GNU bug report logs - #72024
documentation suggestion: make old versions of docs easily available

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Package: coreutils;

Reported by: <mark.yagnatinsky <at>>

Date: Wed, 10 Jul 2024 02:20:02 UTC

Severity: normal

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Report forwarded to bug-coreutils <at>
bug#72024; Package coreutils. (Wed, 10 Jul 2024 02:20:02 GMT) Full text and rfc822 format available.

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New bug report received and forwarded. Copy sent to bug-coreutils <at> (Wed, 10 Jul 2024 02:20:02 GMT) Full text and rfc822 format available.

Message #5 received at submit <at> (full text, mbox):

From: <mark.yagnatinsky <at>>
To: <bug-coreutils <at>>
Subject: documentation suggestion: make old versions of docs easily available
Date: Tue, 9 Jul 2024 21:18:25 +0000
[Message part 1 (text/plain, inline)]
If go to the website of say, Perl or Python, and I see there's a cool function I want to use, then often there will be a note "new in version X.Y".
Then I know that if I need to support versions older than that, I can't use it, and otherwise I can.
If there is no such note, then I also have the option of easily pulling up old versions of the docs.
So I can quickly grab the docs for the oldest version I care about, and see if the function exists there.

Most GNU software (e.g., bash, coreutils, etc.) makes the latest version easily available on the website, but not older versions.
(The older versions are indeed available, but not require downloading and unzipping the full source distribution, or a similar level of annoyance.)
This is sometimes fine, since if I need to support some ancient version, then presumably I have access to at least one machine where that version is installed, and that machine will often have docs installed too.
But it's still nice to know whether I'm "skating close to the edge" or whether I'm using stuff that was already supported last century.

Just my two cents.

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[Message part 2 (text/html, inline)]

Information forwarded to bug-coreutils <at>
bug#72024; Package coreutils. (Wed, 10 Jul 2024 08:50:01 GMT) Full text and rfc822 format available.

Message #8 received at 72024 <at> (full text, mbox):

From: Pádraig Brady <P <at>>
To: mark.yagnatinsky <at>, 72024 <at>
Subject: Re: bug#72024: documentation suggestion: make old versions of docs
 easily available
Date: Wed, 10 Jul 2024 09:47:50 +0100
On 09/07/2024 22:18, mark.yagnatinsky--- via GNU coreutils Bug Reports wrote:
> If go to the website of say, Perl or Python, and I see there's a cool function I want to use, then often there will be a note "new in version X.Y".
> Then I know that if I need to support versions older than that, I can't use it, and otherwise I can.
> If there is no such note, then I also have the option of easily pulling up old versions of the docs.
> So I can quickly grab the docs for the oldest version I care about, and see if the function exists there.
> Most GNU software (e.g., bash, coreutils, etc.) makes the latest version easily available on the website, but not older versions.
> (The older versions are indeed available, but not require downloading and unzipping the full source distribution, or a similar level of annoyance.)
> This is sometimes fine, since if I need to support some ancient version, then presumably I have access to at least one machine where that version is installed, and that machine will often have docs installed too.
> But it's still nice to know whether I'm "skating close to the edge" or whether I'm using stuff that was already supported last century.
> Just my two cents.
> Mark.

This is a fair point.

Now there should be less interface churn from version to version,
than a larger API surface like python etc., but it's still a valid point.
Currently one way to glean this info would be from the NEWS file:
But that is awkward to search, and you're not sure did you miss
an item, or that it was always present.

Presenting this version info inline in the docs would be
too invasive I think, given it's not usually required,
but presenting versions to select would be a useful service.
Along the lines of the FreeBSD project for example:

Now the above is more useful as it's a complete distro,
which suggests it may be more appropriate for each distro
to provide complete versioned online man pages.
Debian does in fact do this with selectable distro versions:

Actually I now see a distro agnostic versioned man page repo,
which would be the most general way to determine portability constraints:


Information forwarded to bug-coreutils <at>
bug#72024; Package coreutils. (Wed, 10 Jul 2024 11:55:02 GMT) Full text and rfc822 format available.

Message #11 received at 72024 <at> (full text, mbox):

From: <mark.yagnatinsky <at>>
To: <P <at>>, <72024 <at>>
Subject: RE: bug#72024: documentation suggestion: make old versions of docs
 easily available
Date: Wed, 10 Jul 2024 11:53:35 +0000
Oh wow, is NICE ... I did not know about this!

-----Original Message-----
From: Pádraig Brady <pixelbeat <at>> On Behalf Of Pádraig Brady
Sent: Wednesday, July 10, 2024 4:48 AM
To: Yagnatinsky, Mark : IT (NYK) <mark.yagnatinsky <at>>; 72024 <at>
Subject: Re: bug#72024: documentation suggestion: make old versions of docs easily available

CAUTION: This email originated from outside our organisation - P <at> Do not click on links, open attachments, or respond unless you recognize the sender and can validate the content is safe.
On 09/07/2024 22:18, mark.yagnatinsky--- via GNU coreutils Bug Reports wrote:
> If go to the website of say, Perl or Python, and I see there's a cool function I want to use, then often there will be a note "new in version X.Y".
> Then I know that if I need to support versions older than that, I can't use it, and otherwise I can.
> If there is no such note, then I also have the option of easily pulling up old versions of the docs.
> So I can quickly grab the docs for the oldest version I care about, and see if the function exists there.
> Most GNU software (e.g., bash, coreutils, etc.) makes the latest version easily available on the website, but not older versions.
> (The older versions are indeed available, but not require downloading 
> and unzipping the full source distribution, or a similar level of annoyance.) This is sometimes fine, since if I need to support some ancient version, then presumably I have access to at least one machine where that version is installed, and that machine will often have docs installed too.
> But it's still nice to know whether I'm "skating close to the edge" or whether I'm using stuff that was already supported last century.
> Just my two cents.
> Mark.

This is a fair point.

Now there should be less interface churn from version to version, than a larger API surface like python etc., but it's still a valid point.
Currently one way to glean this info would be from the NEWS file:
But that is awkward to search, and you're not sure did you miss an item, or that it was always present.

Presenting this version info inline in the docs would be too invasive I think, given it's not usually required, but presenting versions to select would be a useful service.
Along the lines of the FreeBSD project for example:

Now the above is more useful as it's a complete distro, which suggests it may be more appropriate for each distro to provide complete versioned online man pages.
Debian does in fact do this with selectable distro versions:

Actually I now see a distro agnostic versioned man page repo, which would be the most general way to determine portability constraints:

This message is for information purposes only. It is not a recommendation, advice, offer or solicitation to buy or sell a product or service, nor an official confirmation of any transaction. It is directed at persons who are professionals and is intended for the recipient(s) only. It is not directed at retail customers. This message is subject to the terms at: 

For important disclosures, please see: regarding marketing commentary from Barclays Sales and/or Trading desks, who are active market participants; regarding our standard terms for Barclays Investment Bank where we trade with you in principal-to-principal wholesale markets transactions; and in respect to Barclays Research, including disclosures relating to specific issuers, see:
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This bug report was last modified 59 days ago.

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