255104 (0x800637000)
> read(3, ...

Now the value in the buffer for read() contains the following in *both* 
> 590926158 0 0:0 / / rw - ufs /dev/da0p2 rw
> 1895890801 0 0:0 / /dev rw - devfs devfs rw
> 699185331 0 0:0 / /tmp rw - ufs /dev/da0p4 rw
> 2391341225 0 0:0 / /var rw - ufs /dev/da0p5 rw
> 1704285867 0 0:0 / /var/tmp rw - ufs /dev/da0p6 rw
> 456922077 0 0:0 / /usr rw - ufs /dev/da0p7 rw
> 1493237592 0 0:0 / /dev/fd rw - fdescfs fdescfs rw
> 1037017996 0 0:0 / /usr/local rw - ufs /dev/gvinum/local rw
> 3473945877 0 0:0 / /usr/ports rw - ufs /dev/gvinum/ports rw
> 2770259572 0 0:0 / /usr/obj rw - ufs /dev/gvinum/obj rw
> 2912479969 0 0:0 / /usr/local/pgsql rw - ufs /dev/gvinum/pgsql rw
> 3422049217 0 0:0 / /var/nexus2 rw - ufs /dev/gvinum/nexus2 rw
> 3712243071 0 0:0 / /var/svn rw - ufs /dev/gvinum/svn rw
> 1709919602 0 0:0 / /var/osipovmi rw - ufs /dev/gvinum/osipovmi rw
> 2191125346 0 0:0 / /var/poudriere rw - ufs /dev/gvinum/poudriere rw
> 2575517705 0 0:0 / /compat rw - ufs /dev/gvinum/compat rw
> 829465671 0 0:0 / /usr/local/bastille rw - ufs /dev/gvinum/bastille rw
> 3036741558 0 0:0 / /proc rw - proc proc rw
> 2315321230 0

I assume that some code after parsing, likely matching does fail here to 
properly identify the filesystem?

Any idea why this happens, where to start digging or what to try?


Information forwarded to bug-coreutils <at>
bug#69873; Package coreutils. (Mon, 18 Mar 2024 19:41:02 GMT) Full text and rfc822 format available.

Message #8 received at 69873 <at> (full text, mbox):

From: "Osipov, Michael (IN IT IN)" <michael.osipov <at>>
To: 69873 <at>
Subject: Re: bug#69873: Acknowledgement (df(1) does not display all UFS
 mountpoints as valid on FreeBSD)
Date: Mon, 18 Mar 2024 20:16:45 +0100
I did some more investigation with stat(2). Running native on FreeBSD 
with Python os package 'st_dev':
> $ df  -t ufs | cut -f 6 -w | sed 1d | xargs -I% python ~/  %
> /: 108
> /tmp: 110
> /var: 111
> /var/tmp: 112
> /usr: 113
> /usr/local: 161
> /usr/ports: 142
> /usr/obj: 141
> /usr/local/pgsql: 140
> /var/nexus2: 162
> /var/svn: 163
> /var/osipovmi: 164
> /var/poudriere: 166
> /compat: 165
> /usr/local/bastille: 139

Now with a modified version of GNU df(1) compiled on Linux, running on 
> $ ./df -a -B 512 -P  -t ufs -T
> /: 108
> /tmp: 165
> /var: 165
> /var/tmp: 112
> /usr: 165
> /usr/local: 161
> /usr/ports: 142
> /usr/obj: 141
> /usr/local/pgsql: 140
> /var/nexus2: 162
> /var/svn: 163
> /var/osipovmi: 164
> /var/poudriere: 166
> /compat: 165
> /usr/local/bastille: 139

One can clearly see that the dev ids do not match. There seems to be a 
bug in the layer. I will investigate on FreeBSD 15 and report upstream. 
Let's pause this one for a moment.

Information forwarded to bug-coreutils <at>
bug#69873; Package coreutils. (Tue, 19 Mar 2024 08:51:02 GMT) Full text and rfc822 format available.

Message #11 received at 69873 <at> (full text, mbox):

From: "Osipov, Michael (IN IT IN)" <michael.osipov <at>>
To: 69873 <at>
Subject: Re: bug#69873: Acknowledgement (df(1) does not display all UFS
 mountpoints as valid on FreeBSD)
Date: Tue, 19 Mar 2024 09:49:18 +0100
I have now reported this upstream since I consider this to be a bug in 
the FreeBSD Linux compat layer:

This bug report was last modified 349 days ago.

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