Adns bug statistics

Graphs show open bugs, divided by severity. Bugs marked wontfix are excluded. Merged bugs are counted once.
CR = serious,grave,critical IM = important NO = normal MI = minor WI = wishlist

Past month

Adns bugs over the past month

Adns tagged bugs over the past month

Past year

Adns bugs over the past year

Adns tagged bugs over the past year

Past 5 years

Adns bugs over the past 5 years

Adns tagged bugs over the past 5 years

All bugs ever opened

In this graph, merged bugs are counted individually. All Adns bugs ever opened

Unique submitters

These graphs count the number of unique (based on email address) bug submitters. Unique Adns bug submitters

Histogram of unique Adns bug submitters

People closing bugs

This counts how many bugs have been closed by each unique person (again, based on email address). Chart of people closing Adns bugs